OLD VERSION Chapter 3: The One Eye's Twisted Sense of Humor

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"Kyle? I think you've trained hard enough for today, dude. You should go back to your tent and rest. After all, the Mating ceremony is toni-

"I. AM. NOT. GOING. One more mention of this mating shit and I am going to break your neck".

"You wouldn't" argued Alexander, but even he heard his lack of confidence and took a step back.

Kyle let out a big sigh. While he kept complaining about Alexander's constantly harassing him, deep down he enjoyed it very much. After all, Alexander was the only wolf brave - or stupid? - enough to bear with Kyle's moodiness and murderous tendencies.

"Seriously, though. You should attend the ceremony. The Alpha's not going to be pleased if he finds out you disobeyed a direct order, and you know you're not exactly in his good graces...

At that, Kyle started laughing maniacally.

" What are you saying, Alex? The Alpha loves me. He secretly has a big, fat crush on me. He's just too much of a coward to actually do something about it".

"That's not funny, Kyle".

"Who's having a big, fat crush on who?" a deep voice suddently resonnated behind them. Of course, not only was the Alpha a tall, muscular and strikingly handsome man, he also had a very intimidating voice. Such a cliche, right? If he had only half of his charisma, Kyle would die a happy man, but, as a talented writer once said, "The world is not a wish-granting factory*". Alexander, being the ever loyal friend, gave Kyle an apologetic smile and promptly left. Such a good friend, really.

"By any chance, were you talking about me, Beta?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about".


Crap. No, no, no. Not that deep, commanding tone. For a moment, Kyle thought he was going to be sick. All the blood seemed to have left his face to rush south. He felt his member hardening, something which had not happened since that tragic night, when he had commited the biggest mistake of his life. He took a deep breath, praying that Darren had not noticed Kyle's sudden change of behaviour. Whether he had noticed or not, he did not seem to care, which was, after all, not surprising. He could become the greatest warrior of all times, hang himself or slowly morphed into a yellow elephant and still, Darren and Nate would not even spare him a second glance. Damn, he had thought that after all this time, it would not hurt so much but here he was...

"That was highly inappropriate, Alpha. I apologized for my poor attempt at a joke" he replied, proud for the apparent calmness in his voice.

" Whatever. I am not surprised someone as brutal and heartless as you appears to be rude and disrespectful in private. Just be there in time for the Ceremony, Beta".

Kyle watched his former friend leave with a very unhappy expression. To think that, once upon a time, the three of them had sworn to each other that they would never let anything or anyone threaten their friendship. Well, times change and so do people. Move on, Kyle. Trying to rape your friends is not a good way to keep them at your side.


How did people manage to randomly sleep during the day? Now, last time Kyle had a proper nap, he was around four or five and even at that time, he probably only stayed still for a few minutes before rushing outside to play with the other pups. Kyle had too much to think about to fall asleep anyways. He kept thinking about his brief conversation with Darren and his unwanted reaction to Darren's authority. Was it something every Submissive experienced at some point? But he was not a Sub anymore, or at least, that's what the f*ucking pills were for. Thankfully, Darren had failed to notice anything. All his hard training to become the perfect Dominant would have been in vain, had the Alpha noticed Kyle's excitation. A Dominant could be a lot of things, but being excited by someone's bossy tone was certainely not one of them. Tears started slowly falling down from the corners of his eyes. He had to find new pills, stronger ones. Even his own body seemed intent on betraying him. Glancing down to find his member still far from flacid, Kyle let out a cry of disgust before shifting in his werewolf form, his uncle's words resonating in his crane "Only sl*ts and submissives want to play the passive role. Those are weak, vile and pathetic creatures. My nephew is not one of them". Those words were usually followed by some serious beating. Kyle started running faster, unconscious of Nate's eyes following him. When he was done running, his feet were bloody and he felt a slight nauseas, but a Dominant is never too hard on himself. Besides, the only things Kyle was good at were : Sleep. Eat. Train. Repeat.


Kyle was late for the mating ceremony. He had trained so hard that his legs felt like jelly and his headache was getting worse. So much for being the Great Warrior of the pack! But even Darren did not dare disrupting the Mating Ceremony by publicly scolding him. Darren! He looked utterly breathtaking, sitting pround and tall among his pack, his dark eyes silently daring anyone to break the silent atmosphere. Next to him, Nate looked equally splendid, with his blue eyes and soft-looking hair, but his firm posture and garded expression showed that he was no weakling himself. They might be a bit cold and frightening sometimes, the love and affection between them was undeniable.


Kyle had been so engrossed in the two lovers's sight he almost jumped when the One Eye called out his name. The One Eye glared at him, looking untainable in his white dress. His next few words, though, definitely stirred up Kyle.

"You are to be mated with Nate".

People started whispering, even though the Ceremony was supposed to be the kind of shitty events where everyone tries to control his breathing and you can hear your stomac mumbing.

" And you are also to be mated with Darren".

Kyle did not dare to look up at Nate and Darren, but he was positive they did not appreciate the One Eye's joke at the slightest. Because, that's what it was, right? A joke.

* John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

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