Chapter 17: Extra Power

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"Alright, so let me get this straight: you want Krillin to follow you so he can get the final dragonball. Then he'll come back, and then what?" Bardock asked Dende, finalizing the plan.
"Uh...I don't know. But I know he can help! Please!" Dende pleaded desperately. Bardock groaned.
"Fine. Krillin, fly full speed. Vegeta should recognize your power level enough to not bother you. Go." Bardock barked, sending them off in a hurray. Gohan walked over to Bardock.
"Mr. Bardock, What will we do until he returns?" Gohan asked. Bardock shrugged.
"Dunno. What I do know is that right now, Vegeta is fighting...I think that's Zarbon. And what's more, he's winning. Way to go." Bardock grinned while staring off into the distance. That grin quickly vanished when Zarbon's power swelled, however.
"What the hell? How is he so strong?! Is this his full power?! Impossible! I thought only saiyans could transform!" Bardock ranted in disbelief.
"My hypothesis is that transformations aren't all that unconventional, and that perhaps humans got the short cessation of the stick. Who knows? Maybe everyone in that lamentable army is capable of transforming." Gohan said while assuming that pose that just screamed "smart". Bardock stared at him blankly.
"Either way, I think Vegeta is done for. I can't sense his energy anymore. It's over." Bardock sighed.

And so the rest of the day passed uneventfully.

Somewhere in space: Meanwhile/Timeskip!

"Wow! I handled x60 gravity a lot faster then I thought I would. Must be from my fight with Vegeta. Man, I hope he's getting stronger too. Otherwise I might not have anyone to challenge me back on earth. Heck, I bet not even dad is as strong as I am now! But this is no time to slack! Time to crank this baby higher! I've only got five more days till it's time to fight. I my friends. Yeah, that's what I meant. Anyways, let's turn the gravity up to x80! I've still got 7 senzu beans, so there's no reason to hold back!"
And so, the training saiyan hurtled towards his destination, unaware of the dangers his friends and family faced.

Back on Namek: Meanwhile!

"Hmph? You up already, Gohan?" Bardock yawned as he exited the cave they called home. Gohan was bouncing around, training on his own. Gohan stopped and nodded.
"Yessir. I figured that I need to be as strong as possible to help you fight!" Gohan said excitedly. Bulma cleared her throat loudly.
"Guys, a Dragonball is on the move, and it's coming towards us!" Bulma exclaimed excitedly. Gohan peered over her shoulder at the radar.
"Awe-inspiring! Krillin must have prospered in his mission, and acquired the Dragonball from Guru! But wait...Krillin's is in possession of one. The despicable organization have five all clumped together. That leaves only... Bulma, where's the final Dragonball??" Gohan asked intently, counting on his fingers.
"Huh? Oh, it's somewhere in that direction." Bulma pointed on the radar.
"What? But that's the direction Vegeta was when we felt those power levels disappearing!" Gohan said loudly.
"Wait, you felt what?" Bardock choked out, not having heard of this before.
"Of course! He must've failed to find the Dragonball, and left without it!" Bulma exclaimed, ignoring Bardock.
"This is great! Here, give me the radar and I'll go grab it. Then, we'll have two dragonballs!" Gohan said excitedly, ignoring Bardock.
"I don't know if that's a good idea..." Bardock said, trying to get his two cents in.
"Great! Then we can prevent that Freezer gal and Vegeta from getting what they want!" Bulma yelled, still ignoring Bardock.
"Anyone remember that we're on Vegeta's team here?" Bardock sighed as he gave up.
"Alright! I'm off!" Gohan took of towards the dragonball, radar in hand. Bardock watched his grandson leave, then sat down. Frieza was a ways away, but with a power level like his, it was easy to always know where he was at any given moment. But then, there was another power level. Another three power levels, actually. And they were all coming straight for the campsite.
"Bulma. Get inside. This is going to get loud." Bardock announced as he stood up, stretching. Bulma looked at him, surprised, but slowly began making her way into the cave. Then, Krillin landed with a thump.
"Guys, look! I got-" Krillin stopped his yelling to stare behind him. Bardock stared at Krillin blankly. Something definitely wasn't right here. Krillin's power level...
It was massive. Larger then Bardock's, and yet hours before Krillin had been as weak as ever.
How? What could of-
"Ha! Still standing around, Bardock? For a saiyan, you think too much." A familiar voice sneered. Bardock looked over to see Vegeta landing. He was alive! But...
"Snap out of it! He'll be here any second now." Vegeta yelled, awakening Bardock from his stupor. Something definitely wasn't right here. Now Vegeta was stronger, too. What was going on here? Bardock shook his head and glared at the approaching figure. Zarbon. Still as strong as ever, but not as strong as when he thrashed Vegeta the first time. Vegeta stared up at Zarbon and laughed.
"Surely you know you don't stand a chance, Zarbon. Now you're facing two saiyans." Vegeta claimed boldly. Bardock didn't bother to mention to him that he was the weakest one here. After all, Zarbon couldn't detect power levels. Zarbon opened his mouth to say something, but faltered when he saw Bardock.
"I-wait. You? Could it be?" Zarbon asked, cocking his head to the side. Bardock felt a bead of sweat. He knew something.
But before either of them could pursue the inevitable conversation, Zarbon was hit with a ki blast square on.
"Hmph. Really shouldn't lower your guard, Zarbon. Now transform and let's finish this." Vegeta chided. Bardock took a deep breathe and assumed a battle stance. He'd have to be more careful then usual, and he wasn't a fan of suddenly being the weakest guy around. Wait, wasn't that what the bandit guy on earth felt like? What was his name again? Something like....
"Very well, saiyans! Meet your doom!" Zarbon yelled as he transformed. His muscles swelled and his entire frame widened. His once graceful physique became a hulking mass of raw power. Bardock felt his overwhelming power, but Vegeta seemed content.
"You ready Bardock?" Vegeta asked as Zarbon howled.
"Ch..I guess."

Power Levels-

Bardock: 16,200
Goku(post training/zenkai): ????
Gohan: 1,440
Gohan(angry): 17,200
Krillin(post Guru): 19,400
Vegeta(post...something): 31,000
Frieza: 530,000
Zarbon: 23,000
Zarbon(Monster): 34,000
Soldier 2: 2,800
Namekian Elder: 40
Dende: 30
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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