Chapter 21: Follow your instincts

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"Don't be afraid to be confused. Try to remain permanently confused. Anything is possible. Stay open, forever, so open it hurts, and then open up some more, until the day you die, world without end, amen."

― George Saunders, The Braindead Megaphone

Third person POV

"I don't know what to do"

There was a pause, and Kyle immediately regretted opening his mouth. He longed to feel Darren's palm as it hit his bottom, so why did he have to say something so random, and thus further delay the punishment? Was he a bit scared, or was it something else? Whatever it was, he felt his mate hesitate, before the alpha carefully started to stroke his still unharmed buttocks, obviously pondering about his statement.

The thing was, Kyle wasn't even sure what he had meant to express. It wasn't that he didn't know what to do. It was more that he didn't know how to feel, or how they expected him to react to the punishment - even in his head, he had a hard time calling it a spanking. It was obviously an important moment, and he didn't want to mess it up. Yet, how could he make sure everything would go well, when he wasn't sure what his mates' expectatives were?


He shuddered hearing the still unfamiliar word, pronounced in a low, firm voice. Darren must have sensed it, because he briefly squeezed his ass, before letting it go.

"You are thinking too much." Darren continued sternly, and it was weird to listen to his mate in this posture, with his naked ass exposed to both men, his face only a few centimeters from the ground. He had thought not being able to see them would make the punishment a bit easier, but actually it was quite the opposite. Although his eyes remained purposely fixed on the ground of the cavern, he could feel his mates more accutely than ever before.

Every time Darren spoke, his voice sent shivers down Kyle's spine. Every breath Nate took make him shudder in return. The places of his body that were in contact with Darren's felt strangely hot, and he was hyper-aware of his thankfully still soft dick trapped between the Alpha's thick thighs.

"You don't have to do anything, pup. We are not expecting you to do anything. We just want you to feel good. Follow your instincts."

"Okay. Well, you can do it now. Why wait any longer? Just do it." Kyle said, a bit more authoritatively that he had meant.

Except, Darren didn't comply with his order. Shit. Did that mean he would not get his punishment? Even as they were still children, Darren had never liked being bossed around, to the point that he had often gotten punished by his parents for his stubborness. He had always make it cleard that just because he was a child, didn't mean adults could talk to him with blatant disrespect. In a way, Kyle perfectly understood him and wished that as a child, he had had the other man's confidence.

They had been playfully competiting with each other for years, especially in the context of physical fights, which had more than once led both boys to go back to their parents with bruises all over their bodies and huge smiles on their faces. Nate would sometimes join them, but most of the times he preferred to watch them from afar, making sure they weren't getting serious injuries.

As he had grown older, Kyle had started to understand that Darren was holding himself back, in fear to really hurt him, for Kyle would never yield, no matter if his opponent had the upper hand. As children, they had been equally strong, but during puberty, Darren's subgender had started to change the rules of the game. Kyle had gotten stronger too, but with no comparison to the soon-to-be Alpha. Forced to recognize the other's physical superiority, Kyle had started to make excuses not to train any longer with him, which hadn't prevent him to keep admiring his friend in secret.

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