OLD VERSION Chapter 19: The Talk

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"Speak up your mind even if your voice shakes" (Maggie Kuhn)


I was quite proud of myself for how steady my voice sounded to my own ears, betraying nothing of my inner turmoil. I knew I looked calm, serein even. I wanted to tell them everything, but that did not mean I was about to act like a crybaby about it. Beside, I had moved on. Things did not hurt as much as they used to. Sometimes, I even felt empty and I enjoyed the numb state I found myself into. It was somewhat peaceful. If my mates were surprised by my behaviour, they did not say anything about it and patiently listened to me instead. 

When I started talking about my uncle's training and beating, I could feel Nate's intense gaze on me, but I kept my eyes on the matress. I had moved from Darren's laps a while ago, and I was trying to pretend that my mates weren't in the tent with me, listening to my sad and pitiful little tale. I was not only ashamed of myself for being bullied by my sorry excuse of an uncle for years. I was ashamed for accepting to take those pills, which had made my control slipped on numerous occasions in the past. 

It was under those damn pills' influence that I had killed my uncle, and attempted to rape Nate. Whenever I took them, I felt stronger and more confident, sure, but at the same time it was harder to rein my anger in, especially when I was a teenager. Sometimes, I felt like I was a monster, an enraged beast. However, those pills couldn't be used as an excuse for my horrible behaviour back then.  People who commit unlawful acts under the influence of drugs or alcohool are not let out of the hook that easily, so why should I? 


Something was very wrong with Kyle. My eyes started to burn and I could feel Darren's hand grabbing mine and giving it a gentle squeeze. It was not just the things Kyle was telling us about that made me want to vomit. It was the cold way he spoke about them, like they never really happened to him and he was telling the story of someone else. His voice was mecanic, devoid of any emotions. He was standing very straight, with his hands folded on his laps. The worst part was that he was not even looking at us, like he was completely unaware of our existence. It felt like we could not touch him or even talk to him. I was scared of what his reaction would be if we dared make a comforting gesture. 

He was completely closed-off and I had absolutely no access to his thoughs and emotions at the moment. I could only guess that he was feeling ashamed and disgusted with himself , but I had no proof of that because he was in complete control of himself. I did not know it was possible to hide anything from your mates, but Kyle could obviously do it and it was impressive, even though it must also be mentally exhausting. He looked like the perfect warrior I knew he was: cold, composed and powerful. Where was the shy, witty and highly competitive Kyle I loved to tease? Suddenly Kyle felt silent and started putting his shoes on. He was just going out for a run as if the three of us had just been casually chit-chatting a few minutes ago! I could feel my anger and concern raising. Darren must have had the same thought, as he spoke up in his deep voice. 



I could clearly see the tension in Kyle, as he straightened his back and exhaled deeply through his nose. He could try to hide from us, but I knew him well already. A few seconds later, though, he rose his head and replied with a bored expression:


My wolf growled lowly, annoyed by his disrespectful tone but I did not say anything and looked at my stubborn mate with a calm expression instead.

"What?" he repeated, anger evident in his voice as I kept watching him in silence. "If you have something to say, just spill it out Darren. Don't make me loose any more of my time with one of your fucking therapy session. I have a team of wolves to train, remember? Not all of us can actually spend their times fucking and cuddling with their mates"

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