Chapter 40: Cut Short

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The two warriors shakily took to the skies, scanning for their allies. After several minutes of searching, they finally saw a green hand clawing at the land above it, searching for a handhold. Both of them flew down immediately and helped the Namekian attached to the hand up on land. In Piccolo's other hand he held Goku.
"Thanks, you two. Without your ki I might not have made it." Piccolo said with a warm smile after catching his breath.
"Dad wouldn't of either." Goku chuckled as he gave a celebratory thumbs up. The crew all cheered and exchanged hugs, handshakes, and smiles. Then Goku stood up and looked around.
"Piccolo, any idea which direction my dad got sent?" Goku asks after the momentary merriment had ceased.
"None. It's a miracle I was able to grab you." Piccolo said as he limped, slowly regenerating his numerous injuries.
"What should we do?" Krillin asked as he looked around, expecting to see a red bandanna at any second.
"He's definitely alive. I don't think there's anyone alive or dead more stubborn than Bardock." Piccolo said with a slight chuckle, reminiscing on all their prior battles.
"One of you guys go to my spaceship and get it ready to go- it's real easy, since Doctor Brief built it for me." Goku wheezes as he points off into the distance in the general direction of the ship.
"Brief? Oh crap! We completely forgot about Bulma!!" Krillin exclaims suddenly and loudly, startling everybody.
"King Kai alive, don't scare me like that Krillin! I thought you saw Frieza floating around or something." Goku exhales sharply as he nervously glanced around. Looking for his father, or...
"I'd hope I'd make it more obvious if I saw Frieza, to be honest." Krillin laughed, shortly joined by all his friends.
"Hahaha- ouch... I think I cracked a rib... or two... maybe three?" Goku winces as he slows down.
"Ribs... don't sound bad right about now." Krillin said thoughtfully, eyes distant with the thought of a salivating meal.

As the crew stumbled along, all joking and laughing(as much as they could), Piccolo took a few steps off to the side and mournfully stared into the distance.
"It's sad... Planet Namek and all it's people have suffered so much... all in the sake of one monster's unmatched greed. But now I'm sure the Great Elder and all the other children of this planet are able to rest in peace." Piccolo said mournfully, in a tone that seemed almost hopeful that his spoken words would be truthful.
Krillin turned slightly to look at him as his compatriots stumbled on.
"Huh? Piccolo, how do you know Elder Guru?" Krillin asked before turning to face forwards. As he turned all of the color drained from his face.
"Oh.... Oh.... Kami..." Krillin gasped in horror. Everyone turned at once as the all too horribly familiar sound of a gleaming crimson ki blast blasting through Piccolo's chest in a flashing moment as all present recognized at only a glance that the tyrannical emperor of the universe, wounded and raving, but all too living.
"FRIEZA!" Krillin screamed.
"Run! My spaceship is close to where I first found you- grab Bulma and get the hell out of here!" Goku roared as he muscles screamed in agony as his wounded body took up a defensive stance yet again.
"I thought I was dead. I nearly was... you damned monkey." Frieza spat out purple blood he glared at the survivors, the rebels against his reign.
Gohan wanted to start running at once, but fear froze him stiff. Krillin stayed still, but with concern.
"What are you saying Goku? He'll kill you!" Krillin almost gasped.
"Go! You're in the way! Do you want to die too?!" Goku roared.
"As if I'd allow you leave here alive! Even as I am now I more than a match for all of you!" Frieza yelled as he stuck out his hand in a motion Goku vacantly recognized as him using psychokinesis as Krillin floated into the air beside him.
"Stop it Frieza!" Goku screamed as Krillin soared higher still.
"G-Goku!" Krillin cried as he exploded, instantly dying in a fiery blast.
"Who's next? The brat?" Frieza asked with a condescending sneer.

But Goku didn't hear him, instead shaking with blind rage.
"You... you killed him. You bastard! I won't- I can't! I will never forgive you!" Goku roared as he shook violently. His pupils disappeared. He began to crackle.
Seemingly from nowhere, lightning began to pound the ground around him and the very planet seemed to shake in time with the furious saiyan. The very ground cracked. The air itself felt warmer.
Electricity began to course through his body, and all of the pain in his body seemed to dissipate as steam roiled around his body.
"What?! What is this?!" Frieza began to panic as he watched the saiyan who had only seconds before been on his last legs suddenly skyrocket in power. Goku took one mighty step forwards as his hair began to rise, the electricity within him making his hair burn aglow as he roared. With one final step, the enraged blond saiyan was glaring daggers at his foe.
"Gohan. Take Piccolo. Leave. Tell your mom I love her." Goku was almost struggling to speak, seemingly fighting his own jaw to stop clenching.
"What? What is this? You saiyans only turn into great apes!?" Frieza was in shock as he instinctively took a step backwards, betraying his own emotions.
"Dad... I'll be waiting back home for you." Gohan smiled despite the circumstances, heaving Piccolo onto his shoulders as he began to fly away.
"As if I'd let you leave!" Frieza pointed his hand as if to shoot another ki blast, but in a flash Goku was in front of them roughly grabbing his arm and painfully twisting it.
"You... scum of the universe. Killing innocents who can't even fight back. People like Krillin." Goku spat his words, pure malice within. Frieza tore his hand from the saiyan's grasp as he jumped away from his foe.
"What is this?! What power?!" Frieza gasped, nervousness creeping into his voice.

A mile away flying as fast as his exhausted 5 year old body could carry both him and the 9 year old namekian with several lifetimes of experience, Gohan felt tears forming in his eyes but made no effort to stop them.
"You did it dad. Like Vegeta said... a super saiyan."

Power levels-

Bardock: 2,444,000/???
Goku: 3,550,001
Super Saiyan Goku: 177,500,050
Gohan(exhausted): 15
Krillin: Dead.
Bulma: 10
Frieza(70%): 84,000,000
Piccolo Jr.: low
Vegeta: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.
Dende: Dead.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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