Chapter 12: Hospital Room

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Krillin sat down in the capsule ship, having just helped gather up the bodies of the fallen. He found everybody staring at him, even Gohan, who just woke up.
"Um... something on my head?" Krillin asked slowly, nervously looking around the ship.
"Nothing, not even a hair. But more importantly, weren't you going to tell us your big master plan?" Bulma asked from the front seat. Krillin clapped his hands together.
"Right! So I think the whole reason those two saiyans came here was to make a wish on the dragonballs. But the part that really got my attention is when they called Piccolo a namekian. Said he was part of a whole 'nother species. And that his home planet, Planet Namek, would have others like him." Krillin finished his summary that laid the groundwork for his big idea. Bulma and Gohan both nodded.
"Right. So if we were to embark on an expedition to Planet Namek, then theoretically we could potentially resurrect all of our now-deceased allies in a single go!" Gohan rambled while everyone stared at him. Bulma nodded like it was the most normal sentence in the world.
"But...that single-tracked thought is ignorant of our primary cause for concern of said expedition: none of us know where Planet Namek is." Bulma said sourly, a large frown on her face. Goku, still laying on one of the seats, coughed.
"Don't you worry guys. You can leave this one to me." Goku said softly.
"King Kai! Need a favor: where's Planet Naked?" Goku asked telepathically.
"Goku...I'm going to assume you mean Namek and ignore that. Ahem! Namek is terms... ah! Sub 3, 9045XY." King Kai responded, a light blush under his glasses.
"Ok. According to King Kai, Sub 3, 9045XY is where we'll find this Nomak." Goku related to his allies. Bulma quickly crunched some numbers and gasped loudly.
" would take over 4,000 years to soar that far away!!!" Bulma gasped. Krillin chuckled.
"Maybe for an earth spaceship. Luckily, we have a genius inventor, and a few lightly used saiyan pods that traveled absurd distances in absurder timeframes. I'm betting you could manage to take one of those pods apart and see what made 'em tick." Krillin said coyly, revealing the remote to Nappa's space pod.
"Oh yeah! And if that's not enough, the valley north west of my house has my old pod! Oh! And Korin Forest has dad's!" Goku exclaimed. Everyone began celebrating their good fortune.
"Hmm? Wattsat?" Bardock grumbled as he finally awoke.

The next day: Timeskip!

"Ouch...they said I'll need at least four months of bed rest." Goku grumbled as his visitors filed in. Krillin sat up in his bed and shook his head.
"That's rough buddy. Gohan and I will be good to go in three days, and somehow Bardock is already fine." Krillin remarked, looking over to where Bardock was standing in a corner and peering out the window. Korin closed the door behind him and chuckled.
"Hey it'll be fine. Next batch of senzu beans will be ready in about a month." Korin said, carefree. The door behind him then flew open, revealing a very excited Bulma.
"Turn the TV on!" She hollered as she slammed the door shut. Krillin fumbled with the remote and turned on the news, which showed a group of scientists standing in front of Nappa's saiyan pod.
"Ok! There's only two buttons. One for 'come to me' and the other for... either way, it's a 50/50 chance." Bulma shrugged as she clicked a button on the remote. Bardock visibly flinched when she did so.
"Wait you moron, that's-" Bardock was cutoff by a loud explosion on the TV.
"The self destruct....button." Bardock finished while sighing. Everyone stood in silence, so they heard ratatat that came from the window. Hearing it didn't make it any less shocking to see Mr. Popo standing outside the 6th story window. Bardock opened the window for him.
"Hey Popo. What's up?"
"Popo can help. Popo has a spaceship. But one of you must come with Popo." Mr. Popo said strictly, standing on a flying carpet. Krillin spoke immediately.
"Bulma will go." He said behind a fake cough.
"I what?!" Bulma roared.
"C'mon Bulma, you're probably the best bet this planet has at figuring out alien tech." Bardock said, wanting the argument over.
"I guess I am. When you put it that way, lead on Popo!" Bulma crawled out the window, and was gone in a flash.
Bardock winced as he walked over to his family's beds. He sat down in between the two beds, knocking some things off of a small table as he sat.
"Hey Krillin. Mind if I have a little family talk with these two? Shouldn't take long." Bardock asked, his stoic face still grated with wear.
"Sure thing pal. I'll take 'em all for a tour. Should give you around three minutes." Krillin shot the saiyans a thumbs-up as he exited the room, with everyone following behind him.
"What's up dad?" Goku asked, not liking the look on his father's face. Bardock looked at him.
"That battle sure was rough, huh Kakarot. You were incredible. Able to show me up and put a dent in 'ol Vegeta's pride. And Gohan, you were great. So brave. Exactly what I would expect from a saiyan kid." Bardock said softly, moving his eyes from his son's face to the floor. Gohan cocked his head slightly.
"Something's worrying you, grandpa. What is it?" Bardock snapped his head and glared at his grandson. His eyes quickly softened, and Bardock chuckled dryly.
"Huh. Grandpa. I guess I am. Never really thought about it. Always focused on the big goal." Bardock had the full attention of both the room's occupants, but he himself seemed a little out of it. Bardock tried saying something else, but a knock at the window interrupted his thoughts. Bulma has returned.
"Well crud. Kakarot, tell Krillin he can lead 'em back now. I'll open the damn window." Bardock grunted as he stood, then walked over to the window where Bulma sat on a flying carpet.
After everyone had returned to the hospital room, Bulma laid down the facts.

"Ok: The good news is we have a ship. The bad news is that I'll need to make some improvements. But let's set the stage right here and now. Assuming I can integrate a few updates into Popo's ship, I'm guessing it'll take about a month to get to Namek from here. Meaning it'll be around a two month round trip. Who's coming with me?" Bulma slowly looked around the hospital room. Bardock raised his eyes from the floor he had been staring at.
"I will. Give me something to do instead of sitting on my ass down here." Bardock grunted from the back, settling his eyes on Kakarot. Bulma nodded her approval.
"You should come too, Krillin. I mean, Goku can't exactly come in his condition." Bulma suggested. Krillin looked like he might argue, but quickly put his finger down and shrugged.
"Yeah, that's fair. I'm in." Krillin nodded.
"I-I'm coming too!" Gohan interrupted.
"What? Gohan honey, don't be ridiculous! Another two months on top of everything else?!" Chi-Chi started getting riled up.
"I have to do this. Mr. Piccolo died for me. It's only fair that I'm one of the ones who brings him back." Gohan debated politely. Bardock shrugged.
"Seems reasonable enough to me. I'm game." Bardock said in synch with his son.
"Seems reasonable enough to me. Have fun, Gohan." Goku said in synch with his father.
Chi-Chi glared at both of them.
"What kind of nonsense are you two prattling on about?! My Gohan doesn't need to be involved with any of this! Another two months on top of the year of anxiety I've already been put through?! And what about cram school?! You've already fallen behind other children! I don't care how many Piccolos have any involvement in this. You are a normal little boy, and that is how you will-" Chi-Chi's extensive rant got louder the longer she went on, and nearly everyone in the room had started backing away.
"SHUT UP!!!!!" Gohan screamed over his mother's rants. Everybody was stunned. The room was silent. Chi-Chi fell to her knees.
"Now isn't the time for this. We need to do this. We need to bring back everybody who lost their lives for everyone who's still alive. We are alive partially in part thanks to their sacrifices. And I can fight. I have to do something. I'm no normal kid mom. I'm half saiyan." Gohan said, looking directly at his mother throughout his speech. Bardock grinned.
"Guess ya gotta let let him now, huh?" He chuckled. Goku smiled and softly thought to himself.
"You really have gotten strong, Gohan."

Power Levels-

Bardock(post ape-out/zenkai): 15,360
Goku: 9,400
Goku(exhausted): 7,500
Gohan(post ape-out(+1 courage point): 1,201
Krillin: 1,840
Yajirobe: 1,010
Bulma: 7
Roshi: 1,530
Chi-Chi: 210
Korin: 250
Mr. Popo: 1,140
Vegeta: ???
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

Alternate Timeline- Bardock's Earthly Adventures 2- Adventure in ZWhere stories live. Discover now