Chapter 25: Stolen Pride

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"Wait a minute. Do you guys feel that? It's that purple captain! He's coming here, but where's Goku?!" Krillin exclaimed.
Vegeta grunted.
'The real question is... is that Kakarot's body or Ginyu's? We don't know enough about the technique he used. Only one way to find out.'
Vegeta turned his attention to the rapidly approaching power. After a short moment, Goku? landed before the group. He looked over everyone before speaking in a voice that was not his own.
"How did you know where to find-" Ginyu's voice was cut off as Vegeta decided he had heard all he needed to.
"Ha! I had thought you were suppressing yourself to hide, but that's not the case, is it Ginyu?! You can't use the full power of that body, as you're no saiyan!" Vegeta roared as he pummeled Kakarot's body. Gohan began racing forwards only to be held back by a torn red wristband.
"Calm yourself Gohan. That's not your dad. That Ginyu guy swapped bodies with him somehow." Bardock said, glaring daggers at his son's stolen body. Ginyu grit his teeth as he rose to his feet, staring in opposition to the four warriors ready to beat his now saiyan-butt into the ground.
"Just you wait, insects! Don't you dare underestimate the great Capt-" his speech was cut short by Vegeta slamming another fist into him, launching him towards Bardock.

Elsewhere on Namek: Meanwhile!

"Ow...ow... Geez. Did that purple guy really have to stab me first? I can't even read energy correctly in this body. So weird... it's like even though the technique's the same, the different body makes it harder all the same- hey wait a minute... that means the purple guy can't use my power!" Goku/Ginyu gasped as he slowly hobbled through the air, attempting to follow his allies to the next battle.

Back to the action: Timeskip!

Bardock slammed his full force into his son's stolen body, rage coursing through him.
"Get out of that body!" Bardock roared as Ginyu went tumbling onto the floor.
"Gah...gah.... why am I losing? This body should have a power level of over 100,000!" Ginyu/Goku gasped as he rose to his feet. He rushed at Gohan, who began frantically dodging Ginyu's desperate onslaught.
"Here's a hypothesis:" Gohan started, as Bardock slammed Ginyu from behind.
"Oh Vegeta not again." Vegeta groaned as he joined in on the beating, kicking Ginyu in the ribs. Ginyu let out a terrible cry of pain as he lay there on the ground in the center of the four warriors.
"Did you just say your own name instead of Kami?" Krillin asked, breaking the silence.
"What? Yes, but I was referring to the protector of Planet Vegeta. I've never heard of this 'Kami'." Vegeta stated like it was obvious.
"Who just so happened to share your name, which also happens to be the name of your native planet itself?" Gohan asked, confused. At his feet, Ginyu coughed up a large amount of red saiyan blood.
"Why is that so weird? My full title is Vegeta IV." Vegeta scoffed, proud as ever.
"Wow. Did the last three all have the same height and hairline?" Krillin asked pointedly. Vegeta grit his teeth as he kicked Ginyu again, sending him sprawling an impressive distance.
"Just the hairline." Bardock said with a large grin.
"Hey!" Vegeta snarled.
"Wha... what the hell is happening?!" Ginyu panted as he struggled to his feet to see now 5 silhouettes before him.
"Guys!" A familiar voice called out from above.
"Goku?" Krillin called out, so everyone looked to see the purple wounded body the saiyan was currently trapped in.
"Dammit!" Ginyu/Goku groaned again as he tried his best to gather up his remaining ki.
"I found you! Ginyu is weak! Beat the snot out of em!" Goku/Ginyu yelled confidently.
"Yeah, we noticed." Bardock scratched his head and sighed.
"Wait, really?" Goku/Ginyu asked, surprised after the amount of time it took him to figure it out.
"Yeah. Gohan figured it out pretty quick." Krillin sighed, as exasperated as Bardock.
"Wait, he did?" Vegeta asked, seemingly surprised.
"Hm? Yea. Before I was interrupted by the revelation of not only your lineage, but also that of your genetically insufficient hairline, I was going to state that due to the misfortunate-" Goku interrupted Gohan this time with a loud yawn.
"Wow, that was a lot of words. How about you explain after we get my body back?" Goku/Ginyu asked, not understanding.
"Uh....sure, I guess." Gohan stuttered.
Ginyu/Goku threw a ki blast at the group, but it was quickly smacked away by Bardock.
"Why did you think that would work? This is embarrassing for all of us!" Vegeta roared. He dashed and began pummeling Goku's body, obviously deriving some form of satisfaction from it. He knocked Ginyu/Goku upwards, before darting up to him and drop kicking him back into the blue planet below. As Vegeta began his mad rush to finish off Ginyu(despite the body changing issues that presented), Goku heard a gasp escape his own body.
"Grrrr... Chan-change..." Ginyu/Goku began to sputter as the realization dawned on Goku of what was about to happen.
"Dad! Quick!" Goku screamed as he flung himself as quickly as he could into the air, and with only a second of hesitation Bardock knew to trust his son.
"Now!" Roared Ginyu, likely with the last of his strength.
Bardock dashed at Goku/Ginyu and quickly slammed him downward, angling him towards his real body as a yellow light enveloped it.
Goku's momentum carried him directly in between the two, intercepting the bean that had been intended for Vegeta.
Ginyu's body stopped in mid air as he slowly descended, with everyone else watching with bated breaths.
"You... damn saiyans!" Ginyu yelled, his voice coming out of his body at last.
"O..oooww. I'm... I'm back." Goku gasped through the pain he now found himself.
Everybody else looked on in shock.
"Wh-What just happened? The hell was that?!" Vegeta asked, stunned and confused as to what just transpired before him.
"G-Goku?" Krillin quickly looked over to his long time friend, who was groaning slowly in his own body.
"Geez... did you guys have to rough me up so badly? I don't think I can move an inch..." Goku grunted.
"Seeing as how Mr. Bardock hurled daddy with the utmost of intentions, I believe that they were both fully confident that this maneuver would place both combatants back in their proper bodies." Gohan said confidently with a nod.
"Meaning?" Vegeta asked completely lost."
"Hm. Means Captain Bozo is back in his purple body, just begging for us to clobber him some more." Bardock grinned as he approached with purpose in his stride.
"Dammit all... I've got to get another body! This one is so wounded!" Ginyu gasped as he coughed up more purple blood.
"Who's fault is that, moron?" Bardock smirked as he socked Ginyu right in the nose.
"Chang-" Ginyu started before getting a swift kick in the back of the head.
"There's no way in hell we'd let you get away with that again. Bardock! Let's do it!" Vegeta roared as he began battering the wounded foe like a kickball. Bardock quickly joined him, the two saiyans quickly overwhelming the captain's already wounded body.
As he collapsed onto the ground and tried to no avail to rise to his feet, Vegeta appeared above him with a fistful of Ki.
"Now that you know the might of the saiyan race, why don't you pass it along to the next world!" Vegeta screamed as he brought his attack down with enough force to shatter the ground beneath him, and the unfortunate body that had been lying there. As the dust settles and the fires of battle dyed out within them all, a loud collective sigh of relief was released.

After almost a minute of silence Goku shakily opened his mouth.
"Guys? Could someone help me stand up?"

Power levels-

Bardock: 93,000
Goku(wounded): 20,000
Gohan: 95,000
Krillin: 19,400
Bulma: 8
Vegeta: 95,000
Frieza: 530,000
Ginyu/: Dead.
Dende: 30
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.

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