Chapter 15: The Optimal Time

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Back on Namek: Meanwhile!

"Alright, we're close. Cut your ki and let's get on top of this bluff." Bardock motioned to the rock formation, and the three scouts crawled along the blue grass until they had a clear view of the situation. They saw the seven men, two of which were holding massive dragonballs. But what shocked them more was the 5 green beings gathered up in front of them.
"Namekians! They have to be!" Gohan whispered. Bardock nodded. They could hardly hear the people from this distance, but it was better then being found out. Zarbon suddenly moved behind a namekian and killed him, then dodged a ki blast from another. That ki blast hit one of the lesser underlings, who died immediately. Zarbon then retaliated with a ki blast of his own, killing the namekian. Gohan started to breathe heavier, and Bardock could tell he wanted to do something. But before he could, three more namekians approached the village. They were angry, and it was evident to the earth team that they were masking their power levels. Less evident to the soldiers who charged at them, only to have one beaten into a mountain.
Dodoria yelled out, "What?! They can change their power levels?!" Gohan gasped.
"They don't know about changing power levels.....that" Gohan muttered to himself as he watched the scene before them.
The three warrior namekians wasted no time, moving quickly from soldier to soldier. One soldier had his head battered repeatedly, while another was decimated by a ki blast. The soldier sailed through the air towards Zarbon, who kicked the limp body away from him. Bardock, Krillin and Gohan shared a silent cheer as the namekians defeated the grunts who stood in their way. The earthen warriors nearly vocalized their cheers when the elder namekian shot a ki blast at Dodoria, destroying his scouter. The elder then flew upwards while shooting a flurry of ki blasts, destroying every scouter the enemies had. But even from their distance, the three warriors could clearly hear Dodoria scream: "I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!!" Gohan nodded his head.
"I knew it! They can't detect power levels like we can, and instead rely on those eye-devices to detect power levels!" Gohan gasped as his theory was all but confirmed.
Bardock shot him a sideways glance. So smart for one so young.
The group refocused when the most powerful of the terrorizers yelled at Dodoria above him.
"Dodoria! Ignore him; kill the little ones first." Frieza yelled from the comfort of his chair. Dodoria snarled before launching himself back at the ground. He stepped towards the three warrior nameks, who all braced for combat. But before any of them could make a move, Dodoria drove his fist through the first warrior's chest, killing him instantly. He then snapped around and shot a ki blast from his mouth, killing another warrior. The third warrior tried to run, but Dodoria slammed his spiked head into his back. Krillin and Gohan watched on in horror, while Bardock grimaced silently.
'After all of these years, you haven't changed at all. None of you have.' Bardock clenched his hands into fists before looking back up to see Frieza talking with the elder. The elder handed Frieza a massive dragonball, before Frieza laughed loudly.
"What! What did you- you promised you wouldn't harm the children!" The elder yelled.
"I lied." Frieza spat cruelly. The elder threw his hands up and yelled loudly for all to hear, "ALLOW ME TO SHOW YOU THE PRIDE-" But he was cut off by Frieza firing a purple beam from his fingertip. It sailed right next to the elder's face, slamming into one of the namekian children behind him.
"No! That...bastard.!" Gohan snarled. Bardock diverted his attention to him.
'Uh oh. He's getting pissed. Let's hope he can keep it together. Frieza could massacre us-' Dodoria snapped the elder's neck and began lumbering after the final namekian. But with the snap of the elder's neck, Gohan's eyes turned a deep crimson and he growled loudly.
"NO!" He yelled as he flew full speed right at the attackers. Krillin quickly chased after him, but Bardock could only stagger to his feet.
'Am I really going to let a bunch of children show more courage then me?' He wondered blankly as Gohan dove a kick into the side of Dodoria's head. Bardock's eyes widened when he felt Gohan's power level soar. He was stronger then Bardock himself!! But almost soon as it started, the battle was over with Gohan and Krillin flying with a small namekian with them. Dodoria flew after them in hot pursuit. Bardock had nearly mustered the courage to save them when he heard an all too familiar nightmarish noise behind.
"Ho-hohoho!" Frieza cackled as Bardock finally began his flight. He could hear his teeth gritting as he watched a distant flash of light fade. He rapidly approached to see the distant figures of his companions, but more catching was the raving pink man in front of him. He was blasting islands beneath without a care, furious his quarry had escaped. Bardock slowly flew up behind and waited for his little spat to end. As soon as Dodoria began heaving after firing his final blast, Bardock put his hand on his broad shoulder.
"Hey pinky. It's been a while." Bardock spoke with a cruel edge in his voice. Dodoria snapped around to see the face of a dead man peering back at him.
"What the hell? You!? But... but you died. I watched you die, monkey!" Dodoria roared. Bardock cleched his fists together tightly.
"No, no you didn't. You watched Tora die. You watched Borgos die. You watched Fasha die, and Shugesh too! BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONE WHO KILLED THEM!!!!" Bardock screamed as he rushed forth, punching Dodoria into the water. As Dodoria climbed out, a voice called from behind the both of them.
"Hmph! I thought I recognized that power level! Bardock, how in the hell did you get to Namek?!" Vegeta yelled. Bardock stood still, breath ragged with rage. Dodoria froze as well. Vegeta shook his head and floated towards them.
"Tch, no matter. We'll talk after we kill this fool." Vegeta stared straight at Dodoria, and Bardock stood along side his one time foe.
"No. I'm killing him. Here and now. I've been waiting nearly 20 damn years for this day!!" Bardock raved. He could hardly see for all the red haze that clouded his vision. The blood that sat upon his brow now had been spilled by the pathetic man in front of them.
"Oh you can most certainly try! But I think you'll find I'm not the same weakling you had bested back on earth!" Vegeta boasted, flexing his biceps. Dodoria gulped in fear, knowing he was severely outmatched. He hadn't been afraid of Bardock, but he had heard over the scouter what had happened to Cui. And he still remembered the might of the saiyans.

Power Levels-

Bardock: 15,640
Bardock(very mad): 17,000
Goku(post training/zenkai): ????
Gohan: 1,440
Gohan(angry): 17,200
Krillin: 1,945
Vegeta: ???
Frieza: 530,000
Zarbon: 23,000
Dodoria: 22,000
Soldier 1: Dead.
Soldier 2: 2,800
Soldier 3: Dead.
Soldier 4: Dead.
Namekian Elder: Dead.
Passive Namekian 1: Dead.
Passive Namekian 2: Dead.
Namekian Warrior 1:Dead.
Namekian Warrior 2:Dead.
Namekian Warrior 3:Dead.
Namekian Child 1: Dead
Namekian Child 2: 30
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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