Chapter 13: Space!

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Five days later: Timeskip!

The ship was finally ready to launch. Bardock stood outside the ship, waiting with a piece of hay in his mouth. These things popped up so conveniently, huh. Krillin had gotten himself a new outfit and was waiting close by. Bulma was decked out in full space gear, and mumbling loudly. All that was left was to wait until Gohan arrived. Luckily, it didn't take long before a familiar floating car approached. Gohan had gotten a haircut, and now sported a bowl cut. Chi-Chi rambled about safety and what not, but Bardock was deep in thought.
"So...this is where we'll fight Frieza. Of course, that might not be today. Maybe we return later. Maybe everything's been thrown off course. But we'd better be ready for anything." Bardock thought as he boarded the shuttle with the others.
"Ok! Lift off in 5,4,3,2,1! Planet Namek: Here we come!" Bulma hollered as they left the atmosphere. Bardock found the most distant spot he could and slumped against the wall. Time for some more mental image training.

14 days later: Timeskip!

Bulma was lounging around in her underwear, reading a book while her other three companions all did mental image training. The two younger fighters teamed up again and again, but they could never defeat Bardock. After a harsher session, Bardock grunted.
"C'mon you two. You've got to be stronger. We don't know what's down there, and Prince Vegeta was even stronger then me before we beat him three ways to Sunday!" Bardock lamented.
"What? Prince? That short guy?" Bulma asked, suddenly interested.
"Uh? Yeah. His father was the king of saiyans before our planet was...well, no longer there. And because of his zenkai boost, he'll be even stronger when he comes back to earth for round two." Bardock said, conscious of the fact that everybody was looking right at him.
"A zen-what boost?" Krillin asked.
"Zenkai. Us saiyans grow stronger through battle. Every time we survive with critical injuries, our power level will increase proportionally to our threat. Us saiyans all got one after that battle with him on earth." Bardock continued his exposition.
"Speaking of, where did he go after the fight?" Bulma asked, standing to stretch.
"Well he'd go the nearest Frieza controlled planet to get healed, then he'd probably come try fighting us again, relying solely on the zenkai boost. At least, that's what I'd do." Bardock rationalized. With nervous glances, everyone redoubled their training, but it wasn't hard to guess as to why.

2 days later: Timeskip!
Bardock had been slumped against the wall of the area he had claimed as his room, staring blankly at the ceiling. It was late(by earth time) and he was just waiting for...something. Then a small knock at the doorframe. It was Gohan. Bardock sat up.
"Hm? What's up kid?" Bardock yawned.
"Uhm...I couldn't sleep." Gohan replied nervously. Bardock nodded. It was a big event, this undertaking. He could understand why a little guy would get nervous. Hell, even he had been nervous the first time he went into space. So much...nothing.
"Grandpa? Could you tell me a story?" Gohan asked as he sat down on the floor next to Bardock. Bardock shrugged.
"Sure thing kid. What do you want to hear about? My time on earth, or before that?" Bardock asked as he scratched at his short beard. Gohan stared at him blankly as he considered it.
"How about...before. I wanna know where you and daddy were born." Gohan said after a long moment, lowering his hand from his chin. Bardock blinked in surprise.
"Ah geez...alright. It was called 'Planet Vegeta.'" Bardock swept his arm through the air to emphasize the scene change.
"Woah! Like the guy we beat?!" Gohan interrupted.
"Yup. Named after his father, King Vegeta." Bardock said flatly.
"So...three Vegeta's?" Gohan asked, confused.
"Yep. Anyways, the whole planet was red and gravity was a lot heavier. So us saiyans raised there were a lot stronger a lot quicker. Us lower class saiyans were sometimes sent off to different planets, like your dad." Bardock could see the scene so vividly in his mind.
"Woah. Did you really send babies to planets alone?" Gohan questioned, eager to learn more.
"Yeah. For us, it wasn't even weird. If the kid died, we just called them weak. It sounds barbaric, but that's what we were. Just a bunch of animals." Bardock said slowly, admitting to himself something he had denied for decades. Animals.
"You sound....sad." Gohan was a lot more observant then Bardock gave him credit for.
"Yeah....we may have been just a bunch of bloodthirsty apes, but we were a family in a way. I had my people. Others had theirs." Bardock spoke quickly, eager to move onto a new subject,
"Your people?" Gohan interrupted once again.
"Well I had my team. We were a couple of low class warriors looking at butting up against the status quo. We'd take on missions the elites called impossible, and we'd come back with all of us, every time." Bardock smiles fondly thinking of his old squad.
"Woah...." Gohan exhaled for a surprising length of time.
"But then....there was my other people. My real family. Kakarot, your dad. Raditz, your uncle. And Gine. Bet she'd of loved looking after you. But her and your mom would probably butt heads." Bardock grinned imagining the scenario.
"And what happened? Why'd you leave home if you liked it so much?" Gohan asked as he looked up at the still Bardock, who's forehead betrayed him with a twitch.
"I had to. Otherwise I'd have died. Like everyone else...." Bardock groaned. Time hadn't made that one any easier
"Oh....I'm sorry, grandpa." Gohan apologized sincerely.
"Hm? What for? It was before your time. You had nothing to do with it. It was all Frieza." Bardock spat. Gohan curled up next to him.
"Hey grandpa? Do you think...Do you think I.... do you think.....zzzz.....zzz" Gohan tried to ask as sleep took him. Bardock adjusted himself slightly and grinned.
"Yes I do kid. Yes I do." And with that, Bardock followed his grandson into the realm of dreams.

Power Levels-

Bardock(post mind training): 15,630
Gohan(post mind training): 1,425
Krillin(post mind training): 1,930
Bulma: 7
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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