OLD VERSION CHAPTER 6: Worse than a nightmare

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"I had a dream that I was fine/ I wasn't crazy, I was divine" (Lana Del Ray, I Can Fly)

ALERT: (light) SMUT. Last chance to back off ;)

He was currently standing between his mates. Nate was at his front, on his knees, doing things with his mouth that made Kyle's knees turned weak. At the same time, he kept caressing Kyle's tights, stroking the soft skin of his belly with gentle, comforting gestures that almost contrasted with his sinful expression. Behind him, Darren was standing proud and tall, his big, rough hands currently on Kyle's back. Kyle held his breath as he felt the hands slowly but surely traveling south. They were now on his plump ass, cupping each cheek, malaxing them with confidence. Darren lightly spanked his right cheek and Kyle moaned, making Darren chuckled darkly. Kyle closed his eyes, humiliated and turned-on at the same time. Darren's right hand left Kyle's ass and started playing with his nipples instead.

"Sounds like our warrior here likes to be manhandled, isn't that right, Kyle dear?"

He pinched his right nipple and Kyle let out another needy moan, making Darren purred in approval.

"So sensitive, aren't we? Now, tell me Kyle, how do you want it? Do you want to fùck Nate? Answer me".

"N-no I Don't want to"

"Oh, what is it, then? Do you want to boss me around? "

" I-I Don't want that either"

"What do you want, then? Come on, Kyle. You have to ask for it".

"I want you."


"Inside" Kyle whispered, blushing furiously.

"Aw, look at him, Nate, he's blushing. Our mate is so cute! And who do you want to own you first, Kyle? Me or Nate?"


Upon hearing Kyle's answer, his mates stopped whatever naughty action they were doing and looked at him with eyes as big as saucers. They were silent for a good minute until Darren's arm went around Kyle's midsection. Caging him. Protecting him. "That's alright, love" he whispered. "We will take good care of you". Nate nodded his approval, slowly letting go of Kyle's manhood. He gave him a quick kiss on the lips and added " Never be scared to tell us what you want. You don't have to pretend. Here, you can be yourself. That's what mates are for"

Nate's POV

Nate woke up at the unusual feeling of a big, warm body next to him, which did not belong to Darren. He turned on his right side and for a few seconds found himself unable to explain Kyle's presence in their bed, then he suddenly remembered everything. Looking up at Kyle's face, he was surprised by how red his cheeks were. He reached out machinally to check his temperature when suddenly Kyle released a very loud and explicit moan. Nate froze and heard a chocked sound coming from the other side of the bed.

"Darren?" he whispered. "What is Kyle doing?"

"You're not seriously asking me that, love. He is practically dry-humping the matress".

"But... why?"

"Must be the mating-thing. We haven't mated with him like we were supposed to. Must be hard for him. At least, we have each other. He only has his right hand" Darren chuckled with a sadistic expression.


"Yeah, whatever. He is probably dreaming about you, Nate. Dreaming about you under him, screaming as he fùcks you into the matress". "Sorry", Darren quickly added when he realized his mistake. "That was uncalled for"

"I'm NEVER going to let him fùck me. Not after he tried to..."

"I know, love, I know. I can be very insensitive sometimes and I'm sorry"

"You two are too dominant anyways. It's never going to work and it's the last time he is sharing our bed" Nate muttered with an angry tone.

"Whatever you want, love"

But then, as Darren was about to get up to go back to his pack, Kyle said in his sleep the most unexpected words.

"I want you both. I need you both inside of me. Please, I can take it I promise. I NEED you".

Kyle's POV

When Kyle woke up, Darren and Nate were eyeing him closely. Weird, he thought. What have I done this time?

"Did you sleep well?" Nate asked him with an innocent tone, making Kyle immediately frowned in suspicion.

"Yes, and why do you ask?"

Nate raised up his hands in a defensive gesture. "I am asking, that's all. I am just curious. You did not have any weird dreams, did you?"

Kyle's heartbeats suddenly started to quicken "I did not have a nightmare, did I? I can't remember. Surely, I would have had remembered if I had a nightmare"

"No, no nightmares" Nate reassured him with a gleeful expression. "In fact, you seemed like you were enjoying yourself".

"Nate, that's enough. Leave him alone already"

"No, Darren, I want to know. Nate, stop fùcking around. What was I doing? What did I say" ordered Kyle.

"Very well. It looked like you were having a wet dream"

"Me? You're lying! That's not possible!"

Because it WAS impossible. He never got those kind of dreams. But then again, he never got an erection until a few weeks ago, in Darren and Nate's tent. Maybe it was the fault of these pills. He urgently needed other ones. Stronger ones.

"I am lying? Why, are you telling me you never have naughty thoughts, oh, almighty Beta? But, hey, breaking news, you do. You were begging us to take you at the same time. That's what you have been dreaming about"

"Nate, SHUT UP" cried Darren, but it was too late.

"No. No, it can't be true. I am a dominant. Dominants don' t beg to be fùcked like cheap wh0res" muttered Kyle, his face now very pale.

"What? Who told you that? Oh god, Kyle, I'm sorry, okay? Look, it's not a big deal. It's a pretty normal reaction actually. We are..." tried Nate with a much softer tone, but Kyle did not appeared to hear him.

"No" he said. "No, I am not dirty"

"What? Nobody is saying you're dirty, Kyle. Hey, come back".

But Kyle had already left the room, leaving two very confused wolves behind. He needed to run, needed to clear up his head and to get ride of that massive, disgusting proof between his legs that Kyle had actually been telling the true. How much more humiliating than that could it get? A nightmare would have actually been better. Very vivid images of his dream now danced in front of his eyes and he closed his eyes tight. He needed to get new pills, before going to this special operation Darren had assigned him. To do that, he would have to ask Alexander for his help and knowing Alex, it was not going to be a piece of cake. Nevermind, he would just have to think of the perfect lie. This was, sadly, something he was very good at. He had been living a lie since he was a teenager.

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