Part 6: Arrival

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" we have a saiyan, a namekian, and two earthlings. I must say this planet sure has a tendency to attract intergalactic visitors. Really should get that fixed." The shorter saiyan said, eyeing over the entire party gathered before him. Bardock shook his head and scoffed.
"You sure do look like your old man. Then again, he had a pretty good beard. What, beard genetics skip you for your little brother?" Bardock asked with a chuckle. Vegeta's eye twitched.
"Silence you low class garbage! How dare you remind me of the shame I faced in having a peace loving saiyan for a brother!" Vegeta roared. Bardock laughed. No amount of visions could have prepared him for this. Sure, they were right about the royal bloodline carrying on. And the unmistakable hairline wasn't improving, that's for sure.
"Hey uh, Vegeta? Do you know this guy? He definitely wasn't an elite." The taller saiyan asked. Bardock groaned.
"Silence, Nappa! It's Bardock. Remember? We spoke with him over the scouters?"
"We did?"
"Dammit Nappa, just plant the saibamen." Vegeta ordered. Nappa reached into his...pocket? and pulled out a small jar. He planted six seeds into the ground. After mere seconds, six disgusting green abominations clawed onto the ground. They weren't tall, but looked menacing. Before anyone could make a move, Tien and Chiaotzu leapt next to the other warriors. Yamcha also appeared, but nobody was quite sure where from.
"Ch! Now they have us 7-6 against our Saibamen!" Nappa remarked. Vegeta turned his attention back to Bardock.

"So Bardock, mind explaining how you managed to live? After all, with so many of us dead, it seems odd that your entire family managed to survive." Vegeta heckled. Bardock grimaced.
"Don't you dare say that. Not all of us lived. I lost Gine dammit! But... are you really one to shove salt in that wound? After what happened to your mother?" Bardock asked, knowing exactly what he was asking for.
"YOU!!! *Hmmmm* *phooooo* No. No. It's fine. It doesn't bother me. That's it. I'm focused. I won't rise to the occasion." Vegeta struggled to keep his cool. Nappa cleared his throat.
"So uh... should they go one at a time?" He asked his saiyan companion. Vegeta shrugged, distracted.
"Might as well. Might make this more interesting." He said in a flat voice.
'Perfect! This can buy time for Kakarot!' Bardock grinned at the proposition. Tien stepped forward.
"I'll handle this." He said coldly. Vegeta laughed.
"You there! #4! Fight him! And don't hold back!" He ordered his plant-minion. #4 lumbered towards his opponent.
#4 leaped at Tien, who knocked him back with one hand. Tien sprinted at the Saibaman to attack, but the Saibaman spewed a green blast from his head, which Tien easily dodged. The green goop dissolved on the ground, proving itself to be acid. Tien, having dodged the blast, rammed his elbow into the Saibaman, who crumpled to the ground, forehead crushed. Tien turned and glared at the remaining 7 foes.
"Th-that's imposible! These all have power levels of 1,200!" Nappa exclaimed. Vegeta grunted, thrilled by his opponents.
"Use your head, moron. It means the earthling had a greater power level. Hmph!" Vegeta turned to the remaining 5 Saibamen.
"He died because he underestimated his opponent. You lot best not repeat that." He spat. Yamcha stepped forward.
"Don't worry guys; the Great Yamcha is here to save the day!" He exclaimed, flashing a bold smile and giving a thumbs up.
Saibaman #2 walked towards him. The two fighter traded glances, then both dashed towards each other. The two were fairly even. But as the Saibaman dove at Yamcha, he after-imaged behind him and slammed a kamehameha into him, sending him sprawling into the ground. Yamcha landed on the ground at the edge of the crater and smiled.
"That's what happens when you fight the Great Yamc-AH!" He screamed as Saibaman #2 tackled him and wrapped his limbs around him, before exploding violently. When the smoke cleared, the once Great Yamcha laid before them on the ground. He lay within a crater, never again to move.
Krillin ran to his body as everyone else stared in shock. Bardock ground his teeth. He had seen too many allies die in his lifetime.
"No! No! Yamcha! Noooo!!!" Krillin wailed while Vegeta only laughed
"I wanted to see an actual fight, not a tie!" Nappa complained.
Krillin turned, rage in his eyes. He put his arms together and yelled.
"DAMN YOU!" He pushed his arms forward and shot a huge yellow beam that moved...slowly, at least compared to most beams. The 4 Saibamen all dodged out of the way, but Krillin smirked and directed the beam upwards, where it then split into 6 smaller, significantly faster beams. 5 of these 6 beams hit their targets spot on. The two saiyans didn't even attempt to dodge. The final Saibaman, #3 made his last mistake and lunged towards Gohan, who had let his guard down. Bardock moved with incredible speed and grabbed its arm before hurtling him high into the sky, where he then chucked a Riot Javelin. And his aim was spot on. The group let out a collective sigh, but soon regretted it.
"Well? Are we ready for the true battle now?" Vegeta cackled as the smoke around him cleared, revealing that he and Nappa were both unharmed. Nappa stepped forward.
"Hehe! Let me at em! I'll kill em all!" Nappa growled. Vegeta sighed.
"Very well, Nappa." Vegeta sat down on a nearby rock. Nappa turned his full attention to the 6 that stood before him.

"Oh! One last thing, Bardock. Come here." Vegeta cackled. Bardock grit his teeth.
"And why should I?" Bardock asked. Vegeta looked amused by his answer.
"Because your prince demands it." He stated simply. Bardock stood his ground. Vegeta sighed.
"Fine then. I'll come to you!" Vegeta snapped of the rock and pushed Bardock back with tremendous speed. As soon as they left, Nappa began his attack.

A good distance away, Bardock faced off against the saiyan prince alone.
"What...the hell do you want?" Bardock panted, standing up.
"What the hell do you think? Did you really think I'd allow a low class warrior like you to embarrass me infront of a plethora of lower life forms?!" Vegeta asked angrily. Bardock stared at him blankly.
"What? Are you really getting your royal panties in a twist about that?" He asked, trying not to laugh.
"What?! N-No. Shut up!" Vegeta said, blushing furiously. Bardock let out a sigh.
"Wow. Your family never changes. So why drag me out here?" Bardock grumbled. Vegeta stared at him, an evil twinkle in his dark eyes.
"Aha! Finally getting down to it, are we? Hm, what I would expect from a low-class muscle head." Vegeta got laughed. Bardock shook his head, defeated.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Are you going to explain or what?" Bardock asked, voice full of annoyance. Vegeta grinned even more intensely then before.
"Well then, that's more like it. Do you know why Raditz came for Kakarot? We had a mission in mind, one that would require as much saiyan power as we could muster. That damned fool Nappa-" Vegeta was cut off by someone screaming loudly. Sounded like Tien.
"is a weak fool who I fully expect to die; by the hands of these earthlings or my own." Vegeta chuckled. Bardock couldn't lie, he was interested.
"And this saiyan power plan of yours?" Bardock asked, hoping to refocus him as a massive explosion went off in the distance.
"Hahaha! That's where it gets interesting. I'd like for you and your son to join me in a crusade. The goal of our crusade?
Step 1? Killing Frieza."

Power Levels-

Bardock: 12,800
Goku: ????
Gohan: 1,000
Piccolo Jr.: 3,800
Tien(disarmed): 1,400
Chiaotzu: 650/Dead.
Krillin: 1,840
Yamcha: 1,550/Dead.
Yajirobe: 1,010
Vegeta: 18,000
Nappa: 4,000
Saibaman #1: 1,200/Dead.
Saibaman #2: 1,200/Dead.
Saibaman #3: 1,200/Dead.
Saibaman #4: 1,200/Dead.
Saibaman #5: 1,200/Dead.
Saibaman #6: 1,200/Dead.

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