Chapter 16: The Encounter

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"You won't know what life is,
Till you die a thousand times.
Once you break the spell of death,
Every moment you'll rise revitalized."
(Abhijit Naskar)

Third person POV

It was no good. Kyle's healing abilities were decreasing and he wasn't sure what the actual reason was. Maybe it had to do with the mating thing. He was not supposed to run away from his mates and his wolf was weakening. Usually, it wouldn't take him so long to recover from a stupid trap laid by mere humans.

A bear's trap, actually. He had managed to free himself before anyone came but his foot had been badly injured and he was still slightly limping. He was now reduced to hide in a small cave near a waterfall, only leaving it at night to hunt small animals like rabits or birds. He was a pathetic excuse of a werewolf, really. The fact that he was actually twice the size of a regular wolf did not make it any better. He was big but he felt small.

It had been only a week but it felt like months since he had last seen his mates. Again, the increased emotional state he had been going through for the last few days was probably connected to the bonding - or rather, lack of. They should have completed the mating process already and it certainly wasn't healthy for mates to be kept apart for so long.

Maybe, if he hadn't left the camp, Darren and Nate would have make love to him by now. He could only imagine what it felt like to share a mental link with someone, to be aware of every single thing about them, from their unique scent to their most intimate thoughts. A mere kiss from Nate had already been a mind-blowing experience to him.

He was also wondering about the sex, being as experienced in this department as a twelve year old boy. But it wasn't something to be ashamed of, or at least, he hoped his mates would see it this way.

Nate and Darren were certainly lucky to have each other. After living with them for a while, he had come to enjoy their compagny immensely and to love thousands of little things about them. He even missed Nate's snarky remarks or Darren's overprotective nature. In a sense, they hadn't change that much since they were children. Even when they were only eight, you could already tell Darren was a natural born leader and that Nate would follow him to the other side of the world. Nobody had been surprised when they had turned eighteen and the One Eye had declared them mates.

Kyle had done my best to resist the temptation, but at times of weakness, he still tried to picture what it would be like to share his body with them, to let them get inside his head. To love and be loved. It was both a scary and exciting thought.

But Alex's betrayal had brought to light this very harsh truth: he did not deserve anyone's love. How could he have forgotten, even for a short moment, how fucked up he was? He probably sounded like a whining pup right now but he was done crying. He was just stating a cruel fact. There was no denying he had tried to rape his best friend. There was no denying he was a Sub pretending to be a Dom. There was no denying he had killed his uncle.

Darren and Nate were far better without him and even if he decided to go back to the camp, there was little chance they would welcome him with open arms. When you get a mate, you stick with them, no matter what: that was another unwritten rule of the pack.

To top it all, he was short of suppressants, meaning his fur had turned white - he hadn't known it before, but he supposed that was what his wolf was supposed to look like in his true form. White wolves were pretty rare, and for some reason, it was always Subs which would turn into this colour when they reached puberty.

Fortunately, he still had smell inhibitors to prevent his mates from finding him, because if they were to see him now, they would immediately understand he had lied to them for all these years.

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