Chapter 17: A stranger called Benoît

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"Of all the people I have ever known you are the only one I don't know."

― William Henry Hudson

Third person POV


He had been so focused on his own reflection in the water, that he hadn't sensed them coming until it was too late.

His mates were standing a few feet away from him. They were still in their human form, arms crossed over their chests, a reserved expression on their faces. They had managed to find him. It didn't matter how. He should have been more cautious. He shouldn't have remained so close to where their pack was staying. It was his fault for being so weak-minded. He hadn't been able to cope with the prospect of putting too much kilometers between them.

And now all was lost. Worse, even knowing that, there was a tiny part in his mind that was howling with joy, just because he was seeing them again. He had missed them so much.

The three of them remained silent for a few seconds, which felt like an eternity to Kyle. What were his mates thinking? Were they disgusted by his new apperance, and thinking of a way to reject him? Eventually, as the atmosphere became slightly suffocating to him, Kyle opened his mouth to say something, maybe to apologize, but Nate beat him to it.

"Who are you, werewolf?"

Oh. So they hadn't recognized him yet. That made sense. They knew him as a brown wolf, when he was now entirely white. Plus, even if their effects were wearing off, he had been taking smell inhibitors for days. He might still have a chance to keep his secret, then. As long as he didn't let them get too close...

"Well? What's your answer? That's not such a hard question, is it?" Nate added impatiently, while Darren remained weirdly silent, his piercing eyes never leaving Kyle.

"It kind of is" Kyle retorted with a mocking smile. "I mean, I think that in the end we all remain strangers to ourselves. Self-knowledge doesn't come easily, you know."

Nate narrowed his eyes, obviously not liking Kyle's answer. Where had his sense of humor gone?

"So, I'm afraid I can't reply to your question, for I don't know who I am. I'm sorry." Kyle concluded, making the other Beta growl and attempt to take a step in his direction, only to be stopped by Darren, who simply put a hand on his chest.

Nate and Darren looked at each other for a while, and Kyle knew that they were talking through their mind-bond. Stupid mind-bond, he thought with a hint of bitterness. He couldn't use telepathy with them, because he hadn't completed the mating through sexual intercourse.

The mental exchange lasted for several minutes.Then, as Kyle was starting to consider fleeing discreetly, Nate raised his arms in defeat and took a few steps back, leaving the field clear for his Alpha. Kyle swallowed, before raising his chin defiantly. This wasn't good. Darren was particularly perceptive. He had to tried to keep this conversation as short as possible.

"My name is Benoît" he hurriedly said, before the other man could say anything. " I-I have french origins. I - uh, didn't mean to be disrespectful to your mate."

Darren raised his brows, looking even more suspicious than before, if that was even possible.

"Benoît", he repeated  slowly. "How do you know Nate and I are mates?"

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