OLD VERSION Bonus Chapter

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"To know the value of generosity, it is necessary to have suffered from the cold indifference of others" (Eugène Cloutier)


It was getting harder and harder to focus on the game, and I was going to lose. Against Darren. Because of Kyle, who could not stand not being the center of our attention for even a fraction of second. How the guy could turn from a robotic warrior to a needy pup as soon as we were back to the intimacy of our tent was beyond my understanding. Usually I loved it, but at times like this, when my honour was at stake, I found his behaviour slightly annoying. I mean, I was LOSING. Against Darren, who was as good at chess as an infant trying to cook gratin dauphinois.

"I'm not that bad at chess, and you're not that good either. Stop being so big-headed" he mumbled.


"You said that aloud, idiot".

Oops. Well, at least Darren wasn't looking so smug anymore. After all, nothing was lost yet. I could still wi-


"Okay, okay, I got it. You did not have to yell in my ears like that, Darren"

"And you did not have to throw the chessboard on the ground just because you lost, Nate. How mature of you, really"

"Could you please stop throwing tantrums like four years old little boys, both of you?"

"What??" Darren and I exclaimed in unison.

"You're the one to talk" I added.

"What do you mean?" Kyle retorted, suddenly on the defensive.

"Exactly what I said. I wouldn't have lost if it weren't for you whining in my ears, constantly playing with my hair and trying to catch my attention like a newborn - "

Of course, he would try to leave after what I said. Old habits die hard, and Kyle was always very keen on running away at the least vexation, especially when we where talking about things related to his submissive behaviour. I found his submissive side very endearing, but Kyle still had troubles coming to terms with that part of himself. If you listened to him, he wasn't a Submissive. Not even when he was shamelessly begging to be stuffed by Darren or I, tears glistening in his beautiful eyes. Oh, great, now I was getting hard. Perfect timing, Nate.

I purposely yawned, as Kyle made a move to get on his feet, making him even angrier. I knew I did not even have to physically prevent Kyle from leaving the tent, because Darren would find the right words. We knew exactly what to say to stop him from hiding from us. Years of experience.

"Kyle, love" he began sweetly. "I swear if I have to go and look for you for hours in the forest like last time, I'm gonna spank you so hard that Nate will need to apply a whole tube of aloe vera on your sorry bottom"

"Don't tell him that" I teased. "He loves being spanked so much I think he is now about to run away just to received his spanking"

"I don't like it!" Kyle immediately retorted, his ears becoming a nice shade of red.

"What is it that you don't like?" I asked innocently.

"You know what I mean, you moron. Being spanked. I hate it! There's no way I would enjoy such a degrading thing. I'm not that kind of person"

"Good. I suppose you're not going to leave, then?" I smiled triumphantly.

He pouted "No, I'm not". Then he started fidgetting, sitting on the further edge of the bed, surprising us both: Kyle would always do that when he was about to share something about himself - which obviously did not happen very often. I wisely shut my mouth and after a brief exchange of glances with Darren, we patiently waited for our mate to talk.

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