Chapter 9: Pride

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"Alright. Don't fail me now, body! Kaio-ken times 3!" Goku yells as a more intense red glow envelopes him.
"Kaio-wha-" Vegeta tries asking, but he gets cut off by Goku slamming his fist into Vegeta's cheek. He dashes behind him and kicks him into the air. Goku rockets after him and flies through Vegeta's panicked attempts of a counter attack. He drives his foot into his other cheek. Vegeta plummets towards a mountain, but before he can hit it, Goku appears behind him and launches his knee into Vegeta's back. Before he can even recoil from that back blow, Goku uppercuts him in the stomach harder then he has ever punched anything before. Vegeta coughs up blood as he falls to one knee. Goku lands on the ground and the red glow dissipates. Vegeta struggles and manages to rise to both feet as he sees what lies in between his legs.
"Blood?" He asks as he wipes his mouth his white glove, only to find a red streak now decorating it. His eyes grow red and bloodshot as his anger boils over.
"YOUR INSOLENCE JUST COST YOU THIS ENTIRE WORLD!!! I'LL BLOW THIS PLANET INTO SPACE DUST!!!" Vegeta howled with rage as he flew straight up.
Goku quickly weighed his options. Try to counter the beam and possibly die, or dodge the beam and let the world die, therefore still killing him.
"Well...if it'd kill me anyway." Goku mutters as he brings his hands together in his trademark fashion.
"THIS IS THE END!!! GALICK GUN!!!" Vegeta screams as he puts his hands together at his side before thrusting them foreword. A massive purple beam shoots out towards the ground. Goku, standing on that ground, raises his own hands and shouts as a massive blue beam shoots towards the sky.
The two beams clash with a mighty boom.
The two beams appear equal, but only for a moment. Goku's kamehameha is slowly pushing back Vegeta's Galick Gun. But Goku's body is aching. He knows he can't keep up the kaio-ken times three for much longer. So, in a last ditch desperate effort to end it, he raises his head and screams:
"KAIO-KEN TIMES 4!!!!" And as soon as the words leave his mouth, the red glow intensifies even further, and the Galick Gun is pushed back entirely, launching Vegeta high into the sky. Goku sits on the ground and begins panting. It took nearly everything he had for the times four, and his body is wracked with pain. He can't ever imagine pushing past times four. Goku sits and recovers, eye locked on Vegeta's lowered power level. He's sure taking his time. Wonder what he's doing up there? Finally, after what seems an eternity, Vegeta descends.
"Think you're clever, Kakarot? Destroying the moon so we can't transform? Hah! A bold gesture, I'll give you that. But I'm about to show you why it was all for naught. Behold! A Power Ball!" Vegeta yells as a bright glow takes form in his outstretched hand. A glowing sphere slowly forms, and Vegeta's power level drops again!
'I don't understand...the moon? Transform? And now his lower power level...just what are you planning, Vegeta?' Goku thinks as he watches the glowing orb reach it's full size. Vegeta smiled as he hurls the orb into the air with a shout.
"Now go! Burst open and mix!" He cackles as the surrounding area is bathed in unnatural light.
Goku turns and stares at the weird orb now glowing in the sky.
"Behold! Prepare to regret having lost your tail, Kakarot!" Vegeta howls, his short stature shuddering in the unnatural light.
Well, not so short anymore.

His eyes are changing color, turning into a dark crimson. He is rapidly growing, his torn armor scaling with him. He began howling as he grew even larger still. Dark brown fur began to coat him as his size continued to increase. Goku recoils in shock as the saiyan continues his growth spurt unhindered. Vegeta lets out one final howl as he completes his metamorphosis.
"Well Kakarot? What do you think? This is the power of the mighty Oozaru!" Vegeta's deepened voice booms. But Goku hardly pays him any attention.
"So...the monster that killed grampa, smashed the house, and hurt dad....that was me!" Goku exclaims, shocked and horrified. Before Goku can come up with a true attack plan, Vegeta pounces, his massive fist crushing the rocks where Goku was just standing. Then Vegeta kicked the now airborne Goku into the ground. Goku stands shakily, never taking his eyes off his massive foe.

'All I need is time to come up with a strategy....I know!' Goku has an epiphany. As the simian giant flies towards Goku with ridiculous speed, Goku yells.

"Sorry Tien! I'm borrowing this! SOLAR FLARE!!" Goku raises his arms to his head as a massive flash of light blinds Vegeta, who begins roaring.

"What the hell is this, KAKAROT?!" Vegeta raves in midair, unable to see. Goku descends quickly and weighs his options even faster.

"Ok. I either aim for his tail, try and use the spirit bomb, or just.... Maybe punch his blinded eyes? How about a combo of two?" Goku decides and flies right back at the still-recovering Vegeta. He sails a fist right into Vegeta's crimson eye as it opens.

"OWWW!!!! WHAT THE FU-" Vegeta screams as Goku dives beneath his legs and grabs hold of his massive tail. He begins to swing Vegeta around rapidly, as he can do nothing but scream. Goku lets go, and sends Vegeta careening into the ground. Vegeta lands on his back hard, causing a sickening crunch. Goku slowly floats downward, looking down on his fallen foe. But then, Vegeta throws his jaws open and spits out a massive ki blast, which nails Goku straight on!
"*cough* Ouch...Didn't expect that.." Goku chuckles as the smoke clears, revealing his torn dōgi. Vegeta slowly stands and glared up at his lower class opponent.
"I'm impressed you've managed to survive this long, Kakarot! But now you die! You can't possible hope to contest with an elite Oozaru like myself!" Vegeta howls pridefully. Goku chuckles.
"Maybe not, but he probably can." Goku raises an exhausted arm and points behind Vegeta. Vegeta snaps around to see...

Another great ape!!!

Power Levels-

Bardock: 12,800
Goku: 9,250
Goku(Kaioken): 18,500
Goku(Kaiokenx3): 27,750
Goku(kaiokenx4): 37,000
Goku(exhausted): 8,400
Gohan: 1,000
Krillin: 1,840
Mystery Great Ape- 128,000
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Yajirobe: 1,010
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Vegeta: 18,000
Vegeta(exhausted): 15,000
Vegeta(Power Ball): 13,000
Vegeta(Great Ape): 180,000
Vegeta(Great Ape(exhausted+PB)): 130,000
Yamcha: Dead.
Nappa: Dead.

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