Chapter 12: The Violet Pills

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"Some people are in such utter darkness that they will burn you just to see a light."
― Kamand Kojouri


"If the Brindesey pack accept to be our ally, then the war will probably stop, Alpha."

"I agree. Adrien isn't stupid. He won't pursue a fight he has no chance to win."

Some said that the end of the war between the Ravenstgh pack and the Downhill pack was only a matter of days, weeks at most. There were hardly any battles on the field, it was more a matter of who would get which part of which territory.

Darren was also optimistic about the end of the war, he just hoped it would come soon. Negociating was a delicate and exhausting undertaking. One wrong word, and hostilities could be reignited.

As an Alpha, his main goal was to protect his pack and warriors. That was why Darren had never behaved like a conqueror.

Greed lead to combat, combat meant bloodshed.

Unfortunately, the same could not be told about Adrien, the leader of the Downhill pack. The latter seemed to be bored in peace time, and regularly provoked other packs leaders by claiming territories over which he had no right.

"Are you okay, Alpha?"

He turned to look at Noura, a Beta and very skilled and reliable warrior, who was in charge of training the younger wolves. She bit her lower lip nervously, but spoke up her mind:

"You look a bit distracted. Are you - uh, worry about your mate?"

He nodded, rubbing his tired eyes. Noura hesitated a bit longer, before putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"How is he?"

"A bit better. He woke up a few times, but only for a couple of seconds. Nate said his life isn't in danger."

Nate was an amazing healer. He had spent hours taking care of Kyle, preparing potions and concoctions to prevent his mate's wounds from getting infected, and to lower his fever. Even after Kyle's state had started to stabilize, he had insisted to stay by his side. He and Nate had taken turns to watch over him, although Darren had wanted Nate to rest longer. There was no convincing the stubborn Beta, though.

"Well, that's good news, right?"

"Of course"

"Then why do you wear such a guilty expression?"

He sighed, but did not tell Noura off. Not only was she an excellent warrior, but she also was one of the only members in the pack that Darren felt he could confine in.

"I failed to protect my mate."

"You did what you thought was best. Plus, he is a warrior, Alpha. He's bound to be hurt, more than once." the woman retorted in a stern voice.

It was true that he had done what he had thought was best. Fleeing in opposite directions to escape the Hunters had been Kyle's idea, an idea that made sense since the Beta was incredibly fast. However, as he was running Darren had quickly sensed that something was wrong. He had came back as soon as he could with an injured limb, only to find Kyle completely passed out on the ground and surrounded by the Hunters. They had worn pleased expressions on their faces, looking down at him with the obvious intent to kill him in a painful way.

Darren had seen red at the sight. Theoretically, he shouldn't have been able to take all those Hunters down, especially not in his condition. However, he had been so enraged that it had been an easy business. The men were dead now, and he didn't feel the slightest guilt about it. It was good that Kyle hadn't been awake to see this, though. Death was never a pretty sight, even for someone who witnessed it regularly.

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