Chapter 32: A Saiyan Plan

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Spikes shot out of Frieza's back with gut wrenching sounds, and his shoulders elongated as his neck cracked and stretched in time with them.
With a sickening squelch, Frieza stood back to his full height, which while a few centimeters shorter, more than made up for it with the overwhelming power he now possessed.
"Fhhhh... now where were we?" Frieza asked with a new voice, perfectly complimenting his fearsome appearance."
"You... you're a monster." Piccolo gasped, stunned by the burst in power displayed by his opponent.
"So... he's even stronger than before?" Krillin sighed.
"That's an understatement." Bardock exhaled.
"I'd assume by taking off that weighted cape and turban, you were looking to increase your speed. I'd go as far as to say that you were confident in that speed. Let's test it." Frieza said dryly before charging at Piccolo, who narrowly dodged the charge and flew in the opposite direction as fast as he could. Then he stopped, slamming into Frieza's chest.
"Too slow, namekian. Too slow. Now slowly shall you descend to hell." Frieza laughed loudly as he quickly shot a ki blast at Piccolo's knee, completely destroying it. Piccolo was helpless to prevent the barrage of beams Frieza launched at him, every single one of them hitting their mark. His allies all watched in horror as Piccolo was pierced by beam after beam.
"We... we have to help him." Bardock said at last.
"What? How?! He's too fast!"
"STOP IT!!" Gohan yelled as he raced towards his mentor.
"Gohan no!" Krillin yelped as he tried to catch his younger ally.
"You wouldn't make a difference baldie... but I think I have a plan." Vegeta said with a sudden gleam in his eye. He turned and smiled at Bardock.
"Is this a saiyan plan involving Dodo down there?" Bardock asked with a smirk and a shake.
"You bet your ass it is. Now on the count of three... two... on-" Vegeta's count was stopped by Gohan screaming in rage as he blasted Frieza with the largest beam anyone on Namek had ever seen.
"DIE ALREADY!!!!" Gohan howled with rage as Frieza tried his best to push the blast back, only gaining traction at the last second. The massive beam coalesced into one mighty, compacted ball of ki, which Frieza wasted no time to throw back at Gohan above him. As Gohan stood stunned, it was only due to a smaller blast redirecting the larger blast at the last second. Gohan turned and saw Piccolo, huffing and bleeding, but still alive.
Frieza began mumbling something while everyone else was distracted by Vegeta and Bardock.
"What... what are they talking about?" Krillin asked. Piccolo and Gohan just shrugged.
"This plan is stupid, but it just might work." Bardock said with a grin and a nod.
"It is a saiyan plan, after all." Vegeta returned the motion.
"Ok... so do we go on one or on go?" Bardock asked before glancing down at the ranting tyrant.
".........even though I don't need it, perhaps it's fair to show the lot of you, especially you, my true power, my one and only.... Final Form!" Frieza's continuous monologue suddenly became a little more concerning as everyone processed what he just said. Frieza began to scream as his power began wavering.
In perfect unison that can only be wrought by saiyan thinking, Bardock and Vegeta fired ki blasts straight through each other's chests.
"Ah! Vegeta and Mr. Bardock just killed each other?!" Gohan yelped in surprise.
"There's no time Gohan! We've got to get out of here before Frieza finishes whatever he's doing!" Piccolo yelled to break him from his stupor. Gohan immediately flew to Piccolo and helped him down to the island where Dende was hiding.
"Don't worry Mr. Piccolo. Dende can heal you." Gohan reassured as Krillin landed next to them.
On the other side of the island, a panicked Dende was confronted by 2 of the last saiyans in the universe, the both of them bleeding profusely.
"Wh-why did you try to kill each other with all your power?!" Dende exclaimed.
"Grrrk! That way... the zenkai could be that much bigger." Vegeta choked out, struggling to stand.
"Heh... what he... said..." Bardock shook his head in an effort to keep conscious.
Dende stepped towards Vegeta, but then decided Bardock was the more demanding of the two. After all, he was weaker than Vegeta.
With a burst of light, Bardock stood back up with a new scar, broken armor, but with power like nothing he had ever felt before.
"This... I can do it. I can kill Frieza." Bardock chuckled as he floated back over to his other allies, obliviously caught up in the moment. He landed next to then as they were discussing zenkai boosts.

"Dende, we need you to heal Vegeta." Krillin said immediately. Bardock was insulted that no one even mentioned his power boost.
"What are you talking about? That's where he is- huh?" Bardock pointed back towards Vegeta, still bleeding out on the floor, when he almost stepped on the namekian child right behind him.
"I grabbed onto your leg when you floated over. That Vegeta fellow killed my fellow namekians. I can't." Dende said quickly, healing Piccolo as he spoke.
"Dende please. I can't beat Frieza as I am now. Bardock might not be enough, strong as he is. We need Vegeta." Piccolo said a moment after he stood up and surveyed the scene.
"Ok. Fine." With that, Dende sprinted towards Vegeta, still spilling red blood on the blue grass.
Then a massive explosion shook the very planet.
"Oh King Kai... he's done. Still fancy your odds against him, Bardock?" Piccolo gulped back his fear as he stared in the direction of the foe who threatened the universe.
"Ch! Shut up Jr. Maybe I can't kill him- but I definitely can try, and with the three of us we definitely can kill him! There's still time to change the future!" Bardock rambled while steeling himself for the dangers ahead.

'There's one last vision that has yet to pass- well two, but I'm pretty sure that other one was a hallucination. The last vision was Kakarot getting ready to fight what I now know to be Frieza's Final Form. If I can kill Frieza before Kakarot shows up, maybe... just maybe...

He'll be able to forgive me.'

Power levels- still stupid btw

Bardock(Post Saiyan Plan-Zenkai): 2,444,000
Goku(Healing): 110,000
Gohan(zenkai+Big mad): 1,000,000
Krillin(post Dende heal): 88,000
Bulma(I'll give her like 2 extra points and just call it off-screen grinding): 10
Vegeta(Post Saiyan Plan-Zenkai): 2,500,000
Frieza: 530,000
Frieza(2nd Form): 1,060,000
Frieza(3rd Form): 1,590,000
Frieza(Totally his final form): 3,000,000
Dende: 30
Piccolo Jr.: 1,060,000
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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