Chapter 24: Emotions in Motion (Last Part)

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"Sex is kicking death in the ass while singing."― Charles Bukowski

Third person perspective

You know these expressions that are commonly used to describe penetrative sex in books? Like 'it slipped in so easily', 'they barely felt any pain"  or 'the pain was soon replaced by intense pleasure'?

It's all bullshit.

In reality, and no matter how carefully his mates had prepared him for it, it still hurted like hell to take Nate inside. Worst thing, Nate wasn't even fully inside him yet. Not even half of his dick was in. Not even half of half of... In fact, he had just barely managed to slip the head in. This was the sad truth.

"Kyle? How are you doing, sweetie?" Nate asked, sounding a bit breathless.

"How am I doing? How do you think I am doing?" 

"Well, I-" Nate started to reply, only to be interrupted.

 "I feel like I want to take a huge shit, but the shit is going right back to my - ouch, the fuck, Darren!" Kyle growled, before adding precipitaly "I mean, Master! Sorry for ruining the moment, master!" when Darren looked ready to pinch his nipple again.

It did hurt, but maybe he was overexaggerating a bit. Under the pain and the unconfortable feeling of having a dick up his ass for the first time, there was a thrill of excitement knowing that one of his mate was inside of him and that they were about to share what would surely be in the end a mind-blowing experience. 

And it wouldn't even end there, because, after Nate, Kyle would take Darren in. The Alpha had said it would depend about how Kyle would feel, that it might be too much, having sex with two persons on the same night. Yet, the Submissive werewolf had already taken his decision. No matter how bad his backside would hurt, he was going to have penetrative sex with Darren, too.

End of the story.

"You should pinch his nipple again, Dar" Nate suddenly suggested, making Kyle's eyes go wide. "I can say, from the way he just tightened around my dick, that he enjoyed it. It could distract him from the pain."

"That's not true, I-" Kyle protested, before letting out a moan when the mischevious Alpha pinched him again, this time switching from his right to his left nipple.

"I can tell Nate is right and you're wrong" Darren murmured in his ear in a teasing tone. ". You did have a good reaction. So, let's play a bit more with these cute little nipples. Alright, pup?

Kyle nodded in defeat, too pent-up to deny the obvious truth. After that, he kept tensing and relaxing in Darren's arms as the Alpha, true to his words, pinched and twirled and grazed over his sensitive nipples, earning more delicious noises from his sensitive mate.

He could not entirely  ignore the burning pressure in his ass. However, the intimicy of their position was enough to make up for it, and to bring tears to his eyes. It felt like he would never get fully used to being cared for, which was exactly what Nate and Darren were doing right now. 

Kyle was currently laying between Darren's legs, with his back against the Alpha's chest and his thighs resting on Darren's thick thighs, thus allowing Nate better access to his entrance. Every now and then, the bigger man would lean forward, grazing his cheek against Kyle's face and licking his earlobe or kissing his cheek and shoulder. 

At the same time, Nate was kneeling in front of him, with the tip of his cock firmly lodged in Kyle's plump ass. The other Beta was so focused on not hurting his mate that he was barely pushing in, and yet Kyle could feel that they were making some progress. Little by little, he was taking more of Nate's dick inside, his asshole stretching around Nate's member to accomodate him.

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