Chapter 11: Dramatic Finish

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Vegeta stared at the great ape Gohan that was now roaring at the heavens. Vegeta was no fool, he knew his chances of victory against two great apes was slim. So he quickly formulated an admittedly half baked plan.
Step 1- Remember what that bald child had done to cut his tail off.
Step 2- gather up enough ki to put into a flat circle.
Step 3- throw it.
Step 4- hope it connects.
See? Saiyan plans were always simple, but this was just desperate.

As a massive Gohan leaped at Vegeta, he threw the disc with all of his might as he tried to remember the words the bald one said.
"Destro Fish!" He screamed as Gohan's tail collided with the ki. The tail was severed, and for a split second, Vegeta felt a glimmer of hope. But for only a split second. The great ape began shrinking sure enough, but didn't lose any of its prior velocity from the attempted leap. So a colossal five year nailed Vegeta, but quickly shrank back to his original size. Having being throughly trashed by a five year naked half-breed, Vegeta was ready to leave. He barely opened an eye and pushed the sleeping Gohan aside. Somewhere inside his armor, he managed to find a small remote and clicked it. Then, he lay still.
Goku and Krillin slowly made their way over to where the battle had ended. Bardock, still in his ape form, was unconscious. Gohan was naked, once again tailess, and also unconscious. Krillin could hardly walk, and Goku could hardly stand. Everyone saw the previously abandoned saiyan pod land right next to Vegeta, who struggled to even crawl closer to it. Krillin's eyes quickly darted around the destroyed battlefield and fell upon the abandoned sword of Yajirobe.
" way... I won't let him... get away." Krillin gasped as he grasped it with some difficulty, and used it as a crutch to draw closer to Vegeta. Vegeta had just grabbed the edge of his opened pod and was attempting to climb in when a shadow blocked his light. Out of the corner of his eye he saw two glints of light: one a bald head, and one of a sharp weapon aimed directly at him.
"This is revenge for everyone you've killed, monster! NOW DIE!!" Krillin screamed as he plunged the blade downwards.
"Wait!" A voice intervened at the last second, causing Krillin to cease his downward plunge. He and Vegeta looked up to see the figure of Kakarot, slowly limping closer to them. He was badly wounded and exhausted, but still standing.
"Let him go, Krillin. It's...hard to explain, but we need to let him go." Goku said quietly. Were the wastelands not so deathly quiet, Krillin may not have heard him.
"What the hell? Are you crazy, Goku?! This bastard nearly killed us all!" Krillin shouted in sharp contrast.
"I know. But when you you nearly killed him, all I could think was: what a waste. People of his level aren't commonplace. I mean hell, he was stronger then dad!" Goku said with a faint trace of a pained smile on his face.
"But if we let him go, he'll come back stronger then ever!" Krillin gestured to the unmoving foe.
"I know that Krillin. In fact, I'm counting on it. When he comes back, I'll be ready. I'll be even stronger then he will be. I promise you." Goku stood tall for his final line, his eyes filled with hope.
"....Ok. Ok Goku. I'll trust you. You can go, scumbag." Krillin stepped away from Vegeta and tossed the sword onto the ground. Vegeta finally finished his climb into the pod and chuckled dryly.
"You damn fools. Next time we meet: I'll kill you all." Vegeta said as his pod took off, never to land on earth again. Krillin staggered over to the naked Gohan and picked him up. He began walking over to Goku when a large shadow passed overhead. Krillin looked up to see a Capsule Corp ship, and grinned as wide as his wounded face would allow.

The ship landed and almost before the door finished opening Chi-Chi barreled out.
"GOHAN!!" She screamed as she ran past her shirtless husband, who stared dumbfounded. She snatched her son away from Krillin, who put his hands up defensively. Korin, Roshi and Bulma all exited the ship after her and scanned fruitlessly for anyone else. Roshi gave his staff to Goku to help get him on the ship, while Bulma stared at the still-giant Bardock.
" much longer will he be like that?" Bulma asked aloud.
Krillin looked up and shrugged.
"Hey Master Roshi! When you're done over there, could you shoot a kamehameha at that blue ball of light?" Krillin yelled. Roshi grumbled something that might've been a yes, so Krillin headed towards the ship. Sure enough, Roshi fired off a medium sized kamehameha and destroyed the powerball, which caused Bardock to shrink back down. It took a great deal of effort from Roshi to carry him into the ship. Once everyone was rounded up, the ship took flight towards the nearest hospital.
On the way back, it fell to Krillin to explain what had happened, and share the bad news of the casualties.
"We got slaughtered. While Vegeta used Bardock as a punching bag, Chiaotzu sacrificed himself. After that, Tien burnt himself out trying to avenge him. Then, Nappa killed Piccolo while aiming for Gohan, then beat us three ways to Sunday while we waited for Goku to show up. It's a good thing he showed up when he did. I don't know what we would've done." Krillin sadly recounted. Goku smiled weakly.
"But hey, at least I can just senzu it up, right?" He asked softly, still exhausted from his fateful bout. To everyone's shock, however, Korin shook his head no.
"Heh...they can't come back, can they." Roshi said sadly, not posed as a question. Bulma stared at him.
"What? We have the dragonballs, in a years time we'll all be fine. Right?" Bulma asked nervously, not liking the silence that stood in for an answer.
"Well...It's not that simple. Kami was still Piccolo. So Kami's dead too. Without him, there's no dragonballs." Goku said in between grunts of effort.
"Huh? mean...." As the realization hit Bulma, she began to tear up.
"But. I have a crazy idea. And I mean real crazy. I think I might know of way to get all of our friends back." Krillin said confidently.

Power Levels-

Bardock: 12,800
Bardock(Great Ape): 128,000
Goku: 9,250
Goku(Kaioken): 18,500
Goku(Kaiokenx3): 27,750
Goku(kaiokenx4): 37,000
Goku(exhausted): 8,400
Gohan: 1,000
Gohan(Great Ape): 10,000
Krillin: 1,840
Yajirobe: 1,010
Bulma: 7
Roshi: 1,530
Vegeta: 18,000
Vegeta(exhausted): 15,000
Vegeta(exhausted+Power Ball): 13,000
Vegeta(post ape exhaustion): 10,000
Vegeta(Great Ape): 180,000
Vegeta(Great Ape(exhausted+PB)): 130,000
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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