Chapter 28: A Warrior Returns

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Dende then turned to the large dragon and called out to him in his native tongue. Porunga's eyes flashed yellow as thunder boomed.
"Your first wish has been granted. The namekian known as Piccolo has returned to the realm of the living. Now state your second wish." Porunga looked down upon the warriors.
"Ok, so now I bring Piccolo to Planet Namek?" Dende asked Gohan.
"Yes! Bring him home!" Krillin laughed.
Dende told Porunga the wish, and once more thunder boomed as the dragon's eyes flashed.
"An easy wish for once. Now what is your third wish?" The warriors looked around for a second.
"Where is he?" Krillin asked.
"Huh? Oh! Did you mean you wanted him brought here?! I just had him teleported to Planet Namek!" Dende panicked.
"What?! Where on planet Namek?!" Bardock exclaimed.
"I don't know!" Dende looked like he was going to cry.

Meanwhile, somewhere on Planet Namek:
Piccolo stared at the planet around him. It was alien in that the sky and water was green, and the grass was a turquoise blue. But as strange and new as this planet was, some part of Piccolo knew deep within his core: this is home.
"I'm.... I'm home. But... where am I? I can't sense anything." Piccolo looked around, seeing the rolling hills of blue that he felt nostalgic for.
"Except for.... That's got to be Frieza. His power is... that's insane. I don't think... is my new power enough?" Piccolo looked down at his hands before jerking his head in the direction of four previously masked ki sources.
"That's... Bardock. He's gotten a lot stronger. So has Gohan. Even Krillin. Who's that with them? I better get there quick." Piccolo took off at full speed, not letting himself stop to reminisce on his home planet.

Meanwhile, back at the base of Porunga:

"What? You're just gonna ask the dragon to kill Frieza?! What about pride?! What about the thrill of battle?!" Vegeta roared at his fellow saiyan. But Bardock was steadfast.
"Where was that pride for the last thirty years?! I may have run away, but at least I didn't end up that bastard's lapdog!" Bardock was looking down on Vegeta, prince though he may be.
"Tough talk from an old washed up low class, a coward who couldn't even stay and die with his honor and wife!" Vegeta snarled.
"You leave her out of this or the next wish this dragon grants will be to bring back your sorry ass!" Bardock was milliseconds from punching Vegeta right in the face.
"On the subject of my next wish, I still await. Please state your final wish." Porunga seemed to cut the tension between them, at least a little.
But as soon as Dende opened his mouth to start the wish, Porunga began glowing as the dark clouds slowly dissipated. Everyone around looked around confused as Porunga vanished, and 7 large stone orbs fell to the ground with a thud.
"What... what happened Dende? Did we take too long?" Bardock asked, all rage having left him.
"Well... in a sense. Grand Elder Guru... he's dead." Dende began sniffling. Vegeta, obviously not understanding anything, just nodded.
"We're sorry for your loss." Krillin said apologetically.
"And since he created the dragonballs... I get it. It's just like back on earth when Piccolo died. So what are supposed to-" Bardock stopped suddenly as he felt every hair on his neck shoot up straight.
Raw and unadulterated fear that, while bone chilling, wasn't a fear he had never felt before. After all, Bardock had the extreme displeasure of meeting-
"F-f-f-f-f-f-Frieza?!" Krillin choked out at last as everyone turned to see the one and only emperor of space standing on the hill above them.
"Well well well. Look what you've done, you monkeys. You've destroyed my chance at immortality. And on top of that, I see no traces of the Ginyu Force... did you destroy them all? You sure are pestering maggots, aren't you? Now to top it all off, you've rendered the wish granting orbs useless to me, cursing my hopes of immortality. I must say I'm quite impressed. Never before as anyone made such a fool of me. Curse you all... you INSUFFERABLE INSECTS!!!" Frieza screamed, breaking the warriors out of their frozen stances.
"Heh...heh... so much for the polite facade, Frieza. You'll find we won't lose so easily." Vegeta gulped out, fear consuming his every breath.
"Hohohoho! Of all the things you could've said, you chose to infuriate me even further?! Allow me to show you what you've seemingly forgotten!" Frieza screamed as he let his ki swell around him, the sheer size of it paralyzing everyone present.

Meanwhile, somewhere else on Planet Namek:
Piccolo was flying as fast as he could when he felt Frieza flex his full might.
"Holy King Kai! Frieza must be about to fight! I've got to get there and save- what the- is that a weak ki signature down there? I didn't think anybody else was alive on this planet!" Piccolo raced down towards the unknown source, knowing that his every second counted. When he landed, he found himself before a severely injured being who closely resembled him.
"So... you must be a namekian. Sorry we had to meet like this, what with you on your last breaths and all." Piccolo said it as gruffly as always, but he genuinely felt bad that the first member of his own race he met was dying right before him.
"Ghhhhh... you must.. be the namek from earth... your friends did it.. I'm glad." The namekian choked out painful.
"Oh you know then? Then you likely know I'm in a hurry to save them. I'm sorry, but I'll have to leave you here." Piccolo turned around to leave but the namekian kept talking.
"Of.... Course... your power is... incredible... If you were truly whole... maybe you could... kill him." The namekian had a smile beneath all of the purple blood on his face.
"...what? You mean you know I'm half of Kami?" Piccolo was shocked.
"You are the legendary son of Katas. Every namekian knows your story. The namekian who survived the great purge by traveling to a distant star. The namekian who separated the evil within himself to become a higher being, a god." The namekian on the ground spoke the story with veneration that could only come through generations of repetition.
"So what are you suggesting? I go back to earth and rejoin with my other self? Then I'd be strong enough to fight Frieza?" Piccolo asked hesitantly. He didn't like that idea.
"No.. There's not enough time. I am Planet Namek's last warrior namekian. Assimilate with me. Your power will skyrocket exponentially, and I shall grant you all of my fighting experience in hopes that even a second of my life can assist you." The namekian choked out with great effort. His time was fast approaching. Piccolo had to make a choice.

Power levels-

Bardock: 93,000
Goku(Healing): 52,000
Gohan: 95,000
Krillin: 19,400
Bulma: 8
Vegeta: 95,000
Frieza: 530,000
Dende: 30
The Unnamed Namekian who totally isn't Nail(dying): 400
Piccolo Jr.: 70,000
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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