OLD VERSION Chapter 10: Saving your life

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"I have lived alone, I have fought alone, I have dealt with the pain alone. I will die alone"   (James Frey, A Million Little Pieces)

Everybody was still asleep, except for Kyle and Alex who were still waiting for Darren and Noura to get up. There was still a couple of hours to kill before going on with that special operation, but Kyle had woken up early to find Alex sitting on the cold ground outside of his tent, a pensive expression on his face. They were currently arguing, because they were mature like that.

"Soon? You keep saying that but I need those fucking pills now! The amount of white hair on my fur keeps growing!"

"Wow, calm down, mate. What's wrong? You can wait for a couple of days, it's no big deal. I can't even see those white hair you keep freaking about! I'm telling you, you seriously need to get laid. When was the last time you got laid?"

"None of your godamm business". Never, he thought, although he certainly wasn't going to admit such a shameful thing to Alex - or to anyone else, for that matter. 

"Sure you don't want to sit? You've been standing for hours"

"For the thirtieth time - I'M SURE."

"What's wrong? Did someone kick your ass last night or what?"

Kyle ignored him and Alex was silent, seemingly lost in his thoughts. It was so blissful but unfortunately, it did not last long.

"So, how does it work?" Alex asked with a curious tone.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Darren is obviously a top but Nate, I am not so sure. Do you guys switch? I suppose you let Darren top you but on the other side, you're to beefy to be a bottom. 

"It doesn't work like that. Just because you have muscles doesn't mean you like to dominate in bed. I don't like that kind of stereotypes"

"Very true, my friend. Who knew you could be so wise? Also, now that I come to think about it, you're a sub after all so maybe you enjoy taking it up the"


"Relax, everyone's asleep. Your dirty little secret is safe with me. So?"

"What?" asked Kyle with an exasperated tone.

"Well, are you at the giving end or at the receiving end? Come on, Kyle, please tell me!"

"You really need to get a life" 

"Why would I need to to that, when there are plenty of crapy TV shows to watch? Anyways, give me a clue. I thought we were friends!"

"I wouldn't know" Kyle mumbled

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I don't know if I would top or bottom  in this particular relationship!"

"How comes you don't know? Do you mean... Have you never...."

"Don't be ridiculous!" Kyle interrupted precipitally. "I-I have. It's just, with Darren and Nate, we've never..."

"But you're mates!"

"They don't want me, okay. Now  just stop talking about it!"

Alex wisely shut his mouth, eyeing Kyle with a sympatethic expression on his face. A few minutes later, Darren appeared in front of them, all majestic in his dark fur - Dominant's furs were always dark, and Darren was the darkest wolf of their pack. Kyle felt tingling on his bottom and his cheek warmed at the thought of how Darren's hand had landed over and over again on his ass cheeks  last night. Worst, he had actually enjoyed it. It would never happen again, though. Kyle would make sure of that and maybe, given enough , they would all forget about it. One can hope, yeah? 

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