OLD VERSION Chapter 5: Restless

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So far, Kyle had won all of his fights. He had been training since 5 am, he actually started two hours before everyone else, something nobody needed to know. Alex had once caught him at the training area at dawn, and had threatened to tell everything to the Alpha. In the end, though, he had been forced to backtrack when Kyle had given him one of his famous death glare.

So far so good, he thought. I just have to not fùck up for my last fight.

It was not going to be easy, though. He was now supposed to fight against Nate, and even though Kyle was the strongest of the two, he was exhausted by all these weeks of intense training. Not to mention, he barely got any sleep. It was nearly impossible to find the inner peace which would have allowed him to fall asleep, not when he was sharing a tent with Darren and Nate. He was always so tense, ever ready to run for his life.True, as the weeks went by, his mates' intense disliking for him has gradually morphed into polite indifference. A real progress, though it was not enough to satisfy his wolf, who was desperate to bond with his mates. But what about Kyle? Was Kyle mentally ready to have sexual intercourse with his former best friends and share a deep, intimate connexion with them? Nope, definitely not ready. And he was positive they would be disgusted at the mere thought of sharing a bed with him, anyway.

Come on, Kyle. Stop whining, you have a fight to win. This is Nate, remember, your childhood friend who used to be so scrawny and delicate. He has obviously bulked up a lot but you can still take him. Darren is supervising the fight, can you imagine, he has been watching you fight since this morning! This is the perfect opportunity to impress your mates.

Everyone was watching the two warriors as they started to slowly walked toward each other. They were in their wolf form, Nate an elegant, very fit grey wolf while Kyle was slightly taller, his dark brown fur no less magnificient.

Suddenly, Nate jumped on him and Kyle had barely the time to avoid being thrown on the muddy ground at the very start of the fight. Now this would have been humiliating. The grey wolf in front of him look quite pleased with himself, an almost teasing expression on his face. Challenge accepted, Kyle thought.

Even though it was supposed to be a friendly training, there was nothing friendly in the way they kept biting, clawing and pushing each other around. Actually, Kyle was pretty impressed with Nate's fighting skills: he was probably the third best warrior of the pack, after Darren and himself. He eventually managed to pin Nate on the ground, his teeth gently sinking into his mate's neck. Nate kept struggling for a while, before finally admitting his defeat by throwing his head back, a well-known sign of submission. It was fortunate: had they stayed longer in this position, Kyle would have definitely lost his shit. It was getting harder and harder to control the pull he felt towards his mates. This was the never-ending lust his uncle had warned him about. "Desire", had said. "Desire can turn any glorious and respected wolf into a mindless pig".

As he looked up in Darren direction, he realized the alpha had left. Did he actually want Kyle to lose the fight against Nate? Was he mad at him? Did he even stay and watch them fight until the end? He probably did, though: Kyle highly doubted the alpha trusted him enough to let him fight Nate unsupervised, though Nate would always complained when Darren started babysitting him. Darren was overly protective of the ones he loved, while Nate looked calmer and sometimes even distant, but Kyle knew for a fact he would never hesitate to kill anyone who could be a threat to his mate. They were very lucky to have each other. Very lucky Indeed.

As he slowly made his way toward the forest, Kyle felt the slight headache that had been killing him for days slowly coming back. He tripped and nearly fell, but suddenly a hand grabbed his arm and prevented him to kiss the ground. He quickly removed the hand out of his arm and turned around to face the intruder.

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