OLD VERSION Chapter 17: I want to be loved

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"There is a crack in everything/ That's how the light gets in" (Leonard Cohen, Anthem)

***** SMUT ALERT ******


Darren had been bandaging Kyle's ankle for a few minutes now, but Kyle still hadn't uttered a word. I was getting frustrated, even though Darren had told me countless times in the past that impatience would  get me nowhere, even more so when Kyle was involved. I knew very well that just because he was a submissive, did not mean that Kyle would do anything he did not want to do in the first place. Watching Darren more intently, I knew he was thinking about the same thing: how do we get our mate to talk to us? 

I could hardly belived that the three of us had been cuddling a few minutes ago. It had felt so right, but soon after that Kyle had completely closed off and there was no way I would let him return to the safety of his shell - which was more like a jail, if you ask me. I knew him well enough to feel his anxiety, his sorrow and, above all, his shame. That did not fit quite right with me: I did not want him to be ashamed of himself. I did not care that he was a Sub, it would not change anything on a daily basis, and maybe it would make things even hotter in bed. At this thought, a very naughty plan came up in my mind. 

"You can't be serious" Darren mentally groaned.

"Think about it. We have to prove him that we will always love him no matter what. Words are not enough for Kyle"

"Aren't you just making up excuses for doing the naughty?"

I chuckled. Wow, Darren. So perspective. "That, too"

"Alright, I am in"

"Not yet, but soon" I replied before cutting off our link. Darren rolled his eyes at that, then raised his head toward Kyle. "Kyle dear", he began, "I need to have a proper look at your back now, but I am getting tired and I don't want to stand up any longer. Just sit down on my lap while I take a look at your back"

"My back is fine" Kyle grumbled. 

"Let me be the judge of that. After all, I had you pinned down on the ground" Darren retorted firmly. 

Kyle sighed but then, as he realised there was no way out, he begrudgingly sat on Darren's lap, immediately blushing when I looked at him with a teasing smile. 

"Don't say a thing" he warned, as Darren started slowly removing his shirt, in case Kyle was really injured. 

"Oh, I wasn't planning to" I assured him, while kneeling down in front of them so that my head was at Kyle's crotch level. 

"What are you doing?" he asked nervously, as I put my hand on his muscular thigh. 

"Me? Nothing!" I replied innocently. "I am not sure I belive y... aaargh" he suddenly moaned, making my cock twitch. "Darren" he whined. "My back is fine". "I know that, but now I have to check on your perky nipples, too" Darren replied, making me look up. 

And what a sight it was indeed! Kyle was still in Darren's laps and his head was now resting on my mate's shoulder, while Darren was playing with both his nipples. "Let me go" he ordered weakly, making Darren laugh "Baby, I am not holding you back. You can go now if you want to". Kyle opened his eyes and, realising Darren was saying the truth,  turned even redder. "Motherfucker" he mumbled, still making no move to escape. 

Darren nipped at Kyle's earlobe, making Kyle realese a very undignified squeal. " You might want to be polite with the one who is about to ravish you" he warned and Kyle did not even protest, to my utter delight. Wait, what? Who is about to ravish who? Time to take charge, I decided, getting closer to my mates. 

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