Chapter 23: Little acts of bravery

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"Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free."
― Jim Morrison

Third person perspective

"I agree with you, little one. He is the most beautiful wolf I've ever seen, too." Nate easily agreed with Milena.

Kyle turned to look at the Beta and the latter smiled at him, petting Kyle's head as if he was an overgrown pet and not a dangerous-looking werewolf.

Good thing Kyle was currently in my wolf's form, for surely his face would have been as red as a cherry right now.

"What are you doing here, though?" Nate continued, his voice turning more severe. "You shouldn't be walking around on your own."

Nate was absolutely right on that. What on Earth was Adrien thinking, bringing a child to an enemy's pack? Worse, he did not even seem to be actively supervising his daughter, as she was wandering around without a care in the world - she probably did not even realize that there was a war going on, and who could blame her? She was just a child, albeit a very clever one. Good thing she had come to their tent first, because others could have tried to use her as a mean to get to her father.

However, there was no way Kyle would ever harm a child, and he knew his mates were the same. To the three werewolves, being at war did not mean that everything was suddenly allowed. How could you consider yourself victorious if, in order to win, you had to go against your most deeply-rooted principles and values? That might seem idealistic, but that was their philosophy.

"I am just looking for my friend" Milena explained, suddenly looking bashful, probably because she was a bit intimidated by Nate's severe posture. "The others are all talking about boring things."

Nate's expression softened at her words, and he kneeled, in order to be at the same level as her.

"I understand, but you are too young to be left alone."

Milena looked like she was about to disagree with this statement, so Nate continued: "Why don't you come with me to the pups' tent? There are plenty of nice kids who would love to be your friend!"

Milena's eyes lighted up at Nate's suggestion, but then she hesitated, looking a bit insecure. She started playing with her hazel hair, twisting her braids around her fingers as Kyle's mate patiently waited for her to express herself.

"I already have a friend." she eventually declared. "He is very lonely. I can't leave him alone."

Nate's eyes were on Kyle for a short moment as he took a shaky breath, his hand gently running through the werewolf's white fur. Milena looked at him curiously, making the Beta realize he had been silent for a bit too long. After casting one last look to his mate, Nate cleared his throat and replied:

"You can have more than one friend, little g- what is your name?"


"You can have several friends, Milena. Actually, I am sure that this friend of yours would want you to make new friendships. He is not here right now, so why don't we go play with the other pups, and wait for him to come back?"

He held out his hand to her, but she did not immediately take it, making him frown with concern. Kyle observed the scene with great interest and a newfound admiration. He should have known it already, but his mate was awesome with kids. Kind, patient and attentive. He would make a great dad. Actually, both him and Darren would make good fathers.

Sadly, the same thing couldn't be said about Kyle. He wasn't even able to take care of himself properly, let alone others.

"What if the other pups don't like me?" the little girl asked with a small voice. "I have never had any friends. Kyle was the first. I don't know how to make friends"

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