Chapter 35: Saiyan Pride

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"Oh finally! I thought I was going to have to shoot him again!" Frieza laughs after a silence befalls the planet.
"Vegeta... I didn't think you could cry... or beg. You must've hated him as much as dad did..." Goku looks to the other side of Vegeta and shoots a Kiai Gan to create a hole in the ground.
"But your hatred wasn't the same as dad's. Where as dad's is the furious rage of a forest fire ready to burn everything down to kill a single tree, yours was more the red-hot temper of a forge. Ready to mold, to melt, to reforge. You hated that he used you and the rest of the saiyans. You weren't a good person, but you had... Pride. Saiyan Pride. The pride my father spoke of... share that pride with me, Vegeta. Share that rage, Bardock." Goku speaks softly as he lowers Vegeta into the makeshift grave, and continues as he covers him with dirt. At last he steps forward, ready with more conviction than ever to battle the menace of the universe.

"My name... is Goku. I'm a saiyan, but I was raised on Earth by my father and a few other great people. For the sake of the saiyans, the namekians, and everyone else you've killed- I'm going to destroy you!" Goku swears as clenches his fist.
"I'm dying to see you try." Frieza chuckles as Goku assumes the familiar fighting stance of the turtle school. Only the wind is heard for moment, the two fighters staring each other down.

"Damn... we'll only be in the way. I'll grab Bardock and get to safety." Piccolo dashes forwards, grabbing the large saiyan before flying away. Krillin takes off after him, while Gohan stands still. After another moment, he swallows his fear and begins to leave.
"Dad! Kill his ass!" Gohan yells in encouragement that Chi-Chi would most certainly have a heart attack over. And with that, he flies off after his allies, leaving Goku and Frieza alone on the island.

After another few moments of silently staring down one another, Goku suddenly springs into action, truly beginning the greatest battle in the history of Namek.
He flies at Frieza, who easily blocks the blow and goes to retaliate. Goku dodges a swift punch aimed at his face, then swings again before dodging away from the arcosian's kick. As the Saiyan bounds into the air, Frieza shoots ki beams from his eyes, which sail directly through Goku's afterimage. The real Goku appears behind Frieza, and swings his fists through Frieza's own afterimage. Goku quickly looks around for the real location of his opponent, finding him rising out of the green waters below. Frieza launches a ki blast at the younger foe, but is surprised when Goku catches the blast, sent flying back with it as he prevents it from exploding.
Crashing through a mountain or two, Goku finally musters the strength to launch the ki blast skyward, where it promptly detonates.
"Wooftha. That singed my hands." Goku comments with a chuckle as Frieza frowns at him.

Meanwhile, in the land of the dead(but between Heaven and Hell): Z-Fighter time!

"King Kai... how's it going for our friends?" Yamcha asked, having grown bored of training.
"Do you want the quick version, the really quick version, or the only mostly quick version?" The blue Kai asked with a chuckle as everyone wondered what those options meant.
"How about... really quick?" Chiaotzu suggested after a moment.
"So be it. You heard him Bubbles!" King Kai yelled for his faithful companion. The monkey cartwheeled out from the house, stopping before them and cleared his throat.
Everyone stood in shock as Bubbles the monkey "oohoo" and "hoohaa"d at them, before sitting back down.
"Well? He told you everything that has happened since Piccolo teleported there. Want anything else?" The North Kai asked while trying(and failing) to hold back his laughter.
"Yeah, how about the quick version, assuming this one is in Galactic Basic?" Tien sighed, less than amused.
"Oh fine. Spoilsport. Not one of you laughed at my great joke. Ahem! Piccolo is the last living namekian, Vegeta died, and Bardock is pretty damn close to following." King Kai stated matter-o-factly and quickly.
"What?! Vegeta and Bardock... that quickly?"
"Well I mean I skipped a few steps, being the quick version and all. Regardless, Goku is still battling Frieza. Somehow the two seem evenly matched right now. I can't believe it!"
The Z-Fighters all stood in shocked silence, the memories of a small monkey boy chasing his father's dreams seemingly a lifetime away.

Now then, back to the two guys beating the snot out of one another on a nearly vacant planet: Back to Goku's POV!

The two fighters were back to staring each other down.
"It's a surprise to find somebody in this universe besides myself has surpassed Captain Ginyu. You truly are strong... but it won't be enough to beat me." Frieza states cockily.
"Maybe so... but there's always a chance, right?" Goku asks rhetorically.
"Hm. I think you'll find your answer less rhetorical and quicker than you'd like." Frieza sneers as the mountain underneath the Saiyan explodes from the force of Frieza's Kiai Gan.
Goku quickly flies above the arcosian and blasts him with his own Kiai Gan. Frieza hurtles towards the ocean below, but to Goku's shock he vanishes before hitting the water. He quickly whirls around only to find Frieza already mid-kick, the blow sending Goku directly into the waters below. Frieza floats above the swirling waters.
"Get up, monkey. I know that wasn't enough to kill you." His voice dripping with malice as his red eyes search the water for movement.

Deep beneath the ocean, Kakarot puts a hand to his chin.
'Now how am I supposed to win? He's way too fast. I could always just do the kaioken, but there's a chance my heart bursts... or worse.... What's worse then a ruptured heart? Wait- not important. I've got a plan... something dad might call... a 'saiyan plan.'

Power levels-

Bardock: 2,444,000
Goku: 3,550,001
Gohan: 1,000,000
Krillin: 88,000
Bulma: 10
Vegeta: Dead.
Frieza(Totally his full power): 3,000,000
Piccolo Jr.: 1,060,000
Dende: Dead
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

Alternate Timeline- Bardock's Earthly Adventures 2- Adventure in ZWhere stories live. Discover now