Chapter 22: Hero's Return

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"I've still got three senzu left." Goku said happily as he sped around the battlefield, healing his allies. Then he stopped. He glanced at the three members of the Ginyu Force.
"Those guys are wearing the same armor as Vegeta, but Vegeta's real messed up. Are they not friends?" He asked, cocking his head towards Bardock. Bardock sighed.
"Well...uh..." Bardock struggled to find the words to explain it easily.
"On second thought, watch this- 'boop'. Oh ok, I get it now. You and Vegeta became buddies because you both hate this freezer guy. So...I guess that makes him a friend. Catch, 'Geta." After pressing his fingers to Bardock's forehead, he tossed the bean to Vegeta, who caught it easily.
"Don' me that." He grumbled as he ate the bean,
"Wha-what'd you just do, Kakarot?" Bardock asked, stunned.
"Hm? Oh, I read your mind. Well, some of it. Just the Namek stuff. Swearsies." Goku said with a chuckle.
"What the- why'd you heal Vegeta, Goku?!" Krillin asked angrily.
"Well duh. I wanna fight him later." Goku said with a shrug.
"But we can't even beat these monsters! Not even with your help-" Krillin's rant was cut short by Goku stepping towards Recoome.
"No problem. I'll fight all of them alone." He grinned as he stopped moving.
"What?! All....alone?!" Gohan gasped.
"Somethings changed. Kakarot's far too calm." Bardock said quietly.
" couldn't be." Vegeta cackled quietly at a joke unheard.
"What fa? Fhis guy is cwazy. He wantsh to figh ush aww awone?" Recoome asked, pointing at the new fighter in the orange dōgi. Goku smirked, then turned towards the other two.
"If you would call Frieza an ally, I suggest you get off this planet as quickly as you can. Otherwise...." Goku trailed off as Recoome yelled.
"Hey! Don't ignore me! Wat- fis! SHUPER....ULTWA....RECOO-" Recoome's ultimate attack was silenced with a single punch dealt to Recoome's gut. Goku stood there, holding the massive man up, eyes still locked on the two enemies.
"This will happen." He finished, before dropping the colossus to the ground. Everyone was flabbergasted.
"What the- a single blow?! For Recoome?!" Burter screeched.
"That's not bloody possible!" Cried Jeice.
"Just how strong did you get, Goku?!" Krillin gasped.
"No way! You can really win, dad!" Gohan let out a joyful breath.
"Ha....ha....could he really be....?" Vegeta panted to himself.
"Holy crapbaskets Kakarot. Just what did you do to train in the last six days?" Bardock chuckled. Goku silently approached the last remnants of the Ginyu Force.
"I'm guessing you guys don't wanna run, do you?" He asked as he drew close.
Jeice whispered something the Burter and the two dashed at Goku, standing on either side of him.
"You'll regret th-" Jeice's cockiness was cut off with a quick punch, one that shattered his nose.
"If you're gonna fight me, you should really focus on the fight." Goku said simply, no emotion in his voice. He still wasn't sure why he felt like this, but he knew he shouldn't be thinking. It was time to fight.
Burter went to elbow him while Jeice tried to kick, but Goku blocked both blows easily, then kicked along the ground to knock both fighters off their feet. They both rebounded and floated a short distance away in opposite directions. Burter whispered something into his scouter, and Jeice charged up ki above him.
"Go! Crusher Ball!" Jeice yelled as he threw a mass of red ki at the saiyan, who didn't even look at it. He just stood still as it raced closer and closer. To everyone's shock, he only moved at the last moment, deflecting it towards Burter. Then, before anyone even saw it, Goku was behind Burter.
"What the?! How did you get behind me?! I'm the fastest in the Universe!" Burter exclaimed as he whipped around.
"Hmm, maybe you were, but now you're the 2nd fastest in the Universe." Goku said with a hint of a smile.
"Just who the hell are you?!" Burter asked angrily.
"I'm a saiyan that was raised on earth." Goku shrugged.
"Impossible! Saiyans aren't as fast as you! That's it! We'll see who's fast after you die tired!" Burter screamed as he began a flurry of mach-speed kicks, then Jeice joined in with punches almost as fast.
Goku was in the center of this whirlwind of attacks, yet he was dodging every blow easily.
"Wanna see what I can do other than being fast?" Goku asked as he continued dodging. Hearing no answer, he dove out from between the fighters and swiftly kicked Burter in the back, shattering his armor(alongside his spine). Then he dashed ahead, driving his elbow into Burter's blue head. Then Goku reappeared on the ground, holding the crippled body of Burter above him. He dropped it next to him as he glared at Jeice.
"Seems like he's down for the count. You next?" Goku's voice carried a lot of force as it boomed across the ravaged battle field. The bodies of three once thought invincible Ginyu members now laid either dead or dying.
"Why you....I'll...I'll get captain! Then you'll see! Captain's the strongest fighter in the Frieza Force!" Jeice cried as he flew away. Goku watched him flew as his allies(and Vegeta) approached.
"Kakarot?! Why'd you let him get away?!" Vegeta barked, still wiping dried blood off.
"Hm? Oh, because he said he was going to get someone stronger. I hope whoever he grabs is a lot stronger. These guys were all weak. Hey, what's up with your power levels?" Goku cocked his head as he focused. Bardock was surprised.
'What do you- holy crapbaskets! Why are all of us so strong?! I know we got Zenkai boosts from that, but how'd we grow so much? Is it because....maybe the fact that someone so strong....who's still restraining himself...just how strong are you, Kakarot?' Bardock came to the realization as Vegeta stood over Burter's limp form.
"Hmph. Is he even alive?" Vegeta asked. Goku shrugged.
"I dunno. I held back quite a bit, but he was pretty weak. And slow." Goku said with a grin, but was only met with a sickening crunch as Vegeta crushed Burter's neck.
"There. Just in case. Would hate for these nuisances to come back at us." Vegeta said as he began walking over to where Recoome was slumped over. Another loud snap and Vegeta rejoined the circle.
" what?" He asked.

Power Levels-

Bardock(Post Zenkai): 93,000
Goku(post training/zenkais): 5,000?!?!
Gohan: 22,700
Gohan(Post Zenkai): 95,000
Krillin: 19,400
Bulma: 8
Vegeta: 32,500
Vegeta(Post Zenkai): 95,000
Frieza: 530,000
Ginyu: 120,000
Jeice: 64,000
Burter: Dead
Recoome: Dead.
Dende: 30
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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