Chapter 16: Rough Alliance

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"He-hey now. We can talk about this. Saiyans were part of the Frieza Force, right? So how about you let me go, and I won't tell Frieza-" Dodoria tried bargaining, but was cut off by a hearty "Hell no!" from the two saiyans who stared him down. Dodoria eye twitched.
"Why you...I'LL SEND YOU BOTH TO HELL!!!" Dodoria screamed as he fired a massive ki beam towards the two. Bardock was nearly hit by the blast, still partially blinded by rage. From behind Dodoria, Vegeta laughed loudly.
"Really Bardock? Almost felled by a stupid blast like that?" Dodoria turned to find Vegeta standing directly behind him. Dodoria began to turn, but Bardock drove a fist into his blindside. While he was off balance, Vegeta grabbed his arm and twisted it so that he was holding him down. Bardock planted a foot on his head.
"Shut up, Vegeta. I'd have been fine." Bardock brushed the dirt off of his shoulder while Dodoria winced in pain.
"P-please. If you let me go, I'll tell you a secret! The truth of Planet Vegeta!" Dodoria blubbered out. Vegeta's grip loosened, but Bardock pushed his foot down harder.
"Shut up, lardass. We already know the truth about how Planet Vegeta was destroyed." Bardock snarled, twisting his foot in a circular motion. Vegeta regained his grip.
"Y-Yes! Of course we do! Definitely!" Vegeta said quickly, his face a slight tint of red. Bardock pushed his foot down as hard as he could as he squatted closer to Dodoria's ear.
"Now allow me tell you a secret: You're going to die here. RIOT JAVELIN!!!" Bardock screamed as he slammed his ki-infused hand into Dodoria's skull, crushing it instantly. Vegeta dropped the limp arms and dusted his hands.
"So...mind letting me on that so called 'secret' he mentioned?" Vegeta asked, looking at Bardock. Bardock didn't look up from the bloody stain on the blue grass beneath him.
"Well if I were to take a guess, he'd of told us that Planet Vegeta wasn't destroyed by a meteor like Frieza had claimed, and was instead destroyed by Frieza himself." Bardock spoke slowly, the scene replaying in his mind. Vegeta nodded once.
"Not that I don't believe you, but where's the proof? Aside from the fact that Frieza destroyed planets for far less then being full of warriors."
"Well for one, I was there. And for another, Frieza said something about 'the growth of the saiyans reignited a fear of that old legend.'" Bardock shook his head as he got up. Vegeta cocked his head and stared at him.
"Old legend? You don't mean...oh..oh. Ahah ahah! Are you telling me the legendary emperor of the universe is afraid of the legend of the Super Saiyan?" Vegeta laughed in disbelief. Bardock nodded.
"It's true. I couldn't believe it at first, but then I started thinking. The legend says every 1000 years. That'd be around your generation, Vegeta." Bardock said slowly. Vegeta chuckled again.
"Ha! You're saying that I might be the Super Saiyan of legend? As if. Another note, Bardock: I had forgotten in all of the excitement, but how are you here? And does it have anything to do with those two rapidly fleeing power levels?" Vegeta asked looking over Bardock's shoulder.
"Huh. So you really did figure of ki detection. Yeah, I'm here with some of my son's friends and my grandson. We're here to revive all of the people your pal Nappa killed on earth." Bardock said carefully, keeping his eyes on Vegeta. Vegeta shrugged.
"Of course. Being that earth's balls no longer work, you came here to find a better set. How unfortunate then that Frieza beat us both to the punch. He'll wish for immortality, you know. Then not even I could beat him, even with my current power." Vegeta grimaced. Bardock stared at him blankly.
"Wanna make a deal, Vegeta? After all, we're both after the same thing: stopping Frieza from gathering the dragonballs. So if I find a dragonball, I'll make sure to let you know. I don't have any wishes aside from watching Frieza die." Bardock stepped forth and stuck his hand out. Vegeta stared at it for a moment before clasping it.
"Well well well. And here I thought you had lost your saiyan instincts. I have no issues with this, so I won't kill your little earth friends should I cross them. Later."
Vegeta flew off into the distance, leaving Bardock standing next to the cold corpse of Dodoria.
'Super Saiyan of legend, huh?' Bardock thought to himself as he spat on the corpse one last time before he began flying back to the campsite.

Somewhere in space: Meanwhile!

"Yeesh, x30 gravity is no joke!" Goku grunted as he completed another set of pushups. He flipped onto his feet and grunted.
"But this ain't nothing yet! Hold on everybody! You can't die yet!" Goku yelled as he started another set of workouts. As he started his next routine, a familiar voice popped into his head.
"This is King Kai to Goku, King Kai to Goku over." Goku gasped. He spoke while continuing his workouts.
"Oh hey King Kai. What's up? I'm training on my way to Namek." Goku said, never slowing his pace.
"Namek huh? Don't know why you'd wanna train on your way their, namekians are generally peacefully guys."
"Well according to Bulma, someone about thirty times stronger than Vegeta is there!" Goku exclaimed, nearly losing his grip.
"Thirty times, huh? I'll check it out. But before I do, just wanted to let you know that your friends have all arrived on my planet and are going to begin training here." Goku's face lit up. He was glad to hear his friends were going to get stronger.
"Alright, let's see here. Namek, Namek, Namek. Ah, here it is. And...yeah, that's a big power- FRIEZA?!?!" King Kai yelled, startling Goku.
"Woah! Do you know the guy, King Kai?" He asked, jumping back to his feet.
"Listen to me Goku! Under no circumstances are you to fight Frieza. If you get him mad, countless worlds will suffer! He's impossibly strong!" King Kai ranted. Goku walked over to the gravity controller.
"Ok. Understood." Goku said solemnly. As soon as he felt King Kai disconnect from the telepathy, he moved the dial on the gravity.
"I might not be allowed to fight him, but it can't hurt to get stronger. Time for x60!" Goku said loudly as he cranked the dial.

Back on Namek: Meanwhile!

"Bardock! You're back!" Krillin yelled as soon as Bardock landed outside of the cave.
"Yeah. Vegeta and I cleaned him up quick." Bardock nodded. Bulma gasped.
"Wait, Vegeta?!" She shrieked. The small namekian next to her winced at her shrill voice.
"Yeah. We came to... an understanding. He's after the same thing we are, so he shouldn't be bothering us for awhile. What'd I miss?" Bardock explained quickly.
"Well, we told Dende here about everything, and he said he had someone we had to meet." Gohan said, stepping forwards. The small namekian, Dende, nodded.
"Yes! It is he who holds the final Dragonball!" He said enthusiastically.
"Huh. Really? And just who is this mystical ball keeper?" Bardock squatted down to talk to the child.
"The Grand Elder, Guru!" Dende said excitedly.

Power Levels-

Bardock: 16,200
Goku(post training/zenkai): ????
Gohan: 1,440
Gohan(angry): 17,200
Krillin: 1,945
Vegeta: 24,010
Frieza: 530,000
Zarbon: 23,000
Dodoria: Dead.
Soldier 2: 2,800
Namekian Elder: 40
Dende: 30
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

Alternate Timeline- Bardock's Earthly Adventures 2- Adventure in ZWhere stories live. Discover now