OLD VERSION Chapter 2: The Lost Pup

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"When did we stop wanting to play and started becoming those kids standing on the sidelines?"

After a good hour of running, Kyle got close to his favorite place, a tiny spot in a cave behind a cascade. However, as he started swimming, he felt something, or rather, someone, and for half a second he thought about going back to the camp. Not now. None came here for years and today, when he really needed to be left alone, there was an intruder in his secret place. Now, friend of fiend? It did not matter, though. There were only one kind of wolves: fiends.

As he carefully went under the cascade, he heard little whimpers, which eased his heart a bit: surely, no big bad dominant alpha wolf would cry like that? The cave was a bit dark but he still could make out the tiny figure, crouched on the ground. The white pup was a girl and a very young one at that, she probably hadn't even learned to shift yet. She looked lost. He sighed, unsure about what to do, and started going back toward the water, when the girl started crying louder, calling out hysterically for her mother.

"Mummy, mummy mummy, mummy".

Kyle frowned, slightly taken aback. It was pretty obvious that her mother was nowhere to be seen. Did this whining pup really think sitting there and doing nothing would help her to find her pack sooner?

"Your mum's probably not far from here, pup. Where are you from?"

"The Downhill pack, sir".

Crap. Of course, it had to be the pack they were currently at war with.

"Okay, I will walk you to the river. Will you be able to find your home from that point?"

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. What pack are you in, sir?

"Midtown". He lied. "And stop with the 'Sir' already. I am not ancient".

She nodded, looking unconcerned and he guessed she was too young to feel hate for the enemies of her pack.

"Ok, let's go, warrior girl. I'm sure your pack is worried sick."

" What about you? I am sure your mum and dad are worried about you, too"

He let out a humorless laugh. "Yeah, no. Come on, let's go".

They walked through the forest. The girl would not stop her incessant babbling and even though walking this close to the enemies lines made him nervous , he could not bring himself to tell her to shut up. From time to time he even found himself answering her questions. They eventually arrived at the river. Guessing she was not a good swimmer yet, he put her on his shoulders and she started laughing and nuzzling his ears with delight.

"Can you come with me, sir? I want you to meet mum and dad"

"What did you call me? And no, I don't think that's a fantastic idea"

"Sorry, but I don't know your name. My name is Milena".

"Alright, Milena. Nice to meet you. My name is Casper".

She burst into laugher "You're lying". She wiped the tears off her eyes then looked at him with a more serious expression "That's alright, you don't have to tell me. I will call you Marshmallow".

"What the f... sorry, what?"

"Yes, because you look dangerous but I know you are a big softie. That's just because you don't want people to know how sad you are. My mum told me the same thing about dad".

Kyle looked at her for a while, then said with a quivering voice:

"My name is Kyle".

"Nice to meet you, Kyle. Did you know Casper is a ghost from a cartoon for children?"

"Oh, really? "

"Don't lie to me, Kyle", she ordered, all confident and bossy now.

"Okay, I knew it".

She nodded gravely, then gave him a quick hug and said with her singing voice

"Don't worry. Someone will see you soon. Everything is gonna be different. That's what mummy keeps telling me when I don't want to go to school, because nobody likes me there.

"I am sure it is not true. You're too lovely not to be liked by everyone".

"What about you, Kyle? Do you have friends at your school"

"Well, I Don't exactly go to school but no, I don't have any friends".

She nodded sadly but then gave him a bright smile and said happily "But today, you and I made a new friend. I will Always be your friend, marshmallow!"

With that, she started running through the woods and towards her pack. Suddenly, he realized he did not ask her how comes she ended up all alone in a small cave, so far from her home.

Okay, he thought. Now, time to go back for training with the others. Oh, joy.

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