Chapter 24: Switches

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"You see...You may not be the legendary super saiyan. But in truth, I don't care. I've taken a liking to your body all the same." Ginyu gasped before fiddling with his scouter. He slid it into his hand before tossing it to Goku, who caught it easily.
"Hm? What's this about?" Goku asked, but he was more distracted when Ginyu drove his own hand inside his chest, spraying purple blood.
"Ah! What the-" Goku was so distracted by Ginyu's self-mutilation he didn't notice Ginyu raising his arms and spreading his legs. To the other two saiyans, he looked like he was trying to be a starfish.
"Heh...Don't be worried, it'll be your problem soon. CHANGE.... NOW!!!" Ginyu screamed as a yellow beam shot out of his body and enveloped Goku. When the light faded, both fighters were still floating like nothing had happened.
"Heh...I was right. I do quite like your body." Ginyu spoke. The issue was, it was Goku's mouth that had moved. Ginyu clutched a hand to the wound he gave himself.
"Ah! OW! Ahhh....Aaaa." Goku gasped and panted. The issue was, it was Ginyu's mouth that had moved.
"What the-"
"What?" The other two saiyans were stunned. Ginyu/Goku laughed an evil laugh.
"Don't you get it? I swapped bodies with you. Have fun with that old body of mine!" Ginyu/Goku slipped his scouter onto Goku's ear and grinned towards the other saiyans.
"I'll be retrieving the dragonballs now. Have fun now." and with that, Ginyu/Goku took off. Vegeta snarled and immediately gave chase. Bardock flew up to Goku/Ginyu and helped him to the ground.
"What in the hell happened, Kakarot? You're Ginyu now?" Bardock asked, bewildered. Goku/Ginyu nodded slowly.
"Dad...I can't move very well in this body. But... I need you to find Gohan. Help him. I'll catch up eventually, but I'd just slow you down right now. Please dad. Find Krillin and Gohan, and make sure Ginyu doesn't hurt them." Goku/Ginyu coughed. Bardock stared for a long moment before finally nodding.
"Okay. I'll trust you. But...make sure you take it easy, alright? If you don't get your own body back before this is all over, Chi-Chi won't spare any of us." Bardock grinned before taking off as a fast as he could towards the two ki signatures he knew so well. Goku/Ginyu smiled as he watched his father fly, before replacing it with a dismal groan.
"Man...I don't think Chi-Chi would even let me inside like this." He chuckled as he began flying towards his family.

Elsewhere on Namek:Meanwhile!

Gohan and Krillin touched down at the cave they had called home since first landing here. It was hard to tell how long they had even been on this planet, especially given that the light level never changed. Gohan poked his head inside the cave and looked around.
"Ms. Bulma? Are you here?" Gohan asked as walked further in. Bulma nearly jumped and dropped the magazine she had been reading.
"AH! Finally! I've been so bored I've been reading magazines upside down and backwards!" She fummed.
"Oh...Sorry? We need the dragon radar." Gohan said quietly as he grabbed the radar off of the table.
"What? You still haven't summoned Shenron?" Bulma asked loudly, shocked.
"No...But, Dad's here!" Gohan said quickly. His words had the desired effect as Bulma nearly had stars in her eyes.
"Wait, really? H-H-How's he look? Did he get more powerful?" She asked with a red glow on her face.
"Let's go, Gohan!" Krillin called from outside the cave.
"Haha! You know it. Bye Bulma! Hope we'll be back soon!" Gohan gave Bulma a thumbs up before dashing outside and taking off.

Bulma walked to the mouth of the cave and looked outside.
"Wow. Little Son Goku the monkey boy...All grown up and now the ultimate power... Came all the way from earth at the drop of a hat to help his friends....Meanwhile my boyfriend can't stop fighting with me about everything...Did I blow it...?"

Elsewhere on Namek: Timeskip(but a short one)!

Vegeta landed at Frieza's spaceship and looked around.
"Where in the hell did Ginyu go with Kakarot's body? I haven't seen him at all! Worse still, I can't detect his power anywhere! Where in the blazes?!" Vegeta fumed as he entered the ship through the hole he had previously created. After rummaging around a short while, he caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror.
"Huh. This armor is torn to shreds.I may as well 'appropriate' a new one." Vegeta chuckled as he tore through boxes of clothing looking for armor in his size. He managed to find one after a significant amount of searching, but even then it was an outdated piece.
"Damn...nothing else in my size? Really? That cheap bastard." Vegeta grumbled as he put the dark blue suit on.
After putting his new outfit, he looked in the mirror and grumbled.
"Hm. The earthlings are on their way here. Might as well greet them, being allied and all." He sighed before flying out on to the roof of the ship.
"Bald Earthling! Kakarotson! Down here!" He hollered to grab their attention. The two flew down and landed next to him.
"Woah... is this Frieza's ship?" Krillin asked as he looked around the(damaged) large ship.
"Now why did you come here? I don't suppose you came looking for me." Vegeta asked rudely(as per usual).
"We tracked the dragonballs!" Gohan called as he floated above a disturbed patch of dirt. The three quickly blasted the dirt beneath them, and sure enough, 7 dragonballs.
"Wow...who would've thought they were buried?" Gohan asked as he brought them out of the hole.
"Well let's do it. Let's summon Shenron and bring back everybody who died!" Krillin exclaimed.
"And make me immortal, right?" Vegeta asked, glaring at Krillin.
"Huh? Yeah, sure. Anyway: Come forth, Shenron! Grant my wish!" Krillin called out as Gohan cheered in excitement. Vegeta just stared.
"That's how you use the magical orbs that can grant any wish? You yell 'get to it?'" Vegeta asked incredulously.
"Huh... Don't know why it didn't work. Normally that would summon Shenron." Krillin scratched his head as he stared at the inert dragonballs.
"And what exactly is a 'Shenron' anyways?" Vegeta asked, the only one having never seen the orbs in action.
"Oh I have a hypothesis! Perhaps the differing locations in which the dragonballs were created the persons who made them as such embedded within them differing triggerphrases! And being that this is the home planets of the namekians, it would accordingly make the most logical sense for these dragonballs to only respond to the namekian native language!" Gohan said to his stunned companions.
"Good lord you need to learn to summarize." Vegeta shook his head.
"Namekians have a native language?" Krillin asked.

Power levels-

Bardock(Post Zenkai): 93,000
Goku/Ginyu: 15,000
Gohan: 95,000
Krillin: 19,400
Bulma: 8
Vegeta: 95,000
Frieza: 530,000
Ginyu/Goku: 23,000
Dende: 30
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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