Chapter 3: Plans for the Future

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Gohan hurtled towards his uncle with unprecedented speed, colliding violently into his chest. Raditz was sent sprawling by the blow, and Gohan fell to the floor. He quickly stood up and ran towards his beloved father. He snapped back around to find Raditz standing there, hand over his chest, a huge hole broken in his armor.
"You brat! You can't even control your own power!" Raditz screamed as he swung his fist at his nephew. But before his fist connected,
suddenly, Goku was standing. He grabbed his older brother and held him in a full Nelson while yelling at his namekian ally.
"DO IT NOW, PICCOLO!!!" He roared. Bardock stared.
"Huh? Do what? He asked aloud as he touched his feet to the earth. He turned to see Piccolo, bearing an evil grin. In between his fingertips was an impressive amount of ki.
The one-armed namekian smiled before firing off his newest technique.
"SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!!" Piccolo screamed. Bardock realized too late what was happening.
"Wait! No! No! I can't lose them both! Not like this!" Bardock yelled as he sprinted to where his two sons stood at a standstill. Bardock ran as fast as he could, and threw his arm out in front of him. The spiraling ki blast spun right through his hand, piercing it entirely as it tore its way through Raditz's chest, and then finally Goku's. Bardock fell to the ground, but he could hardly feel the pain in his hand. He watched in horror as his two sons were sent sprawling on the floor. He got to his feet and staggered over to Raditz. He stood above him, and watched as the realization dawned in Raditz's eyes.
"*cough*... I should've known, Bardock. Kakarot kept mentioning family... *cough*." Bardock felt a stinging in his eyes as he clasped Raditz's hand.
"Yeah... that's sounds like your brother alright. *sniffle* Always running that damn mouth of his. *sniffle*. Look at me, Raditz. You became a true saiyan just like your father. It's like you wanted, right?" Bardock asked as a tear splashed on the grass beneath him. Raditz tried to chuckle, but only coughed up more blood.
"Damn it all. If only mother could see us now, huh? I bet her and everyone else would be laughing at us. The clowns of the saiyan race. *cough* I don't blame you for choosing peace, Bardock. I commend you for being able to choose it on your own. *cough* You always were the best of us. You can take these rings back now, Yemma knows I won't need them. * Thanks for trying, Bardock. Or should I say, father. *Cough* *cough* I suppose I'll be seeing Gine soon, huh?" Raditz asked as the last light faded from his eyes. Bardock gripped his hand tighter as his head fell to the floor limp. More tears splashed beneath him as he took one last deep breathe before standing up.
"Yeah...yeah you will." Bardock said quietly. He dried his tears on his wristbands as he walked to where Kakarot lay. Gohan was holding his hand. Bardock fell to his knees.
"Hey... it's alright. I know you just did what you had too. I can't blame you. After all, us saiyans never were much good at anything that wasn't fighting. Hm. You see that back there, Kakarot? I don't know what came over me. I was acting...human." Bardock sighed as Goku met his gaze.
"*Cough* Don't worry, dad. It happens. This planet changes people, I know it. *Cough* Sorry I had to kill my brother before you could really talk to him. You never mentioned how evil he was. *cough*" Goku chuckled dryly as he coughed up more blood.
"Yeah well, must've slipped my mind. But don't you worry Kakarot. We'll have you wished back in no time. Don't keep us waiting too long, Alright?" Bardock smiled weakly as Goku grinned one last time before he fell limp. But to everyone's amazement, his body disappeared. Piccolo shook his head.
"Bet that's Kami. Damn him." Piccolo spat. Bardock walked back over to Raditz's body and began to remove the rings he had gifted him oh so long ago. He stopped when he saw Raditz's scouter, and heard a voice.
"Damn it Nappa, I can't hear anything anymore. You think they broke it?" An angry voice was attempting to contact Raditz? Bardock grabbed the scouter and put it on.

"This is Bardock. Who is this?" Bardock spat angrily, gripping the scouter tightly. The voice(s) on the other side seemed shocked.
"Oh? What's this? Bardock? So he wasn't lying. Huh. Well, it's unfortunate that Raditz had to go and get himself killed, but now we know that you and your son are both on that earth place. And you're probably even stronger then when I was a kid, right?" Bardock didn't like this guy's tone.
"I'm sorry, who is this?" He asked, staring into the distance as a familiar capsule plane landed behind them.
"Of course. This is Prince Vegeta IV, and we will be coming for you, Bardock. After all, we only had Raditz with us out of necessity." The voiced laughed cruelly.
"Why you-" Bardock started, his eye twitching with rage.
"But do tell Kakarot he'd better join us when we arrive." Vegeta ignored him completely.
"Hate to break it to you, but he might not be here when you arrive. He's dead right now." Bardock said like it was the most casual thing ever.
"Oh? Right now? As in, potentially not permanent?" Bardock could practically feel Vegeta's glare through the scouter.
"You're a smart one, I'll give you that. Yeah, we'll be reviving him in about a year." Bardock admitting, watching Krillin panic in the distance.
"Well how convenient! If we were to leave right now, I'd imagine we'd touch down in about a year! Isn't that right Nappa?" Vegeta asked louder. A different voice chimed in on the scouter.
"Yeah! We're going to watch you necromance!" Bardock could feel Vegeta's blank stare, but this time it wasn't directed at him.
"What? No! Dammit Nappa, just get in the pod!" Vegeta exhaled loudly as his scouter disconnected.
"Ok, Vegeta. Weeee!" Nappa hollered as his followed suit. Bardock crushed the scouter to see Piccolo standing uncomfortable close.
"Geez, took you long enough." Piccolo commented. Bardock snapped towards him. 'Does he know?' Piccolo grabbed the sleeping Gohan and stepped closer.
"My ears are capable of hearing just about anything. So yeah, I know about your 'friends'." Piccolo grunted and dropped Gohan.
"We have one year until they show up. I think this brat is our best hope. So how about we split training him?" Piccolo offered. Bardock thought on that, and nodded his head in agreement.
"Okay, how about I take a month to run over the basics, then you have 6 months to do whatever you want, and then I get him until the saiyans show up?" Bardock offered. Piccolo thought about his offer. Less time then he would've liked, but Bardock was significantly stronger....
"Fine. Come find me in a month. I'll be doing training of my own." Piccolo muttered and took off. Bardock turned and grabbed Gohan.
"Great.... how am I going to explain this to his mother?" Bardock groaned under his breath. He flew towards Goku's house, ready to try.

Chi-Chi opened the door almost as soon as Bardock had rapped his fist against the wood.
"Gok-oh. Bardock? Why are you here? And where's Goku?" She asked inquisitively. Bardock grunted a reply.
"So uh....I've got bad news, bad news and more bad news. First and foremost, Kakarot died. *Gasp!* I know, but we'll revive him with the dragonballs later. Second off: two really powerful enemies are coming to earth to kill everyone here. *Gasp!* I know, but that brings me to my third point: I want your permission to train Gohan for the next year until they arrive so he can help us fight them." Bardock said quickly. Chi-Chi nearly collapsed. Bardock stood there, watching her uncomfortably.
"So uh...see you in a year." Bardock said, taking flight once more. Time to get training!

Power Levels:

Bardock: 12,651
Goku: 1,052/Dead.
Gohan: 40
Gohan(enraged): 1,600
Raditz: 1,500/Dead.
Piccolo: 905
Chi-Chi: 210

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