Chapter 5: To escape from myself

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"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality."
― Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House

NB: Back to Kyle's POV

TW: Suicidal thoughts, idealization of suicide

Eventually, Kyle had to stop in his tracks. Running was a marvelous activity to him, in the sense that when he ran, his mind fell silent. It was indeed a marvelous feeling, the only good one he had experienced in the last few years.

Sad thing was, at one point or another, his body always told him he had to stop. Thus, his physical limits were reached, long before his mental ones. It left a sour taste in his mouth; his temporary relief overran by an all-too familiar frustration. 

His stupid, weak body always seemed to escape his control, one way or another. No matter how hard he trained, physical exhaustion eventually caught up with him. 

Of course, the root of the problem, as his uncle had often reminded him, was his Submissive Nature. He could train how hard he wanted, to the point of being admired by all for his strength and technical abilities, he could never become as strong as Darren, for example. 

Speaking of which...

Kyle stiffened when a hint of a familiar smell reached his nostrils. Darren. The Alpha of the Ravenstgh pack wasn't here yet, but he would be soon. 

Was he coming here to kill him? For what other reason would Darren have followed him into the forest?

He should have run faster, push his body harder...

No. It didn't matter, in the end. If Darren wanted to kill him, so be it. No doubt it would be a painful moment, but the moment would pass, and should bring him eternal quietness. 

I'm so tired. I've been tired for so many years. 

I just want to escape myself. 

Thinking that, exhausted or not, he couldn't look this pitiful in front of his leader, the wolf stood up tiredly from his sitting position. He raised his head, readying himself for what was coming his way.

He didn't have to wait for long. A mere minutes later, a wolf of imposing size, with black fur, emerged from behind a pine tree.

How can he be so fast? It's unfair. It really is. 

The two wolves stood in silence for a few minutes, unmoving, neither of them willing to lower their gazes or to back off even so slightly.

"Shift" eventually declared Darren. 

Why should he shift? Was it because Darren wanted Kyle to be in his human form, when he killed him? Why did it even matter?

"SHIFT", Darren repeated, and this time, the word had been a command. 

Kyle shivered, and much to his dismay, his body immediately complied, although his mind wasn't pleased.

The first thing he did, once he was back in his human form, was to pull on the extra-large shirt he always carried with him, when he went for a run. 

Feeling a bit better with the thin material covering his body, he turned to find Darren had shifted, too, and was standing in front of him, in his naked gloriousness. 

Most werewolves weren't shy about their bodies, to say the least. It was hard to be, when you kept shifting from one form to another, and thus spent a good amount of time naked among your peers. 

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