OLD VERSION Chapter 14: Where are you?

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      "There is love of course. And then there's life, its enemy".                                                                                  (Jean Anouilh)

Darren's POV

"It's your fault, Darren!"

"How is it even my fault?"

"You should have known Kyle would run back to his stupid forest! That's what he always does when he is distressed, so it's not surprising that he left. After all, he has just discovered that his so-called chilhood best friend was trash! How did you expect him to react? I swear Darren, if we don't find him soon, I will...

"ENOUGH" I yelled, making Nate immediately shut up with widened eyes. He was not used to the sight of his ever composed Alpha and mate loosing his temper. I sighed: Nate and I hardly ever fight but for the last five days, we had been constantly bickering and I was getting tired of it.

"Listen", I said with a soften voice. "You're worried sick about him, I get it. I am, too, but pointing fingers and mopping around won't help us finding our mate"

"I know, and I am sorry for even suggesting that it was your fault" Nate replied with a contrite tone which made me want to just grab him and hold him tight. "It's just, we haven't been able to locate him until now and that's not normal. Our warriors are always able to find anyone who is on our territory. What if something terrible has happened to him? We are at war, and Kyle's life has been threatened twice already".

"You don't need to remind me that", I mumbled.

It was true. Since the day we had found Kyle laying unconscious among human warriors, I hadn't been sleeping properly. Of course, I was also worried about Nate's safety, especially at times like this. However, Nate had proven more than capable at taking care of himself. Kyle, on the other hand, not so much. Of course, he was a welll-trained warrior, but my worries went beyond my mate's fighting skills. Since Kyle's started sharing our tent, I had been watching him closely because beneath the macho attitude, I had learnt to see the unexpected frailty. I did not mind it, on the contrary. Just like Nate's stubbornness, I cherished Kyle's imperfections. They made him even more interesting. Yet, the guy also had very serious self-destructive tendencies, if his recent behaviour was anything to go by. What was he thinking, going alone and unprotected in our enemy's pack territory - because I was pretty sure that he had already crossed the borders of our territory. The thought was enough to make me sick.

" I am so mad at him right now" Nate sighed eventually.

"I know. I swear, the minute we find him, I am going to bring his ass to the camp and put him on a leash. "

"And I am fùcking terrified"

"That, too" I replied feebly.

"How can he not see it? How can he not see that we... that we lo-love him?"

I smiled and looked back at my now slightly  blushing mate. He was just way too adorable and at any other time, I would have thrown him on our bed and render him unable to walk straight the next morning.  "As cliché as it may sound, some people don't believe they deserve to be loved. It might result from bad experiences in the romance department, or because they have been told that they weren't enough. It's only natural to doubt about yourself from time to time, especially when you're just engaging into a new relationship. But when your own insecurities prevent you from enjoying displays of love and affection... when they prevent you from being happy with your loved ones...

"Then you need help" completed Nate.

"Then you know you need help" I agreed. " And we are going to help our mate, Kyle. We won't let him hide from us ever again. He has to learn that running away from your problems never solve them. We will shower him with love and affection until he believes that we love him and that we are never going to leave him. There isn't going to be any room left for doubt or self-hatred"

" That is, if we ever find him" Nate reminded me with a bitter tone.

"Don't give up so soon.  Please, don't even suggest such a thing! Of course we will find him!"

Suddenly, Renan's head appeared through the door, making my heart jump.

Nate's POV

Renan suddenly showed up and I instantly felt Darren tensing at my side. He would always try to comfort me by telling me the situation was under control, but I knew him too well. I appreciated the fact that he wanted to protect my feeling, but I was no weakling and I could handle the truth.

" Renan" Darren began cautiously. "Have you found anything?"

"Not really" Renan replied hesitantly. "Sir, I need to talk to you"

"Of course" Darren nodded. "Nate, would you mind giving us some privacy?"

"Of course I would mind! " I snapped back, trying to hold my emotions at check. "He is my mate as much as yours, Darren, in case you forgot and if Renan has any news about Kyle, I am going to hear them"

"Nate, be reaso-"

"I am staying and that's final" I inturrepted him.

Darren sighed but, upon realising that nothing would make me change my mind, he turned to Renan and motionned for him to speak. Darren knew me well, too.

" We have not found him, Alpha, but we have discovered his clothes near the river which separates our territory from our ennemy's.

"That's not good" Darren declared somberly and I could only nod in agreement. "Anything else?" he asked when Renan made no indication of leaving;

"Actually, yes, Alpha, there is"

"Spill it out" I urged him

"His clothes... they were covered with his blood" he said feebly.

Neither of us talked for several minutes, as we were too horrified by what we had just learned. Being the strongest one, Darren eventually cleared up his throat and told Renan with a slightly broken voice "Thank you Renan. Keep looking for any trace of Kyle. Now, could you please leave the tent? I need a moment with my mate"

Renan nodded and quickly exited the tent, visibly relieved to escape the heavy atmosphere.

"We have to go and get him, Darren"

"I am going to find him. You stay in the camp"

"I am not going to fùcking stay here and you know it, Darren!"

"You are staying. It's an Alpha's order"

"You can shove it up your arse"


" We are the only ones who can find our mate. You can't expect me to stay behind when Kyle is God knows where, hurting "

"I refuse to lose you too!" Darren cried, making me feel slighty guilty. I would not back down, though.

"You won't. We will be looking after each other. Together, we might be able to get our hands on our missing mate and to bring him back home, where he belongs"

"I am responsible for the pack's safety. We are at war, and we can't leave the pack for too long"

"Noura and Yanis are more than able to supervise the pack for a few days during our absence"

Darren looked at me with a serious expression, then asked me with a tired voice "You promise to obey every order I give you and to not put yourself unecessarily in danger?"

"I swear"

"Then let's go get our mate back, and kill anyone who dared harming him" he growled and we both shifted, before silently disappearing into the dark forest.

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