OLD VERSION Chapter 16: The white wolf

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Darren's POV

Nate heard it before I did. It was a low, broken growl but it did sound a lot like Kyle's. Without further ado, we started running faster and faster towards the source of the cry. We thought we had finally found our mate, but when we reached the clearing, there was nobody to be seen. 

"There is someone nearby" Nate insisted. "Use your muzzle properly, mate of mine".

I sniffed the air "I think you're right. We better be careful, though. Maybe the person here is the one who hurt Kyle"

He smirked in response. "You're lucky to have me with you. I am much more perceiptive than you are". Then he frowned again, suddenly serious "I am not afraid of the motherfucker who dared harming our mate. I swear, if I get my hand on them I will make them paid"

I was about to retort something snarky, but that's when I saw it. I caught a glimpse of a white fur trying to leave the clearing discretely. I guess it wasn't my business who this wolf was and why he did not want to talk to us but why would he try to leave the forest unseen? Clearly, he had a guilty conscience. Maybe he knew something or he was involved with Kyle's disappearance. One way or another, we had to find out.

"Nate" I urged him through our mental link. "Can you see him?"

"Who?" he asked, clearly confused. I snorted "I thought you were more perceptive than I am? Nevermind - there's a wolf with some white on his fur. He is trying to remain unseen. We have have to find a way to corner him"

"But why? Kyle's fur is a deep brown, and if this wolf has some white in his fur, then he is a submissive. This must be the reason why he is avoiding us: Subs tend to be quite shy. We better leave him alone". 

"No" I snapped, annoyed by my mate's disobedience. "I have a feeling he might know something. 

"Ok, ok" Nate sighed. "I hope you're right, though. I hate attacking weaker beings". 

Turned out he was very wrong: this white wolf was surprisingly strong. At first, I had let Nate attacked him alone, because my mate needed some training and there was no way he would loose against a Sub. This also gave me the opportunity to better observe our opponent. He was incredibly beautiful, I had to give him that. He was entirely white, which was pretty uncommon nowadays, and he was also quite tall for a submissive. Probably as tall as Nate, which meant he was only slightly smaller than me. I did notice three very strange things about him:  number one - he did not smell anything, which was impossible, because every wolf had a very distinct smell. This could only mean one thing: for some reason, this wolf was trying to hide his own smell. It made him even more suspicious in my opinion. Number two, and that was the reason why I was not attacking him yet: he was not seriously trying to  hurt Nate. In fact, neither of them were being very agressive, they were just trying to pin the other but so far, none of them had succceded. Number three, and I was slightly disappointed at my mate for being so blind sometimes: this wolf was slightly limping. His right ankle looked a bit swollen. Had Nate noticed it, he would have won within minutes. 

"Darren" Nate whined through our mental link. "I am getting tired"

I smiled at my mate. "Leave it to me, babe"

Kyle's POV

I froze when Darren suddenly appeared in front of me. I was getting tired and he knew it, as he smirked at me with a triumphant expression. I was still hurting and I had already fought against Nate  but those were not the only reasons why I was quickly weakening. I knew what the main reason was: it was not natural for a Sub to be fighting Dominants, and my wolf was not really giving his best. In addition, there was the fact that these Dominants were my mates . Never in a billion years would I seriously hurt them, I would rather die from their own hands - which could very well happen, if Darren's angry stance was anything to go by. 

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