Chapter 10: Monkey Business

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During the battle with Vegeta- Flashback!

After about 10 minutes of flying, Gohan turned around and gasped. Bardock and Krillin turned to see what it was. A glowing light? It was like a star!
"Mr. Bardock...I think daddy might need some help." Gohan gulped. Bardock couldn't disagree.
"Alright kid. This might go south fast, but hell. Your idea. Let's go." Bardock, Krillin and Gohan began flying full speed to where an artificial glow lit up Gizard Wasteland.

Only once they got close enough to hear the sounds of combat did Bardock realize what was lighting up the heavens. A power ball!
"Crapbaskets...listen you two, run. Get away from here. Krillin, you'll know what to do. Remember: aim for the tail." And with that, Bardock tossed his favorite bandana to his grandson, who grasped it quickly. He was the only one who didn't understand why his grandpa was storming off alone to see the light. Bardock stepped towards the scene he expected. The mighty super elite, prince of all saiyans, Vegeta was now a Great Ape.
He was laying in the ground, glaring with a single eye at Bardock's only surviving son.

Bardock quickly devised a plan. Goku met his eyes and nodded slightly before motioning upward. Bardock grunted.
"Not a very saiyan plan...but hey, that's what makes you unique, Kakarot." Bardock smiled as he looked straight up to look at the power ball above. He stood silently as he felt his eyes change color, becoming a dark crimson. He was rapidly growing, but his saiyan armor was growing with him. He began muttering a low growl as he grew even larger still. Dark brown fur began to coat him as his size began to surpass even Great Ape Vegeta's.
Having completed his transformation, Bardock began to lumber forwards, towards his one-time-prince. He could hear Vegeta speak clearly, the only other great ape on the planet.
"I'm impressed you've managed to survive this long, Kakarot! But now you die! You can't possible hope to contest with an elite Oozaru like myself!" Vegeta howled pridefully. Bardock could hardly hear his son, who was still floating around.
"Maybe not, but he probably can." Vegeta turned around to come face to face with...
Another great ape!!!
Bardock lurched forward, trying to land a punch, but Vegeta was still too fast for him. Then Goku drove his feet into Vegeta's back, sending him sprawling towards Bardock, who quickly hammered him with his other fist. Vegeta stood and scoffed.
"Tch! To think, you must resort to underhanded tactics to defeat me! And you call yourself saiyans!" He roared. Bardock tried to tackle him, but was met with Vegeta's own fist. Goku fired a ki blast at his exposed back, but Vegeta quickly bat at it with his tail.
"Even together, you low class saiyans don't stand a chance!" Vegeta gloated, but Bardock saw his opportunity. He fired a mouth beam towards Vegeta's head, then dove to the side, jumped up and grabbed Vegeta's right arm.
"What the- What are you doing, Bardock?" Vegeta exclaimed, raising his left arm to punch to latched saiyan. But while he was distracted, Goku dove into the back of Vegeta's right knee, forcing Vegeta to fall to one knee. Goku then kicked Vegeta in the elbow of his left arm, yelling out "Kaio-ken!" as his glowing foot connected with Vegeta's elbow, warranting a loud snap. Vegeta howled in pain as his arm was broken. Vegeta's eyes widened as a new source of pain shot through him. Standing right behind him was Krillin, whose Destructo Disk had successfully sliced through the great ape's only weakness: his tail. Vegeta began rapidly shrinking as he lost his once mighty power.
As he resumed his normal size, Vegeta quickly scanned around the battlefield with his one good eye. He was outmatched.
One exhausted pure saiyan who's power had somehow surpassed his own: Check.
That saiyan's father, who was still a great ape: Check.
The previously mentioned saiyan's halfbreed cowering son: Check.
A bald kid who sliced his tail off: Check.
And a fat guy with a sword: Check.
"I know I could easily kill the three earthlings, but the two saiyans are going to be a real pain. Especially Bardock. Dammit all! How had I forgotten he had a tail?!" Vegeta panted as the Warriors surrounded him.
"Last chance, Vegeta. Go home, and never come back." Goku said confidently, recovering his stamina.
"Oh? Really, Kakarot? Are you that sure of your victory?" Vegeta chuckled dryly. Bardock sprung forwards, the first to make a move. Vegeta narrowly dodged it, but was then hit by Gohan's ki blast. While blinded by the smoke, Krillin dove in and uppercut him. Vegeta was sent flying, right into Goku's kick. The force from the kick sent him back into the massive Bardock's chest, so Bardock punched him into the ground.
"Give up! You no longer stand a chance!" Goku screamed. Krillin, in the mean time, had an idea. He quickly fly up and onto Bardock's shoulder.
"Psst. Bardock. I've got a plan. That power ball is still up there, right? Fly up, grab it, and slam it into him. It's a chunk of his own power, so it has to be powerful." Krillin whispered into Bardock' ape ear. Bardock nodded. It was a good plan. But before Bardock could do anything, Vegeta screamed.
"THATS IT!!!! EVERYONE DIES!!!!" Vegeta threw his arms up and sent forth a might ki wave, a massive explosion taking place at the base of it. Bardock was knocked off balance, while everyone else was sent flying.

Vegeta slowly walked over to Bardock.
"Ha.....ha......dammit stup......stupid ape" Vegeta panted as he reached to grab Bardock's tail. He was going to pull it off! But before Vegeta could tug at it, Goku broke his concentration.
"Look up! Up Gohan! The light! Look at the light!" Goku called. Vegeta turned around to see Gohan sitting up slowly, head looking upward.
"Hm? The brat doesn't.... oh no." Vegeta gasped. For between the legs of the five year old was his very own little tail.
Well, not so little anymore.
His eyes had changed color, now being a dark crimson. He was rapidly growing, tearing his own dōgi to shreds. He began howling as he grew even larger still. Dark brown fur began to coat him as his size began to peak, the once tiny Gohan now a mountainous beast.
"Oh shit." Vegeta grunted as Gohan began to roar.

Power Levels-

Bardock: 12,800
Bardock(Great Ape): 128,000
Goku: 9,250
Goku(Kaioken): 18,500
Goku(Kaiokenx3): 27,750
Goku(kaiokenx4): 37,000
Goku(exhausted): 8,400
Gohan: 1,000
Gohan(Great Ape): 10,000
Krillin: 1,840
Yajirobe: 1,010
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Vegeta: 18,000
Vegeta(exhausted): 15,000
Vegeta(exhausted+Power Ball): 13,000
Vegeta(Great Ape): 180,000
Vegeta(Great Ape(exhausted+PB)): 130,000
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yamcha: Dead.
Nappa: Dead.

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