OLD VERSION Chapter 20: Respect is earned

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 "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear" (Albert Camus)


There is one thing that nobody knew: I hated talking in public. As the second in hand commander of the pack, I had to do it countless times in the past so of course, I became good at it. None could guess how much I actually hated being under the spotlights. Deep down, I was still that shy little boy who used to stutter. Don't let all those fine muscles fool you.

But today, I had a really good reason to feel anxious. Darren's gone, so I actually had to take up the lead for a few days. Oh, yeah, did I forgot to mention it? Our alpha is gone. He should be back in no time, though. That's what Nate kept saying anyway. Darren left last week, after that disastrous night when I ended up breaking up in front of my mates like a crybaby. 

I had woken up the next morning feeling quite fresh and well-rested, but my joy had been short-lived: Darren had left. Of course, the permanent ache had absolutely nothing to do with his departure. Nothing at all. What bothers me is that Nate knows why Darren had to leave. He keeps pretending he doesn't know anything, but because we share a mental link, he can't lie to me. Ha! That shit works both ways. 

Why did he have to leave? Is it because of me? Is it because I don't want to do anything remotely sexual with them? The first time we did it, it was actually great. No, more than great: it was fabulous. Maybe because my wolf was high with pheromons, I did not realise how slutty and desperate I sounded. Now that I keep thinking about it, I don't want to give it another try, in case I am unable to control myself. I don't want a repeat from last time. 

Surely my mates were a bit disgusted with me. Of course they would be, I was being so shameless! But then, why do they keep touching me all the time? Especially Nate, I swear this guy lives on sex. Oh God, I'm not enough for him either, refusing to have sex like a frightened maiden. He is going to leave me too and - 



"You're okay?"

"Well, of course I am". 

He sighed. "Let's go, then"

I was scared. There was no way I was going to admit it to Nate, though. The guy was probably already thinking I was a weakling. But why was I feeling so nauseous? After all, it was just a simple training with our pack members.  It was nothing out of the ordinary. Yeah, except I had to appear as a figure of authority. Darren's gone, so I was no longer supposed to act like a Beta. Instead, I had to take up the role of the Alpha, even if was not going to be permanent. It had been hard enough, as a Sub, to be a commander, but an alpha? Sounded like a twisting joke of the Goddess. 

When we arrived in our usual spot, in the clearing, half of the pack was already there, waiting for my orders. I wasn't Darren, but I knew they were going to obey my every orders. Some of them were so afraid of me they did not even dare looking up when I cleared up my throat. I straightened up, trying to look even more impressive when I felt Nate's hand on my arm, startling me. 

"Wait, Kyle"


Kyle looked like he was about to protest but then he nodded, motionning for me to speak. I briefly closed my eyes, as Darren started encouraging me through our mental link, this time making sure that Kyle heard none if it. 

"Do it, Nate"

"Are you sure, Darr? He's just starting to open up to us. I don't want him to hate me"

"Baby, he will never hate you. You are his mate, and beyond that, you're way  too adorable for anyone to dislike you"*

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