Chapter 24: Emotions in motion (Part II)

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"The opposite of Loneliness is not Togetherness, it's Intimacy"
― Richard Bach

Third person perspective

"Can you give me orders? Please."

Had he really gone mad and say that aloud? How shameless. 

However, Kyle couldn't find it in himself to feel embarrassed. Not when his mates were looking at him with burning eyes, as if his words had just ignited a fire in them. 

In times like these, Kyle was being remembered that he was mated, not just to one, but to two Dominant werewolves. True, Nate's instincts might not be as strong as Darren's, but giving commands to his loved ones and taking care of them was what made feel the other Beta truly accomplished. The two men had similar impulses, but they hadn't been able to completely fulfill their needs. Until now. 

Because now things were different, with Kyle's additional presence. 

I'm important, too.

He blinked a few times in a row, before looking up at Nate, who was leaning over him, his slim body still perfectly playing the role of a shield and a blanket - and soon, a mean of pleasure. 

The physical pleasure Kyle had already experienced with his mates on various occasions had little to do with their bodies, though. Sure, he wasn't blind to the fact that they were both insanely attractive, in their own ways. But most of the pleasure was linked to the mental connection he felt with them. It was the unrivalled satisfaction of getting close to the ones he loved, both physically and mentally. 

"Do you want us to give you orders, sweetheart?" Nate murmured in his ear. 

Instead of giving his mate a verbal answer, Kyle just nodded in approbation, but this time, Darren was too transfigured in what was happening to punish him by a light slap on the thigh. 

Oh, nevermind. There will be other occasions for me to be spanked.

What the hell? Did I really just think that?

"Not just Darren, then? You want me to give you orders, too?" the Beta continued, a hint of vulnerability bleeding into his voice.

Kyle leaned forward, his arms closing around his anxious mate. "Of course I do, silly." he murmured. "I want you to show me again, with your words and bodies, that it's okay to - to be a Submissive. I just want to be with you both. Always."

This was too much. Being this opened with other persons... What if he got hurt once they were done - by them leaving without giving him a second glance? Goddess, he didn't want to even think of what would be left of him, then. He couldn't -

"Shhh, don't lock yourself inside your own head again, pup. We're here, and we've got you." Darren murmured, as he embraced Kyle from behind, so that the man was now sitting between his two mates, with his back glued to Darren's chest and his head snugged under Nate's chin. 

The cuddling time lasted for a good moment, until Kyle's dick came back to life, reminding them it was time to move things forwards and making Nate chuckle, while Kyle started to blush. 

"Alright, Nate. Wanna go first?" Darren asked, giving his slender mate a peck on the forehead.

Kyle didn't have time to ask what Darren meant, that he had an answer to his unvoiced question. Nate looked at him with a bit of hesitation, before a new resolution hardened the expression on his face. He gripped the Submissive's chin with his thumb and forefinger, forcing him to look up at him. 

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