Chapter 3: The Beginning of a horror movie

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Shields are nothing but holes strung together - unknown

"Kyle? I think you've trained hard enough for today, dude. You should go back to your tent and rest. After all, the Mating ceremony is toni-"

 "I. AM. NOT. GOING. One more mention of this mating shit and I am going to break your neck". 

"You wouldn't" argued Alexander, but this time he heard the desperation in Kyle's voice and raised both hands in appeasement.

Kyle let out a big sigh, feeling the anger gradually leave him. He knew it wasn't fair to take it out on Alex. The latter was a good guy - a bit persistent, maybe, but it was his way of showing concern. Besides, he was the only wolf in the pack brave enough - or stupid enough? - to bear with Kyle's moodiness and murderous glances.

How weird. Never in a lifetime would have Kyle imagined that one day, he would consider Alex his only friend - well, aside from Milena, apparently. 

When they were still teenagers, neither he nor Darren and Nate had given much thoughts to the quiet kid. Alex had been a shy kid, who had turned into a shy man, but now Kyle was aware there was much more about him that what met the eyes.  

In the end, his former best friends had become strangers, while Kyle had befriended the pack's loner. 

Life is a box of chocolates* and yadidi, yadada. 

"Seriously, though." Alex tried again, as Kyle remained silent. "You should attend the ceremony. The Alpha's not going to be pleased if he finds out you disobeyed a direct order, and you know you're not exactly in his good graces..."

At that, Kyle started laughing maniacally.

" What are you saying, Alex? The Alpha loves me. He secretly has a big, fat crush on me. He's just too much of a coward to actually do something about it".

"That's not even funny, Kyle".  

"Who's having a big, fat crush on who?" 

Kyle didn't turn to see who it was. He didn't need to:  although he would never admit it out loud, only one person had the power to intimidate him. A tall, muscular and strikingly handsome man, who also happened to be the Alpha of the pack. Such a cliché, right? 

If he had only half of the charisma of his former best friend Darren, Kyle would die a happy man, but, as a talented writer once said, "The world is not a wish-granting factory**".  

"Ermmm, you know what, Kyle?... It feels like a one-on-one kind of conversation. I'll leave you alone with our Alpha" 

With that said, Alexander, like the ever-loyal friend he was, gave Kyle an apologetic smile and promptly left. As soon as he disappeared, Kyle felt a shiver ran through his body. One didn't need to possess a very high emotional intelligence to guess that the Alpha wasn't very pleased.

"By any chance, were you talking about me, Beta?" Darren asked, his voice void of any trace of humor. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about", Kyle replied sweetly. 


Crap. No, no, no. Not that deep, commanding tone. For a moment, Kyle thought he was going to be sick. Why was he like that? How could he be turned-on by the situation - because there was no mistaking in the way all his blood seemed to rush south?

I'm hard. The last time I was hard like this I - It was that night when I made the biggest mistake of my life. Goddess, I'm a disgusting, vile creature.

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