Chapter 19: A lighter heart

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"Assumptions are the termites of relationships."
― Henry Winkler

When Kyle opened his eyes, he found himself facing a starry sky. He looked at it for a moment, a little mesmerized, before he slowly realized where he was. 

When did I fall asleep? For how long have I been passed out?

It turned out the only two persons who could have reply to his questions were not in the state to do so. They were both in their wolves forms, fast asleep. Darren was still blanketing Kyle with his warm fur, while Nate had scooted closer at some point, managing to put his nuzzle on one of the only spot of Kyle's body that wasn't covered by Darren: his right shoulder. 

They stayed. They didn't leave me after finding out I was a Sub.

Of course, that didn't mean everything was fine and dandy. They still needed to talk. This would be a long overdue talk. Although neither Darren nor Nate had pushed him to give them explanations, he had seen the questions dancing in their eyes. Telling them about his own past was not going to be a walk in the park, but the hard part was behind, for they already knew his biggest secret. The sooner they talked, the sooner they could move forward. Hopefully. 

"Nate? Dar?"

He had barely whispered their names, but it did not take more than a few seconds for his mates to wake up, both werewolves immediatly on high alert. 

"What is it, Kyle?" Nate murmured, looking down at the other Beta with worried eyes. "Are you okay? Did you notice anything unusual?"

Kyle felt himself blush slightly, and averted his eyes. Something was telling him he better get used to this kind of reactions, because his mates were worriers at heart, especially when their loved ones were involved.

"I'm fine" he replied, and for once it was mostly true. "I just think that, while I can't sense any immediate danger, we shouldn't stay here, in the open. Direct fights may have stopped, but I do not trust Adrien's warriors not to kill us on the spot, if they find us unprotected." 

Darren nodded, and slowly got up, giving a quick, consoling lick to Kyle's face after the latter had unconsciously  reached out to his mate, as if he didn't want him to move from above him. He was wearing a pouting expression that the Alpha secretly found adorable. He and Nate exchanged a quick glance, before they started shifting, slowly returning to their human forms.

"Kyle's right" Darren declared, his voice slightly hoarse for not being used for a couple of hours. "Let's go back to the small cavern where we left food and clothes. There, we will be safer and we will be able to talk, if Kyle is up for it. Then, at dawn, we will return to the camp."

He paused for a moment, then, as the young warrior was remaining surprisingly silent, he asked softly:


Kyle's eyes, which had been focused on unholy places of his mates' naked bodies, immediatly shot up to Darren's face. Not wanting to embarass the man further, the Alpha didn't make any comments, but kept looking at his mate calmly, waiting for his response. 

"Yeah- ugh, what - what was the answer - the question I mean?" Kyle eventually mumbled, as he desperately tried to keep his eyes fixated on the Alpha's face. 

What was wrong with him? He had seen his mates naked countless times before, and it had not make him behave like a sex-deprived werewolf. Surely, it had to do with the mating bond. Since the Mating Ceremony, when Kyle had learnt that Darren and Nate were his mates, everything had become much more intense. It had become even worse since he had stopped taking the Suppressants.  He sometimes felt like the lightest touches or briefest looks from them could be enough to make him combust. 

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