Chapter 31: Short-lived Victory

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"Wh- HOW ARE YOU ALIVE YOU MISERABLE MAN-THING!" Frieza howled as he located the source of the Disc, Krillin standing tall(as he could), uninjured.
"Ya like that? Have some more! Destructo Disc Barrage!" Krillin yelled as he hurled a multitude of discs at Frieza, who began diving and weaving to dodge the barrage. As soon as the assault ended, Frieza glared at Krillin, who quickly flipped him off before flying off in the opposite direction.
"Vegeta... maybe we should help, huh? An earthling is showing us up." Bardock began flying towards Frieza when he heard(just a second too late) Krillin yell out a technique Bardock hadn't heard in 4 years- back when his son defeated Tien(again) during their rematch at the 23rd World Tournament.
"SOLAR FLARE!" Krillin yelled as a blinding flash of light made finding Frieza a little more difficult.
"Ah!!" Frieza yelped as he got blinded.
"My eyes!" Bardock screamed as the light burned him.
"Yeah! Bardock, Vegeta! Get him! Bardock? Oh no." Krillin quickly realized his technique wasn't quite as useful as he had hoped. Vegeta flew right up to Krillin.
"How are you alive right now." Vegeta was back to his 'if looks could kill' face.
"Huh? Dende is a healer I guess." Krillin shrugged and pointed down to where Dende was hovering over an incapacitated Gohan.
"What?! For how long?!" Vegeta gestured with his whole body.
"Well he's a child, so I'm guessing his whole life." Krillin shrugged again.
"And we're just learning this now?!" Vegeta pointed to Bardock, who was still recovering from having been blinded.
"Well it's not like we needed healing before."
Gohan sat up from where he had been attacked, before giving Dende a quick thanks and flying up to join his allies.
"Gr... what now? You're alive too?! How tenacious is your filthy race?!" Frieza growled as he recovered from Krillin's quick-thinking.
"Soon you'll see. Your tyrannical logistics will soon come to an abrupt halt, as here and now our alliance of heritages and backgrounds will cumulate in your demise." Gohan monologued as his power swelled to a higher level than ever before.
"...that was a lot of words for a brat. Care to summarize?" Frieza shook his head before jolting suddenly, him and everyone else detecting a new power level appearing next to all of them.
"You're gonna die here." Piccolo, the last warrior namekian, had arrived.
"Oh? So another namekian survived. You're welcome to die alongside the rest of your kind." Frieza cackled as he charged up a ki blast.
"No thanks. I alone am enough to kill you." Piccolo boldly stated as he floated forwards slowly.
"Big talk, green man. Are you willing to back it up?" Frieza laughed as he dismissed the ki blast he had prepared.
"Gladly." Piccolo said emotionlessly as he descended to the island below. Frieza soon landed a good distance away,

"Get to safety Dende." Piccolo cracked his neck as he stared down his taller foe.
"How did he know my name?" Dende asked as the rest of the fighters landed next to him.
"Dunno. You think Piccolo is strong enough?" Bardock asked his allies.
"Impossible. This is suicide and the namekian knows it." Vegeta scoffed.
"Mr. Piccolo isn't the sort of combatant to underestimate an opponent. For him to display such confidence and lack of tactical foresight means he must truly belive he can win." Gohan pondered aloud.
"So what's the-" Frieza began floating before being cut off by Piccolo rushing him, socking him in the jaw. The two began pummeling one another, seemingly evenly matched.
Then Frieza chucked a ki sphere at his namekian assailant. Piccolo backed up quickly before batting it back, then followed it with a large ki blast of his own. When the light faded, Frieza stood having blocked the attack, but his arms were bleeding and charred.
"Damn you!" He screamed.
"Incredible! He's evenly matched with that monster!" Krillin laughed loudly.
"No... he's even stronger." Bardock grinned as he shook his head. But even as he celebrated this momentary victory, a great weight sat heavy in his mind.
'Somethings.... Wrong.'
"How?! How long has it been since Nappa killed him on earth? Whatever has he done to gain such power?!" Vegeta exclaimed loudly
"Ha... we just might survive this." Krillin laughed again.
Frieza floated down to Piccolo's altitude and grinned widely at him.
"Perhaps I should start taking you seriously, Piccolo." He spat purple blood as he glared at his shorter foe.
"Hm. If you insist." Piccolo reached up and removed his cape and turban with one motion, both falling to the blue grass with a hefty crash.
Then both fighters, the emperor of evil who sought life eternal, and the namekian who disregarded himself again and again in search of greater power, both began pummeling one another with perfect asymmetrical timing, trading blow for blow every time. After having traded upwards of 50 blows, Frieza backed off suddenly.
"Enough! It would seem I have given you too much leeway. While I admit I hadn't anticipated you holding back as much as you had been, the truth is that I too hold back even know. For you see, this isn't even my final form." Frieza cackled as he stood up tall.
"What?! Vegeta, Bardock! Is this true?!" Piccolo called to his allies for affirmation. He was disheartened to see them nod.
"This isn't what Frieza looked like when we first landed... or what he will look like." Bardock said, the second part so quiet only vegeta heard it.
"Hoho! Then face despair as you see a form only my family have seen before!" Frieza yelled gleefully as he adjusted his stance and began screaming once more.

Power levels-

Power levels- by the way, these are all gonna be really stupid from here on out. Second Form Frieza's biggest contribution to DBZ was killing power levels.

Bardock: 93,000
Goku(Healing): 80,000
Gohan(zenkai's on Namek hit different): 200,000
Krillin(post Dende heal): 88,000
Bulma: 8
Vegeta: 95,000
Frieza: 530,000
Frieza(2nd Form): 1,060,000
Dende: 30
Piccolo Jr.: 1,060,000
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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