OLD VERSION Chapter 8: Anger unleashed

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As Kyle was walking back to Darren and Nate's tent, he had the very distinct and unpleasant sensation of being watched. Of course, since the One Eye's declaration at the Mating Ceremony, people were constantly saying shit behind his back, but that was not anything out of the ordinary and Kyle was used to that kind of behaviour. However, since the last few days, he had felt as if he was being stalked and, as a werewolf, he had learned to trust his guts. But there was nothing he could do yet, and he certainly wasn't going to tell his mates about it. Alex was out of limits too, the guy might be quite understanding but he already knew too much about Kyle's secrets and insecurities.

As he neared his mates' tent, he heard his name being prononced several times in a row. It sounded like Darren and Nate were arguing about him, Something Kyle found quite puzzling: usually, they agreed that Kyle was brutal, reckless, and so tightly closed he probably had several skeletons in his never-ending closet. They would never argue over him. So, what did Kyle do? He was half human, after all, so he stood in silence and tried to hear what was being said.

" Of course you would said that... Don't trust this Alex guy.... up to know good". That was Nate.

"Yes, but listen... all alone.... Something wrong with Kyle. I want to know..." Darren suddenly fell silent then asked out loud:

"Kyle? You can come now, don't just stay outside the tent and come in already"

Somewhat ashamed to be caught eavesdropping like a naughty child, Kyle quickly entered the tent, doing his best to keep his nonchalent act up, but Nate saw right into it:

"Nobody told you it's bad to eavesdropp? We were having a serious talk between grown-up people"

Before Kyle had time to come back with a snarky retort on how he seriously doubted Nate could be considered as an adulte in a foreseeable future, Darren prevented any argument between the two by asking with a stern voice:

"Where have you been, Kyle?"

"What, so now I need to tell you what I am doing all the time? How old do you think I am, twelve?

Kyle did not know why he was talking back with so blatant disrespect to his mate. After all, Darren hasn't done anything to him. Yet. Surprisingly enough, Darren asked him again with a neutral voice, as if he had not heard Kyle the first time.

"Where have you been?"

"It's none of your goddamn business"

At his words, Nate gasped behind him. True, Kyle never shown too much respect for hierarchy but he was never one to talk back and discuss orders. Darren narrowed his eyes, watching Kyle closely and Kyle suddenly felt like the tent was getting smaller. Sometimes, it seems like his mates were getting better at reading his expressions, that they were seeing right through the facade and it scared Kyle. It scared him a lot. He turned his head on the left and his eyes fell on the chair, where Nate was sitting and currently watching the scene with a worried expression on his face.

"I am your mate, of course I want to know what you're doing" Darren eventually said, his voice surprisingly uneven. However, Kyle did not perceive Darren's attempt to lighten the atmosphere and replied with as much aggressivity as he could muster:

"Oh, so I'm your mate, now? Wow, I was not really sure about it. No doubt you two are pretty good at hiding your affection"

"Kyle" Darren continued in a warning tone " Not only I am your mate, I am also an Alpha and when I ask something, I want a straight answer"

"You want a straight answer. Fine, I was with Alex. We were talking about sunshines, rainbows, and assholes mates "

Nate was now growling loudly, as if readying himself to attack. Darren, however, sushed him and beckoned him to come closer. Without removing his eyes from Kyle, Nate sat at Darren's side and put his head on his mate's shoulder. Had Nate fully completed his shift, he would have probably attacked Kyle.

"You look very angry, Kyle" Darren noted with a calm expression.

And Lord was Kyle angry. He could not even explain why. After all, Nate being an asshole was not anything out of the ordinary and he knew his mates had plenty of good reasons to be weary of him. Yet, even knowing that, his anger was growing by seconds and Kyle could feel himself starting to shake.

When Kyle did not look like he was about to talk any time soon, Darren cautiously continued:

"We actually wanted to talk to you about your future mission. You're not going alone with Alex and Noura. I am going with you".

"What?" Kyle exploded. " Why are you going with me? Is it because you don't trust me, even though I have been obediently following your orders like a lapdog for years? You should let me go alone and stay home with your idiotic mate, before someone else tries to rape this sorry excuse of a man"

As soon as they left his mouth, Kyle regretted his words. There was no turning back, though, and he waited in silence for the attack to come. He was not sure his mates would spare him this time.

Nate's POV

As soon as Kyle had yelled those hurtful words, Nate immediately felt Darren's hand on his shoulder, squeezing it in a comforting gesture. Are you okay? Darren silently asked him through their link. When Nate gave him a slight nod, he felt Darren relaxing a bit, though his hand never left his shoulder. Minutes went by, and Nate could feel his anxiety growing. Sure, he was mad at Kyle but he did not want Darren to lose his temper and do things he would regret later.

He gave a quick look at his mate and was surprised to find the Alpha looking quite pensive. Sure, he could also feel his well-justified anger, but at least the Alpha did not look murderous. Kyle was not looking at them, though. His arms were crossed against his chest and he was nervously scraping his right arm, probably unaware of the defensive vibes he was emetting. Despite his hurt, Nate hated how vulnerable Kyle suddenly looked, and wondered if Darren was thinking the same thing. However, he would never have expected in a million years what happened next.


Kyle jerked, but did not raise his head to look at his mates.

"Kyle" Darren ordered again, and he was using his Alpha tone. "Look. at. me. NOW".

Nate was quite shocked, as he had never heard Darren talk to someone with so much authority and he expected Kyle, being quite proud and manly, to snap back. However, to his surprise, Kyle raised his head and looked at them with a shy expression.

Shyness suits him, Nate thought. Too bad he is a Dominant.

"Kyle, I want you to strip and climb up on the bed"

Kyle looked at him with a puzzled expression so Darren continued, with a soft but nonetheless stern voice:

"I am going to spank you". 

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