OLD VERSION Chapter 4: You're no mate material

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"All the speeches you make in your head/ All the worries that you never said/ Rotten fireworks, kept inside, waiting for a light". (Jane Added, Look at them)

Looking at Darren and Nate, upon hearing the One Eye's unexpected declaration, had been a terrible idea. Darren had turned white as a sheet, while Nate had looked positively crestfallen. Even though it was to be expected, Kyle had still felt a pang of hurt. Now, as he lay on his mat inside his tent, he felt even worse. Finding your mate was supposed to be the best experience in your life and deep down, Kyle had hoped for someone to love him, someone to hold him at night and all that crap. Someone who would see behind the facade and say " it's okay, I still love you, your flaws are what make you unique. I got you, Kyle. I got you. You can let go of the mask, it's safe". Obviously, his last piece of hope had just been crumbled to shreds.

New mates were supposed to sleep together on the first night after the Mating Ceremony, so the bond would be completed. But even before the end of the Ceremony, Darren had grabbed Nate's hand and they had promptly left, followed by sympathic gazes. Kyle had left soon after that, but he had still heard crystal clear the words his pack's members were whispering behind his back " rapist" "murderer" "this is bad luck" "such a lovely couple" "has to be a mistake".

He should have broken a muzzle or two on his way back to the tent: nothing better than a good fight to make you sleep like a baby. Now, Kyle did not feel so good. The tent was unusually cold and he felt somewhat empty. He could not stop thinking about Darren and Nate, the happy couple, who just had their perfect union brutally salvaged a few hours ago.

Now, what were they going to do? Kill him? Kyle was not opposed to the idea: if Darren or Nate were to come to his tent to kill him, he would gladly welcome it. He was not afraid of Death, they were actually much more terrifying things on this planet. But, as intimidating as his mates could be, they were not murderers, unlike him. The worst scenario would be that they ask him to leave. At the mere thought, Kyle suddenly felt nauseous and he quietly exited his tent. Whether he likes it or not, Darren and Nate were is mates, now. He would die if he had to be separated from them. He started running faster, his heart beating wildly in his chest. If he had to run ten hours a day to prevent unwanted thoughts, so be it.

He came back a couple of hours later, to find the most unexpected guest inside his tent. His mate looked slightly nervous and, when he saw Kyle's big brown wolf entering the tent, his eyes widened for a fraction of second. Nate was not a chicken, though, and his voice was firm and loud when he ordered:


He might be a hidden submissive, but Kyle would not obey someone who came uninvited in his tent, and dared ordering him around, distaste evident in his voice. He growled lowly and started licking his bloody paws, seemingly unaffected by Nate's presence.

Nate narrowed his eyes at Kyle's obvious disobedience and tried again:



"Kyle, if you refuse to obey, I am going to call Darren and trust me, you don't want that to happen".

Hearing Nate calling him by his name had an unexpected effect on him, which surprised them both. Kyle's wolf let out a low, needy, heartbroken whine. For once, Nate looked unsure of what to do. He looked intently at the wolf for a good minute, then started approaching him with cautious, slow paces. When only a few centimenters separated them, Nate crouched down and looked at the wolf in the eyes, a pensive expression on his lively face.

" You are a honest wolf, aren't you? So unlike your master".

It was Kyle's wolf who actually took control and started licking Nate's face, much to Kyle's horror. But Nate did not look mad, though he certainly wasn't pleased about it.

"Wow, calm down, big wolf. I might not have anything against you personnaly, I still don't like your master. Such a shame a beautiful, honest wolf was attributed to a heartless monster.

If Kyle's wolf felt his master's hurt, as they were, after all, one, he did not show it and gave Nate a final licking, his puppy eyes begging him not to reject him yet. Meanwhile, Kyle's was very conflicted about the whole situation. "I actually never intended to rape him", he thought. It was not entirely my fault. But how could I ever explain that to him?" And even if he believed me, it would not change anything. I am a weak, sinful creature. I am no mate material at all.

He finally shifted, and his human face showed nothing of his inner turmoil. Quite the contrary, in fact: naked in his whole glory, a smug expression on his face, Kyle looked perfectly composed and as untainable as ever. As soon as the playful wolf turned into this infamous man, Nate's expression closed and he turned on his heels, exiting the tent. Kyle followed him at a safe distance, his eyes fixated on Nate's firm and round ass. He wanted to pound his ass, or was it actually the contrary? He was not sure exactly what he wanted, but it did not matter: he would never get what he wanted. Ok, stop with the pity party already, he thought. You have to be strong for whatever is coming your way. Because the only thing worst than having a mate who hates you? Having two mates who hate you.

"I shouldn't be coming here, Nate. Darren is going to be furious".

"Darren knows you're coming. It was a mutual decision" was Nate's curt answer.

"Oh... okay, then".

Nate ignored him and quickly entered the Alpha's tent, with Kyle right on his heels. If Darren was unhappy with Kyle's presence, he did not show it. In fact, both of them did not even seemed to acknowledge his presence, as they jumped on the king size bed and started giving each other soft kisses. Kyle eventually spotted a mattress on the ground, and laid down on it. It was much softer than his own mat but, as he looked at Nate and Darren sleeping forms, he wanted to run out of the tent and go back to the forest. Nate's head was resting on Darren shoulder, who had thrown his arm around his lover waist. Kyle did not let himself fall asleep, as it could lead to nightmares and the feared Beta warrior breaking down and sobbing like a baby was certainly not something Kyle wanted his mates to witness. Still, he thought with a certain satisfaction. If they can sleep near a murderer, it means that they must trust me, to some degree. Must be the mate bonding

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