Chapter 22: The Most Beautiful Wolf

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"Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you'll be criticized anyway."
― Eleanor Roosevelt


I couldn't lie to myself, and pretend that Kyle was doing well these days, when it was obvious to Darren and I that he wasn't. Since we had returned from the cavern, he had done all he could to prevent the other pack members from discovering the truth about his Subgender, exhausting himself even more in the process.

The thing was, they would find out, sooner or later. I also honestly believed that they would not react badly to the news - Darren had always punished discriminative behaviours very harshly, and the few Subs our pack had were well integrated. Yet again, it wasn't my decision to make. Kyle would reveal the truth to the others whenever he felt ready.

"Where's Darren?"

I turned to look at my mate, who was taking energic strides in my direction. However, no matter how fast he was walking, or how confident he tried to appear, his face betrayed his tiredness, puffy eyes revealing that once again, he had barely slept at night.

"How did you sleep?"

"How do you think I've slept, Nate?" he asked back, rather harshly.

I sighed, willing myself to remain calm in order not to let it turn into an argument. It was easier for me than it was for Darren, given his Dominant nature. However, we both knew that Kyle was only being aggressive these days because of stress and lack of sleep, and never got mad at him.

"Do you want to go for a run with me?" I suggested, ignoring his question.

"It's too late already. Can't risk it. Someone could see me." he mumbled, running a hand through his black, tangled hair.

"You need to be in your wolf form from time to time, Kyle." I reminded him sternly. "Shifting is essential to werewolves' well-being."

Kyle rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything, as he knew I was right. Now that his fur was entirely white, he refused to shift in front of the others, because his colour would immediately bretray him. It was quite problematic, since it meant he didn't get to train in his wolf form anymore. During war times like this, and especially since he was one of the pack's greatest warrior, that was not something you wanted to do.

"When was the last time Dar took you to the clearings, to do one-to-one training?"

"The day before yesterday."

He lowered his head in shame, and I automatically reached out, gently petting his hair. Darren tried to train Kyle late at night, when it would be less likely that someone would see them in their wolves forms. Kyle felt quite guilty about it, as Darren already had many things to do, as a Pack Leader in war times, and was not getting proper sleep.

Kyle was also very antsy of someone seeing them, so these one-to-one trainings did not happen as often as Darren and I would have liked.

"Hey, come on. Don't make that face. You know that Darren is happy to help you. He wants you to be healthy and-"

"Just drop it, Nate. It's too early in the morning for that shit."

Despite the harshness of his tone, he leaned forward, the contact of my hand against his head making him close his eyes in delight. He desperately wanted to be cared for, something I love doing, if only he would let me do it more often. At this instant, I wished I could convince him to follow me back to the tent. I would blanket him in my wolf form, and he would -

"So, you haven't replied to me. Where's Darren?" he insisted, still not opening his eyes.

"He left our tent very early. He has to prepare for this afternoon's War Council."

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