Chapter 14: The Betrayal

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"I could never hurt him enough to make his betrayal stop hurting. And it hurts, in every part of my body." (Veronica Roth, Insurgent)

Third person's POV

Thankfully, Kyle didn't meet anyone as he headed toward Darren's tent. The only one who spotted him was Laura, a timid werewolf who always seemed lost in her own world. He saluted her with a nod, and she nodded in return, an unfocused expression on her juvenile face. A few seconds later, she was back to whatever she was reading, running her hand through her short and frizzy hair in a mechanical way.

Did she even recognize him? He smiled, shaking his head with a certain fondness. He had always had a soft spot in his heart for those who never seemed to truly fit in, the loners, the marginalized and the tortured souls.

Which reminded him he had to make sure Alex wasn't in trouble, and if he was, he had to find out how he could help him. Alex had been the one to help him for all these years, whether or not it had been intentional. Not only was the other guy a good listener and a great adviser, he also had a wicked sense of humor Kyle particularly enjoyed.

Ouch. Okay, here we go. I feel like I'm stuck in the body of a two-hundred years old man.

Walking was a bit painful, but it wasn't as bad as he had expected. His legs seemed to be working just fine, and his wounds had not reopened. He could probably go back to training in less than a week, if he could convince Nate that he was fine.

Nate. He's probably with Darren now. I have to hurry, if I want to discover what is going on exactly with Alex.

Wincing a bit, he managed to pick up the pace, so that he could almost run.

Alright, so I should stay close enough so that I will be able to hear what they are saying, but at the same time I can't get too close to the tent or my mates will sense me.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming in his direction and backed away, hiding on the other side of the tent. The newcomers were Yanis, Noura, and Alex, who was standing between the two warriors, his head down and his face a bit pale.


Yanis and Noura didn't seem to be escorting Alex. Rather, they were gripping his arm and shoulder the way you would do to a prisoner. Knowing them, they weren't doing it for fun. Yanis and Noura weren't bullies, quite the countrary, despite their strenght and natural authority they were considerate and thoughtful, which was probably why Darren trusted them so much.

Oh, Alex, what have you done and how can I help you? If Darren asked Yanis and Noura to treat you like this it means that the situation is worse than I thought.

A few seconds later, the three werewolves had disapperead inside the tent, and Kyle took a cautious step forward.

"Alex, do you know why I summoned you here?" asked Darren, making Kyle frown. The Alpha was always quite serious, but now there was a new harshness to his tone.

"Yes I do, Alpha." Alex replied obediently. "You want to know about the pills."

The pills? Which pills? No. No, it couldn't be. Did Darren find out about the suppressants he had asked Alex to bring him? But if that was the case, why not summon Kyle as well?

Maybe Darren thought Kyle was still too weak to get up, and wanted Alex to explain him the situation. But why have Alex escorted by Noura and Yanis, like he was afraid he would run away?

"Did Kyle asked you specifically to bring him Ambosius?"

If he had thought Darren sounded annoyed before, now it was obvious that the Alpha was barely containing his fury. Why? What was Ambosius? Kyle had heard the name somewhere, but couldn't remember what it was.

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