Chapter 4: Training for Saiyans!

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In Otherworld:

"Wow. So this is it? I've just gotta reach the end of this and I can train with King Kai?" Goku asked the attendant, looking out at the massive snaking pathway in front of them.
"Yessir. Fun fact, Snake Way is approximately 620,000 miles long. Well, good luck to you!" The attendant yelled as he drove away, leaving Goku to stare at his taunting task.
"Oh well. No time like the present." He said as he began to run along the trail.

Now back to Bardock:

"So you ready yet?" Bardock asked a sleeping Gohan. He didn't respond. He was still sleeping. Bardock glanced around his cave home and found what he was looking for: a bucket of water. Bardock used it to wash himself off every once in a while. He grabbed it and dumped it on Gohan, who woke immediately.
"Ah!! Grandpa Bardock? Where am I? And what happened to daddy?" Gohan asked, looking around inquisitively.
"Uh...listen Gohan, Kakarot is dead. Don't cry about it, we'll gather up the dragonballs in a year. But you remember what happened when your uncle stepped on your dad's chest?"
"Umm...I cerebrate I...defied gravity, and forcibly applied a consequential quantity of force to the breastplate of his armor utilizing naught but my own cranium." Gohan answered, thinking aloud. Bardock stared blankly at his grandson, not understanding half of the words he had just used.
"What? uh, got mad, and headbutt him hard. Right in the chest." Bardock simplified. He clapped his hands together.
"So you ready to train? I'll train you for a month just to go over all of the basics, and to make sure you know what to do when Piccolo Jr. trains you." Bardock said. Gohan gasped.
"Piccolo junior? The runner up of the 23rd Budokai Tenkaichi? The reincarnation of the evil dread lord, Demon King Piccolo?" Gohan yelped fearfully. Bardock let out a defeated sigh. Where does a four year old get this kind of vocabulary?

One week later: Timeskip!

"Faster! Faster! Faster!" Bardock roared at his grandson. Gohan kept running and jumping and punching and bouncing. Whatever Bardock said to do, Gohan did. And sure enough, it was working. Gohan was getting stronger. At an even better rate then Kakarot had. Bardock was impressed. He knew the boy would potentially be able to watch over the earth in place of his father. But enough dark thoughts. Time for more training.
"Kick! Kick! Punch! Flip!" Bardock resumed yelling, starting it all over again.

Three weeks later: Timeskip!

"Hmph. You sure worked the brat hard." Piccolo commented, glaring at the young half-saiyan. Gohan gulped, but didn't move. He was wearing an old outfit of Goku's. Piccolo then turned his attention back to Bardock.
"So what will you do for six months?" Piccolo asked the saiyan. Bardock lazily scratched his chin.
"I'll head over to Kami's place and make sure the others are training in the most effective way possible. Plus, wouldn't hurt to train myself up there too." Bardock shrugged and leaned towards his grandson.
"I'll see you in six months, ok? Make me proud, squirt!" And with that, Bardock took off towards The Lookout.

Meanwhile, in Otherworld:

"Man, how long is this stinking road?" Goku thought aloud, still running. Who knows how long he'd have to keep this up? He shook his head and kept on running.

Back on The Lookout:

"Oh hey Bardock!" Krillin waved as soon as the saiyan landed.
"Hey guys. Y'all ready to start training? I'll be facilitating these next 5 months. So get ready for hell." Bardock grinned, stretching his arms. The dragon team stared at him blankly.
"Wait, you're the specialty trainer Kami said would teach us to fight saiyans?" Yamcha gulped. Bardock stared at him, confused.
"Who better to help you fight saiyans then a saiyan?" Bardock retorted. No one could argue with that logic. And Bardock was ready to have some fun. Good chance these saiyans would actually challenge him. Kami sighed as Mr. Popo comforted him.
"Don't worry, Kami. It's simple: He's higher up on the Pecking Order." Mr. Popo laughed.

One night, about three months later: Timeskip!, Krillin was sitting on the edge of The Lookout, looking at the full moon.
" sure is beautiful tonight." Krillin sighed to himself. He knew why Bardock didn't come out at night, but sometimes he wished he wasn't so-KABOOM!
A massive explosion destroyed any thought Krillin had, and with the explosion went Krillin's light. Krillin looked around the dark night sky in horror. The moon was gone!!!! Krillin woke everyone up in a panic. He assured Bardock it was safe for him to go outside, which concerned everyone. After the entire crew had stared where the moon should've been, Bardock laughed.
"Bet Piccolo Jr. just learned the hard way what happens to a saiyan with a full moon." Bardock continued chuckling. Tien joined in, and soon, the whole squad was laughing.

1 month later: Timeskip!

"Well? Come at me!" Bardock taunted. Tien rushed at him while Krillin dove underneath Tien's legs. Yamcha and Chiaotzu tried getting behind him, and Yajirobe aimed for the head. Bardock grinned as he kicked Tien in the chest, then stepped on Krillin's hand. He jumped back and smacked Yamcha to the ground, then grabbed Yajirobe and hurled him at Chiaotzu. The Team was down. And Bardock stood tall.
"Come on! I know you can do better then that! You've got to be better then that if you want to survive two saiyans!" Bardock roared at his trainees. They rose to their feet and all prepared to charge once more.

Meanwhile, in Otherworld.

" this road....really is....long." Goku heaved. He had been running for about 5 months now. He stopped to catch his breath and looked to the trail ahead. To his surprise, it could see the end. He had done it! He had reached the end of Snake Way! But...there's nothing here....Goku stood on the top of the tail and looked around. He glanced upwards and saw a small planet floating far above the yellow clouds. Goku shrugged. Didn't see anywhere else to go. He leapt into the air, easily landing on the planet. The first thing Goku noticed was the gravity here was heavier then Earth's. Goku looked around the small planet.
He saw a yellow house, a red car, and a road that lead all around the planet.
"Umm...hello? King Kai?" Goku called out. A joyous voice answered.
"Hey! What do you call a blind doe?" It asked. Goku stared blankly in the direction the voice came from.
"No eye-deer! Hahahahaha!!!" The voice cackled. Goku began walking and quickly found the source. A short blue skinned man wearing sunglasses and a black hat was laughing far too hard. He stopped laughing when he saw Goku approach.
"What? Tough crowd? Ok, fine. Here's another one: Why can't a nose be 12 inches long? Because then it'd be a foot. Ahahahahahahah!" The man laughed again at his own joke.
"Ummm...King Kai? I came here for training." Goku asked, confused. King Kai glared at him.
"Well I don't think I can train someone without a sense of humor." King Kai said sternly. Goku stared at him in shock before gasping in laughter.
"Ahahahah!! That was hilarious! I get it!" Goku continued to fake laugh. King Kai seemed pleased.
"Alright, alright. I'll train you: if you can get me to laugh at a joke." King Kai said. Goku thought long and hard about a joke to make the Kai laugh.
'Hmmm....knock knock? Krillin? No...that's stupid....oh! This has got to work!' Goku cleared his throat and assumed a stance normally used for kaia shouts.
"What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? A stick!" Goku roared. King Kai was stunned for a moment, before he stifled a chuckle.
'Good. Now that he's off guard...'
"I SOLD MY CAR FOR GAS MONEY!!!" Goku yelled. King Kai stood silent for a moment, before falling over, laughing loudly.
"Ok, ok.. that was a good one. A deal's a deal. I shall now teach you my ultimate pun." King Kai finally stifled his laughter. Goku groaned.
"Puns are great and all, but I'd prefer if you taught me martial arts." Goku sighed. King Kai looked surprised by this.
"Oh! If you came here for martial arts, why didn't you say so?" King Kai asked.

Power Levels:
All post 5 months:
Bardock: 12,660
Goku: ????/Dead.
Gohan: 200
Tien: 700
Krillin: 660
Yamcha: 600
Yajirobe: 500
Chiaotzu: 350
Kami: 400
Mr. Popo: 1,200
King Kai: 3,500

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