Chapter 30: In the Face of Power

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"This... this is stupid." Bardock grunted as the smoke and dust cleared.
"How... how can one person hold that much power?" Krillin sighed, defeat in his voice.
"Were any scouter capable of scanning me, you'd see my power easily surpasses One Million now." Frieza gloated.
"That's... that's impossible!" Vegeta barked.
Frieza held up his arm, and a massive boom sent the warriors flying. As they all skid to a halt in the air, they looked down to see the island they had been standing on completely destroyed.
"Krillin? Are you ok?!" Gohan yelled as he looked around for his bald friend.
"I'm fine... just got struck by some debris." Krillin called out, bleeding slightly.
"Who dies first today? Eeny, meeny, miny, bald one." Frieza vanished from where he had been standing, practically reappearing inside of Krillin as he drove one of his enlarged horns through the earthling's torso.
"Ah... unh." Krillin wheezed as the air(and a good amount of blood) left his body.
"KRILLIN!" Bardock yelled.
"He's so damn fast!" Vegeta exclaimed.
"Oh my. Pardon me. I did warn you, you know. Now I- get off my horn." Frieza snarled as he bucked his head, hurling Krillin off of his head.
Gohan immediately dove to catch him, but Frieza cut him off halfway.
"You really should focus on saving yourself, you brat." Frieza laughed as he easily outclassed Gohan's speed.
"M...move." Gohan slowly mustered the strength to say.
"Oh? Did the half-breed say something?" Frieza laughed loudly as he stared down at the half-saiyan.
"I said... MOVE!" Gohan screamed as he exploded into action, kicking Frieza in the face, then quickly uppercutting him before he could react.
"What the- how is he?!" Vegeta was slack-jawed as he watched Gohan pummel Frieza with lightning speed.
"Hm. Gohan's always had an explosive temper. Get him mad, and it might spell your end. Didn't Nappa learn that back on earth?" Bardock chuckled as Gohan launched Frieza away from him and began charging up his ki.
"Well yeah, but the power he displayed there was nothing close to right now! He's actually hurting Frieza!" Vegeta exclaimed as Gohan hurtled the Ki blast at the emperor.
"Huh? It's Dane! He found Krillin." Bardock laughed as the small namekian struggled to carry the earthling to shore. Behind them, Gohan was hurtling blast after blast at where Frieza had landed.
Gohan seemed to calm down as he saw Krillin hefted onto land.
"Huh?! Oh good! Don't die on us yet Krillin!" Gohan called out as his power lowered back to its normal level.
"Don't go worrying about that! There's no way that was enough to kill Frieza!" Vegeta yelled out, drawing attention to the dissipating dust cloud below. Within, Frieza stood up and glared at Gohan with malice that could kill a lesser being.
"So it seems you aren't just any old half breed after all. That hurt, a little. So congratulations are in order, you've managed to anger me even further." Frieza spat as his ki began to swell once more.

Meanwhile, back in the Frieza spaceship's healing pod:
Goku, even while half conscious, could detect the rising power that stood before his friends and family.
'Hold on, everyone. Please... just a little longer...' Goku's dreams were displaced and confusing him, which was at the very least a good distraction while he waited to heal.
'Is that... me? No, that has to be dad. He's... alone. Alone on a bloodied planet. So many bodies... I don't understand... wait- that's his headband! This is where he got it?! Why am I seeing- Kami, how am I seeing this? Is this... like what dad does? How he always guesses and knows stuff before it happens? This is... weird.' Goku thought as he drifted back into the realm of sleep.

Also meanwhile, rapidly approaching the battle between Frieza and the others:

Piccolo sensed the spike in Frieza's power the instant it happened.
'King Kami damn it all! His power jumped even more?! Hang on, Gohan!' Piccolo was already racing as fast as his new speed would allow, so all he could do was hope.

Now, back to the soon to be demolished specks that dared to oppose the will and might of the all powerful Lord Frieza(this message is sponsored by: The Frieza Force!): Meanwhile!

"Now then. I'll repay you all for the sins you have committed several times over... and with interest." Frieza slowly floated up to Gohan, who appeared to be paralyzed in fear.
"Fly, you fool!" Vegeta yelled as Frieza swung his fist at the small child. But to everyone's surprise, the blow didn't land.
Bardock, having intercepted his blow, stood in between the two.
"Don't go forgetting me now!" Bardock roared as he hit Frieza with all of his strength. Frieza didn't even flinch.
"Forgetting you? Make no mistake monkey, it's just that you aren't even worth remembering. Is this your so called 'super saiyan power' that is to dig my grave?" Frieza snarled with evil glee. But Bardock only chuckled.
"Sorry moron, but I'm not the one who said that." As Bardock said it, Vegeta's massive ki blast slammed into Frieza's distracted back.
The smoke cleared to reveal Frieza glaring directly at Vegeta.
"It seems the last of the saiyans truly are in a hurry to die. So be it. Who's first then? The oldest, or how about... the YOUNGEST!" Frieza screamed as he hurtled himself directly at Gohan, who had tried finding where Krillin and Dende had disappeared off to. He wasn't at all prepared for the savage beat-down Frieza began whaling upon him. Bardock tried to interrupt the assault, but was quickly bat aside by Frieza's long tail.
It was as the tail was fully outstretched that Vegeta, all but paralyzed in fear, saw a disc made entirely out of Ki sail from in between two hills. He recognized it in an instant. After all, it was the very same technique that removed his own tail.
"Ah! The Destro Fish!" Vegeta yelled out as the Destructo Disc sliced cleanly through Frieza's outstretched tail.

Power levels- by the way, these are all gonna be really stupid from here on out. Second Form Frieza's biggest contribution to DBZ was killing power levels.

Bardock: 93,000
Goku(Healing): 74,000
Gohan: 95,000
Gohan(Mad): 1,000,000
Krillin(healed): 87,000
Bulma: 8
Vegeta: 95,000
Frieza: 530,000
Frieza(2nd Form): 1,060,000
Dende: 30
Piccolo Jr.: ????
Nail: Assimilated?
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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