Chapter 1: A Peace Shattered

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Five years ago, the saiyan Son Goku defeated the namekian Piccolo Jr. at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai. The 24th Tournament was delayed in order to finish rebuilding & renovating the arena. The five years since then have been have years of peace. But now...

"This is it." The man said, leaning out of window. He had a bandage on his forehead, and a gun in the passanger seat. He was talking to a man who sat in the back of his pickup truck. The man had a full head of black hair, despite nearing 65 years of age. He wore a red bandana above his stern black eyes. On his left cheek was a scar in the shape of a cross. He shifted the hay in his mouth around as he sat up. A short black beard graced his face. It took him nearly 12 years, but he finally had grown a beard.
Bardock. The sole survivor, the father of Goku, and the oldest known saiyan. He dismounted the truck and nodded to the farmer. The man clutched his shotgun and exited the driver's seat.
The duo walked to where the ground changed. Compared to the nice flat field they had been driving on, this was a rocky crater. In it's center sat a white orb. Bardock recognized it an instant. There were now three on this planet. Saiyan pods. Used for space travel.
"And tell me again; what did the alien look like?" Bardock asked the farmer. Bardock had come out here because he sensed an incredible power level. In fact, he still sensed it. And it felt familiar. It wasn't doing anything yet, just flying around.
"Well uh, let's see. He was around...6 and a half feet tall...really long black hair that went down past his legs... and scary eyes. Pure black. Like a demons. Or yours, for that matter. He was wearing black and brown armor, and no pants. A green thingie was on his eye, and he had a brown furry belt like yours." The farmer listed off. Bardock alternated between shaking and nodding his head. Description was a perfect match. Raditz. Bardock needed to find him. He slipped the farmer 50 zeni and spit the hay out on the ground. He walked away from the farmer as the farmer got back in his truck. Once the farmer was out of sight, he took flight in the direction of the power level.
After a short flight, Bardock found the power level. Well... a power level.
"Oh. Hey junior! Where'd he go?!" Bardock bellowed at Piccolo. Piccolo was shocked.
"That...that thing... how could another saiyan have landed on earth..." Piccolo muttered.
"Hey! Listen to me! Help me find him, and then help me get rid of him! I still can't sense energy levels like your generation can." Bardock grunted. He hated to admit it. Piccolo slowly nodded before flying after the new threat.

A yellow cloud soared through the sky, twisting and turning every-which way. On top of the cloud sat a young man. He wore an orange dōgi with blue under clothing, and on his back was the symbol of the turtle school. He had a full head of black hair that made it look like he had just woken up, but this 24 year old saiyan hadn't slept much at all.
Son Goku. The three time winner of the Tenkaichi Budokai, and the savior of the earth twice over. He'd been looking forward to this day: the day to reunite with all of his friends from 5 years ago!
"Um...daddy? Are we close?" A voice asked from Goku's lap. Goku looked down at his precious son.
Gohan. Named after the man who raised Goku, and wearing an outfit picked out by his mother Chi-Chi, this 4 year old was ready to meet his father's friends.
"Yup! Soon we'll see Kame house!" Goku yelled above the wind, the Flying Nimbus 2 going as fast as ever. Soon enough, there it was: Kame House, alone on its island. Goku called out as they approached.
"Here we are! Hey there!" Goku could sense from inside the house most of his old friends. He also heard clamoring to come greet him. They all greeted him as they exited the house. Their attention was quickly diverted elsewhere.
"Hey Goku, who's the kid?" Bulma asked.
"What?" Goku stared blankly at his friends, Gohan in hands.
"Uh Goku, just because you were found in the woods as a kid doesn't mean you can go around grabbing kids." Krillin remarked.
"What? This is my son. His name is Gohan." Goku replied, surprised. Not as surprised as everyone else, however. Goku set Gohan on the ground.
"Say hi, son." Goku told his only child. Gohan bowed deeply.
"Good afternoon everybody." He said with a smile. Roshi spoke up.
"Heh! Gohan right? Named after your grandpa?" Goku nodded at his one-time-teacher. Bulma squatted down to see Gohan.
"And how old are you, Gohan?" She asked in a light voice.
"I am now four years old." Gohan declared, having practiced this.
"Wow...he's got some good manners." Krillin commented. Goku shrugged.
"I guess. Chi-Chi is pretty fussy about that."
"Heh! he strong like you too?" Roshi asked. Goku nodded.
"Chi-Chi was hesitant to have him fight, but dad helped change her mind." Goku smiled.
"Huh...speaking of your dad, where is Bardock?" Bulma asked. Goku shook his head.
"Well...he'll visit us for like a week at a time, and then disappear for a month." Goku said sadly. Krillin shrugged. Sounded like him alright. Then, his attention was drawn to his right.
"Woah! That's a pretty big power level...can't be Piccolo...and not even close to dad..." Goku muttered, instinctively stepping in front of Gohan. After a short moment, all could see the object of Goku's ire. A tall man with long black hair that went past his waist landed on the island right in front of them. He was wearing armor similar to Bardock's, and he wore a green thing over his eye.
"Haha! So we finally meet at long last, brother! You look just like our father!" The tall man cackled. Goku gasped sharply.
"Rosedash!" He exclaimed.

Power Levels-

Bardock: 12,651
Goku: 1,051
Gohan: 40
Bulma: 7
Roshi: 430
Krillin: 400
Piccolo Jr.: 900
Raditz/"Rosedash": 1,500
Farmer: 5

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