Chapter 18: Let's call it a death wish

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"As if you were on fire from within.
The moon lives in the lining of your skin."
― Pablo Neruda

Third person POV

Hiding your true identity to your soulmates and hiding under a fake name: not a good idea.

Jumping on a badass werewolf Alpha for no reason: also not a good idea.

At least, Kyle was a fast learner. However, it was too late to attempt to make amends, for he was now facing a very pissed Alpha. What on Earth had he been thinking, attacking his mates like that? Of course, he hadn't wanted to hurt them in any way. His goal had been to scare them away, giving himself enough time to flee further in the forest.

Well, no need to say he had failed. Darren and Nate looked like they were not going anywhere anytime soon. Both of them had shifted into their wolves forms. Nate was standing back, watching Kyle closely. As for Darren, he seemed the most relaxed of the three, and that scared Kyle a bit, for he was unable to predict his next moves.

You never gives an Alpha a reason to attack you. That was not even a rule in their world, that was just common sense. Alphas were admittedly the strongest among werewolves, and they were particularly protective of their mates. Kyle should have been dead by now. Why hadn't Darren killed him yet? In his eyes, he probably represented a threat to Nate.

"What are you waiting for? I don't have all afternoon, Alpha" he taunted him, as if the other man could not kill him in the blink of an eye.

Although he would never admit it, even to himself, Kyle almost peed himself at Darren's sudden warning growl. He hadn't had the Alpha's anger directed towards him since that night. However, instead of submitting to him, like his mate probably expected him to do, he raised his chin bravely.

That's not bravery, Kyle, he thought to himself bitterly. At this point, it's safer to call it a death wish.

"Are you too much of a coward to fight me?" he asked again, his voice not as firm as he would have wanted it to be.

Let's keep challenging him. The sooner it all ends, the better. The tension is killing me. The wait is always the worst.

Something flickered in Darren's eyes, and Kyle finally had a clue about what was going through the Alpha's mind.

He was hesitating. He was feeling confused about the whole situation. On the one hand, Darren was confronted to a lone rogue with an aggressive behaviour. On the other hand,  his guts were telling him not to harm the stranger called Benoît standing in front of him.

Darren might even suspect the white wolf was his mate, but his mind refused to admit it. It was understandable. Kyle had never heard about a werewolf hiding his second gender to his packmates for so long. Darren probably thought it was impossible. Kyle never had secrets, as a child. His two best friends could always tell when he was lying, which they found kind of cute.

Oh how things had changed since that time.

Truth to be told, it wouldn't have been possible to hide the truth without the suppressants, his uncle's involvement, and his own unability to bond with others as a teen and young adult. Not having friends was the safest way to keep secrets. Secret of two, secret of Goddess. Secret of three, secret of all, as his uncle used to say.

"Do something! Attack me, come on!" he yelled in desperation, but Darren only narrowed his eyes.

This was bad. This was really bad. From this point, things could only go in two directions. Either they would recognize him, demand explanations and eventually reject him, or they would kill this weirdo called Benoît, and then feel the guilt for the rest of their lives, knowing they had killed their mate.

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