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"Sometimes the only way to get closure is by accepting that you'll never get it."― John Mark Green

Third person perspective 

Two years later

If Kyle had learned anything over the past few years, it was that you could never draw a line under the past. That was the bad news. The good news was that once you accepted the past, things slowly started to get better.

For years, he'd been haunted by the memory of the attack he'd perpetrated on Nate, when they were both still teenagers. He had convinced himself that he could bear anything, from his uncle's beatings to his isolation within the pack, if only the memory of that narrowly averted rape would fade. Then he'd finally be at peace with himself.

To forget. At times, this had seemed the only possible happy outcome for Kyle. To forget what he'd done to Nate, because there was no way he'd forgive himself willingly. He couldn't live with that memory. He couldn't live with himself.

Of course, reality was a little more complicated than that. For a while, he'd managed to forget it, thanks to medication and intensive training. But he wasn't happy about it - quite the contrary. And today, when he was finally happy again, he realized how much it could still hurt, even if he was healing.

It was as if the healing process itself was painful. Kyle wasn't just opening up to his companions, he was also letting go of his emotions, and God knows how much. 

"Kyle - KYLE. Are you still in there?"

"Hmm, yeah?"

"I've been calling you like eight times"

"Sorry. I was lost in thoughts." Kyle replied sheepishly.

"Yeah, I kinda figured." Nate snorted. "Happy thoughts, I hope?"

The hazel-hair Beta Kyle loved so much was standing in front of him, a huge smile on his boyish face, although there was a hint of worry in his big brown eyes. If Kyle had had a particulary hard time coping with past traumas, the same could be said about Nate, who had had nightmares for years about the night his best friend almost rape him. Just like Darren, he was also reflecting a lot about the past, feeling bad for how they had neglected their friend when they were teenagers.

There wasn't anything the three of them could not talk about, though. Maybe that's what made them so strong, as mates. They knew that they could face everything, as long as they put words on their thoughts. They already had.

"I don't know, I was just reflecting on how you have to accept your own mistakes and flaws to be able to move on" Kyle eventually replied.

"Wow, pretty deep thinking, then. Wasn't expecting so much from you" Nate commented with a smirk.

"Shut up, Nate"

"You're telling me to shut up? Me? Do you want a spanking?"

Although he knew Nate was just teasing him, Kyle could feel himself blushing. Sometimes it was still embarrassing to know that his mates were aware of his kinks. 

"I will be the one to deliver the spanking" he retorted, in hope to make himself feel a bit better. 

"Oh, really? You're going to spank me? I would love to see - "

"Who is going to spank who?" a deep voice suddenly interrupted them.

The quickly turned to face their other mate, who conveniently happened to be the Alpha of the pack.  The big man got closer to them, a relaxed expression on his face, although his eyes shone with intensity. Even as a child, it had always seemed to Kyle that a hundred thoughts were going through Darren's head. Having such a clever gaze fixed on him still made him feel a bit shy, at times like these. 

"We haven't decided yet, but I think Kyle is always up for a good spanking" Nate replied, earning himself a light slap on the head from the other Beta. 

"Mmmh, I would love to help with that, but it will have to be later." Darren replied, with a touch of regret in his voice. "Noura and Yanis have invited the three of us to have dinner with them tonight, if you remember"

"Oh, great! " Nate exclaimed. "What time?"

"Erm, that would be about now"


They all started racing toward the two warriors's place. Darren won, like usual, followed closely by the very fit and humble warrior that Kyle was. Nate was a bit behind, complaining that he had a light pain in his right foot - because otherwise, he would have obviously won the race. However, afrer Darren lightly kissed him on the lips, Nate begrudgingly admitted his defeat.

"There's no need to be nervous, Kyle" Darren whispered in his ears. "Everything will go well. Noura and Yanis love you."

"Of course they do. How could they not love me?" Kyle retorted with a laugh that did not fool his mates. 

They both smiled at him, before taking his hands in theirs. Kyle did not say anything, but he tightened his grip on their hand, finding comfort in the physical touches. 

Let's be clear: everything wasn't peachy, and it probably never would. Most of the pack had accepted him and he had even made a few friends along the way, but some of them still hold old grudges against him. Although Kyle understood where they came from, he was too busy with his mates to really care about it. 

Some people didn't like him? Their loss. 

Sometimes, he also got a little depressed, when he thought about Alex. What had he become? Sure, he had betrayed Kyle but some part of him still wanted to understand why he did so, and struggled to admit that he did try to kill him. 

Alex  was his friend, and he was sure he regarded him as such, despite what Nate and Darren kept saying. He hope the other werewolf was alive, and if possible, not too lonely. 

As for Kyle, he wanted to apologize to the One Eye, for beliving that he had made a mistake declaring that he was Nate and Darren's mate. In the end, and despite their differences, he, Darren and Nate were perfect for each other. 

A/N: So, I mostly used the old epilogue, and did some light editing - I still need to come back to it later to fix the errors and such, but I wanted to post it now.

The edited version of TTW, a book I wrote and published on Wattpad years ago, is finally completed. I hope you enjoy it and would like to inform my new readers that there's a sequel, "The Traitor", available on my profile. It is about Alex, Kyle's only friend outside of his mates.

Finally, like I promise, I will make the original version available again. I will do it ASAP, I'm just very busy because I'm working in a highschool in Italy, and I have to prepare things for the school during my free time. I will just republish the old chapters in this book, because I still have most of them saved as "drafts" on wattpad.

Thank you soooooo much for your love and enthusiasm, you're the best community ever.

Lots of love 


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