Part 8: True Power

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Nappa shook himself out of his daze, then quickly lunges at the unflinching Goku. Right before Nappa reached him, he collapsed to the floor as if he had hit a wall, and Goku had somehow gotten behind him. Even Vegeta seemed stunned by his speed. Goku shook his head.
"Gotta say, you made yourself sound like an actual fighter." He said curtly. Nappa's eye twitched and he rushed at his foe, who easily dodged every blow. When Nappa finished his attacking, Goku was behind him once more. Goku then disappeared, but reappeared just as suddenly, his fist embedded in Nappa's stomach.
"That's for Chiaotzu." He spat as Nappa fell to his knees. Nappa quickly tried to stand and kick Kakarot, but the smaller saiyan was faster and kicked him in the knee, shattering his leg.
"That one's for Yamcha." Goku spat again. Nappa rose to one leg and fired a massive ki blast towards Kakarot. Goku raised one arm and let the blast burn out in his hand. Nappa turned around and found Goku floating above, both arms swinging in a sledgehammer motion into his exposed head.
"For Tien." He growled as Nappa collided with the ground hard, hard enough that he bounced. Goku dashed and drop kicked the airborne Nappa as he rebounded. His feet hit Nappa right between the shoulder blades, sending him flying.
"For Piccolo!" Goku yelled as his opponent sailed away. Goku landed on the ground and glared to where his foe was digging himself out of a collapsed mountain. Nappa stood and screamed as blood oozed from his open wounds.
"DAMN IT ALL!!! DAMN IT ALL!!!" Nappa howled repeatedly. Goku seemed surprised.
"Wow. You sure can take a hit." Goku chuckled. Bardock was stunned. Nappa was a saiyan legend for his durability. It had been rumored that none had ever seen Nappa bleed. And then Kakarot happened. A high class saiyan was being trounced by a low class like himself. Bardock loved it!
Vegeta barked at his furious comrade.
"Nappa, get ahold of yourself! If he gets under your skin, you're done for!" His gruff voice sparked an immediate reaction in his ally. He calmed in an instant. He looked back at Goku.
"Ok...this is it. My greatest technique. Nobody has ever survived it. Might as well give up now. BREAK CANNON!" Nappa opened his mouth wide and fired a massive beam of ki at Goku, who quickly shot a kamehameha forward.
"Ha!" The beams collided with an explosion. Goku stood proud, unafriad. Nappa flinched.
"What? My mighty Break Cannon defeated?!" Nappa recoiled and Vegeta stood up.
"Give up Nappa! You don't stand a chance. I'll take it from here." Nappa glared to his superior and gulped. He then looked back to Goku.
"Damn it...go and try making me sit out...if I can't kill you, then say goodbye to the rest of your bloodline!" Nappa quickly flew right at the three spectators. Bardock ran and put himself in front of his grandson and Krillin. Nappa would have to get through him first. Bardock may have been beaten bloody by Vegeta, but Bardock was pretty sure he might be able to hold of Nappa. Nappa was drawing closer. Bardock braced himself for the blow, but a different voice distracted him.
"Kaio-ken!" Goku yelled as a red glow flashed through the sky.
'Kaio-what?' Bardock thought to himself. Bardock lowered his arm to see that Goku was holding a crippled Nappa above him. In a single instant, Goku crossed the battlefield, broke Nappa's back, then hoisted him into the air. What incredible speed!
Goku tossed Nappa on the ground in between him and Vegeta. The red glow faded as he stood up straight.
"You're lucky he's still alive after that. Leave now, and he might survive." Goku snarled. Vegeta took three steps before reaching his arm out towards his companion, who took his hand with joy. Vegeta's face turned into a wicked grin as he gripped his arm tightly, then spun and hurled him straight into the air. Vegeta's ki swelled as he fired off a massive wave of ki vertically. Goku and Bardock shielded the two weaker Warriors and waited out the blast. When the blue light faded, Nappa was naught but dust. The three earth raised warriors were horrified, but Bardock didn't flinch. Standard saiyan procedure. No such thing as a weak link. The higher class would rather have a gap. Goku looked back to his friends and spoke softly.
"Dad. Take them back to Kame house, would you?" Bardock grunted.
"Jeez. Stronger then your dad for 20 minutes and you're already bossing him around. It's alright. I get it. No distractions. But before I do...mind dragging our prince out into Gizard wasteland?" Bardock asked in return. Goku was puzzled by the request, but agreed nonetheless. Bardock grabbed Gohan's arm.
"Don't worry little guy. Your dad will be alright. After this is all over, maybe we should take a vacation. Just the three of us." Gohan smiled at his grandfather. Bardock flew off with the two of them.


Goku finally arrives in the wastes of Gizzard, so he finds a rock and lands. He turns and faces Vegeta, who has landed on a taller rock.
"Hmph! So this is the place you have chosen to be your grave." Vegeta says proudly. He then spoke loudly enough for his voice to carry across the barren land.
"I imagine your father has taught you quite a bit of our former home. So you should know how much of an honor this is for you." Vegeta assumes a stance familiar to most saiyans, but not his opponent.
"Then you should know how little I care. Elite or not, I can't let you get away with this." Goku says bluntly, earning an eye twitch from Vegeta. Goku assumes the stance of the turtle school. The wait feels eternal, but as the dust and wind blow between the two warriors, Goku decides to make the first move. He quickly lunges at Vegeta with a punch, only to quickly block Vegeta's fist. Goku launches a kick, but Vegeta dashes backwards. Goku gives chase, but Vegeta bounces back and drives his elbow into Goku's forehead. Goku bounces off of a rock and quickly returns to where Vegeta had been, only to see nothing. Goku quickly whips around and swings his fist in a wide arc. Vegeta backs away, having been grazed by the sudden attack.
" showed much greater power when you defeated Nappa. So go ahead! Show me your true power!" Vegeta cackles while going blow-for-blow with Goku, who is struggling to keep up. The two separate, and both land on rocks a good distance away. Goku widens his stance.
"Kaio-ken!" He roars as a red glow envelops him.
"Kaio-What?" Vegeta asks, but Goku drives his fist into his stomach instead of answering. Goku quickly batters Vegeta around, his new technique given him just the edge he needed to go toe to toe with the super elite. Goku punts Vegeta away, then flys as fast as possible in order to hit him again. Vegeta tried to kick the lower class saiyan, but Goku is too fast and hammers his fists into Vegeta's skull. Both fighters land, and the red glow fades. Vegeta wipes his face of dust and speaks.
"Haha! Your father was known as the highest of the low class, but it appears to me he has been overthrown! You've done much better then I had expected, but I'm done playing. Behold...MY TRUE POWER!!" Vegeta howls as he charges his ki to his maximum, being so forcefully the weather changes. Vegeta grins evilly as his full power swells through him.
"It's over, Kakarot!" He roars. He dashed at Goku, who tried to dodge but wasn't able to match Vegeta's speed. Vegeta elbowed Goku in the chest, and Goku plummeted towards the rocks below. Goku landed safely and whipped around just in time to catch Vegeta's kick. Goku began to swing around, throwing Vegeta into a nearby mountain. He roars aloud.
"Kaio-ken!" It echoes through the wasteland as a red glow envelopes Kakarot.
"Kaio-what?" Vegeta asked as he flew out of the rocks. He received his answer in the form of Goku punching him directly in the nose. Vegeta bounces away and rapidly fires off ki blasts. Goku dodged around them, but Vegeta catches him off guard by attacking from behind while he is deflecting the blasts. Vegeta's attack tears through the kanji that decorated the back of Goku's newest dōgi. The two fighters land back on their previous rocky perches as the red glow fades from around Goku.
"Well, you certainly don't disappoint, Kakarot. Perhaps your father wasn't all talk after all. With the two of you at my side perhaps we could've..." Vegeta trails off, not finishing the sentence.
'Damn it all, I might have to use the kaioken times three to beat him. He's tough, that's for sure...'
Goku swallows hard as he thought to himself.

The epic battle between the last of their generation continues- next time on Adventures in Z!

Power Levels-
Bardock: 12,800
Goku: 9,250
Goku(Kaioken): 18,500
Gohan: 1,000
Piccolo Jr.: Dead.
Tien: Dead.
Krillin: 1,840
Chiaotzu: Dead.
Yajirobe: 1,010
Yamcha: Dead.
Vegeta: 18,000
Nappa: 4,010/Dead.

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