Chapter 34: Down Memory Lane

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Meanwhile, in an older model Frieza healing pod on the other side of the planet: Kakarot's POV!
Kakarot continued his trip through a confusing land of memories, both his own and his fathers. By this point, he had seen most of Bardock's life. It played randomly though, segments at a time. He watched himself as a baby, a younger Raditz training, and the deaths of everyone Bardock had known.
'This is... what he had been trying to tell me. This is why he couldn't. Why he never told me about mom.' Goku thought solemnly as he stared at the afterglow of what had been Planet Vegeta.
Then there was sharp snap. Up until this point, Goku had been watching the memories all fragmented, like grains of sand in the wind. But after the snap, there were only two grains of sand. In one memory, Bardock went to his favorite bar, telling everyone there that Frieza was coming to kill them. But in the other memory, Bardock was staring at the empty nursery where Kakarot had been just days earlier. While in one grain Bardock stole a assault pod and launched himself after his son, Bardock in the other grain flew alone into space to battle Frieza.
'I... I don't understand... these... these look like they're happening at the same time? How? Although... now that I think about it... dad never did mention how he escaped the destruction of Planet Vegeta. I assumed because of bad memories, but maybe... he doesn't know either.' Goku realized as one grain's Bardock fired off a ki blast in a futile attempt to stop Frieza's massive ki orb of destruction. The other Bardock on the other hand was floating aimlessly through space. Then another snap, but Kakarot watched as the two grains collided with one another to the one and only memory shard between both Bardock's and Goku:  Kakarot, alone in space, crying and looking out his sole view of the universe around him.
"Dad?" The baby Kakarot croaked as a light zoomed past him.


Goku's eyes shoot open as he feels Frieza's massive ki.
"At last! I'm healed!" Goku yelps as he shoots upwards, destroying the healing pod and adding yet another hole into Frieza's flagship. He lands on the roof and looks down at his hands.
"What... what were those memories? What do they mean? How.. why? I'm so confused- and this is no time to stall! I've got to save them, and with this insane power I have now... this is ridiculous! I thought I was at my limit! With this... I'm coming guys!" Goku says to the empty fields as he locks onto the ki signatures of his allies, family, and Frieza. He needs to get answers from the source.
And with that, he races off. He lands only moments later, a thunderous boom echoing across the island.
Every eye on the planet turned in synch to the newest arrival. Goku struts forwards with purpose, stopping next to Piccolo.
"Well geez... how'd you change your ki signature like that Piccolo? I didn't even know it was you. You used the dragonballs to come here, right? I'm glad you survived. Sorry I'm late. Dad... I have a few questions for you." Goku says softly as he approaches Bardock's bloodied form, having given his all to attack Frieza.
"You look even younger than I thought you would, Frieza." Kakarot chuckles as he finally comes face-to-face with the demon that has haunted his father's every nightmare for 30 years.
"So there's even more garbage on this planet? Say, you look quite similar to Bardock over there- minus the open wounds, I suppose. Who are you?" Frieza steps back from Vegeta's broken body, the Saiyan struggling to even cough up blood anymore.
"Ka-kaarot... ts yo" Vegeta wheezes out with labored breath and missing teeth.
"Kakaarot, is it? Are you Bardock's spawn, just like that other one- oh! Now I get it. You're the missing link, aren't you? The father of that brat, child of a coward." Frieza taunts as he completes the mental puzzle.
"Well... now what, Frieza?" Goku asked as he looks on, unimpressed.
"Now? I fulfill my promise to each and every saiyan, starting with you!" Frieza howls as he launches himself at Goku, who quickly kicks him in the face. Frieza flies backwards, surprise on his face.
"Oh my... perhaps a fluke." He comments as he raises his finger to fire more of the lightning quick red ki beams of death.
"GOKU! Dodge!" Krillin yells as he hits the deck.
The red flash fires six times, the six beams racing at the sole standing saiyan. But to everyone's surprise, Goku doesn't dodge. He merely raises one hand and bats the beams away. The six blasts sail into the distance, sending ripples through the green water.
"You... with one hand? Perhaps it wasn't a fluke, then." Frieza comments dryly. From beside Goku, one of the two saiyans begins to laugh through broken ribs and cracked teeth.
"Ha... hahaha.... HAHAHAHAHAHA! You're out of luck Frieza... he's the one... the one you fear more than any thing else- the legendary- grk!" Vegeta's monologue is cut short as a red beam pierces his chest. Frieza lowers his hand as Vegeta's head falls to the blue ground beneath him.
"I told you I hate jokes." Frieza spat as Goku turns to glare at him.
"You! He was powerless! He couldn't even move!" Goku cries as Vegeta begins to cough up blood.
"And? I had warned him to shut up about that damn legend. It annoyed me 30 years ago, and it annoys me now. You aren't the saiyan of legend. Vegeta wasn't. Your father isn't. It's exactly what Vegeta said it is- a legend." Frieza says gleefully as Bardock stirs with a groan.
"Kakarot... do it. This here is the moment I've been training you for your entire life. I've always known it'd come to this. Prove to this bastard that you are the legend he should've feared more then he already did." Bardock grunts as he rolls over onto his stomach.
"Be merciless!" Vegeta croaks as he reaches towards Goku with a shaking arm.
"Be heartless!" Bardock gasps as he tries and fails to stand up.
"Make him pay for destroying our planet!" Vegeta begins to cry as he chokes through his impassioned words.
"Destroy his pride!" Bardock begins crawling closer as he spits out another mouthful of blood.
"Show him fear, Kakarot." Vegeta begs as he struggles to keep his eyes open.
"Make him regret killing off our race." Bardock draws closer as he speaks.
"For the saiyans." Vegeta clenches his fist so hard it draws blood through the glove.
"For the namekians." Bardock punches the ground with a bloody fist.
"For the millions we've slaughtered in his name-" Vegeta and Bardock began in synch, the two saiyans perfectly sharing the same train of thought.
"For the sake of the universe, KILL him." The two saiyans finished, laying perpendicular to one another. Then, they both fall silent. Bardock into another bout of unconsciousness, and Vegeta...

dead, off to be judged by King Yemma.

Power levels- you get it by now

Bardock: 2,444,000
Goku(raring to go!): 3,550,001
Gohan: 1,000,000
Krillin: 88,000
Bulma: 10
Vegeta: Dead.
Frieza(Totally his final form): 3,000,000
Dende: Dead
Piccolo Jr.: 1,060,000
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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